Transcript Lecture 20

CSC 205
Programming II
Lecture 20
Postfix Expressions
Recap: Stack
Stack features
Stack operations
Orderly linear structure
Access from one side only – top item
Push – add an item to top
Pop – remove the top item
Peek – get the content of the top item
Implementations and trade-offs
Array-based Implementation
Instance variables needed
Collection of data – Object[] items
Two auxiliary variables
• Number of items on stack – int numItems
• Stack capacity – int CAPACITY
Selected methods
Arithmetic Expressions
Three possible orders
Infix: operator in between operands
2 * (3 + 4)
• Widely used in normal presentation
• Parentheses needed to remove ambiguity
Prefix: operator proceeds operands
Postfix: operator following operands
Evaluating Expressions
2 * (3 + 4)  2 * (3 + 4)  2 * 7  14
* + 3 4 2  * + 3 4 2  * 7 2  14
2 3 4 + *  2 3 4 + *  2 7 *  14
Evaluating Postfix
Expressions Using Stack
Correct postfix expression
With arithmetic operators +, -, *, and / only
The algorithm
Initialize a stack
Read the next input while there is one
• If (the next input is a number)
• Push it onto the stack
• Else
• Pop two numbers off the stack
• Carry out the calculation & push the result onto the
Converting Infix to Postfix
It’s easier to evaluate postfix expressions
No need for a separate stack for operators:
an operator is consumed when encountered
Infix expressions can be converted into
equivalent postfix ones then be evaluated
Correct infix expression
+, -, *, and / only
Sample Expression 1
–fully parenthesized
(a – ((b + (c * d)) / e))
Converting Infix to Postfix
Notation – when fully parenthesized
Initialize a stack (for operators and parentheses)
Read the next input while there is one
If (the next input is a left parenthesis)
• Push it onto the stack
Else if (the next input is a number)
• Write it to the output
Else if (the next input is an operator)
• Push it onto the stack
• Pop and output the top item (an operator)
• Pop and discard the top item (a left parenthesis)
Sample Expression 2
– parenthesized as needed
a – (b + c * d) / e
Converting Infix to Postfix
Notation – using precedence rules
Initialize a stack (for operators and parentheses)
Read the next input while there is one
If (the next input is a left parenthesis)
• Push it onto the stack
Else if (the next input is a number)
• Write it to the output
Else if (the next input is an operator)
• Pop and print operators off the stack until
• Stack become empty
• The next item is a left parenthesis
• The next item is an operator of lower precedence
• Push the new operator onto stack
• Pop and output the top item (an operator)
• Pop and discard the top item (a left parenthesis)