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Science cannot be taught in isolation. For an effective learning
full advantage must be taken on the various correlations and
applications of science. Correlation means the relationship
between different subjects of the curriculum. It can be direct or
reciprocal. The development of mind can be achieved when the
person has got the ability to solve difficulties or practical
problems. To solve a practical difficulty combined knowledge of
physics and other branches of knowledge is necessary. The child
must know the importance between the different branches of
knowledge. To make them know the inter relationships, science
must be taught in schools in relation to other subjects. Then only
instructions in schools can be made efficient in solving practical
problems to be face in life situations.
Physical science must be taught in
correlation with other subjects. They
should be made to realize how the
different subjects in school curriculum
are mutually supplementary.
Correlation is of three kinds
Correlation within the subject.
 Correlation with other subjects.
 Correlation with life and environment.
Correlation of science with other
subjects can be of two types:
Incidental correlation.
 Systematic correlation.
It is a natural correlation. Correlation is secure by coordinating each topic with allied materials from other
subjects. This would mean a broad treatment of the
subject that brings about points of similarities between
science and other related subjects. The success of
incidental correlation depends on –
1. Wide Knowledge
2. Versatility of the science teacher.
Eg: A chemistry teacher teaching about oxygen, teacher
says about haemoglobin, carrier of oxygen and
mountaineers use oxygen carriers.
The syllabus in science must be organized with
those of other subjects that when the knowledge
of a scientific principle is needed in
understanding a topic like root pressure and
osmosis in other subjects like biology.
Systematic correlation can be effective only
when the teachers of different subjects cooperate and co-ordinate their work. This is
achieved by the careful planning of the
All the branches of science are interdependent upon each other and there are
number of facts and principles which are common to various science subjects. As a
result of this, new subjects like physical chemistry, bio-physics, Biochemistry,
Electrochemistry, Soil chemistry, etc. have been introduced. To illustrate a few
topics in hygiene that arise from various science subjects are given below.
 Physics:
Light – Light and health, Light and germs, Light and vitamins,
natural and artificial lighting.
The chemistry of foods, digestive system, vitamins,
chemistry of blood,
soap, hard and soft water detergents.
Developments structure and chief functions of the body breathing
and correlation of blood.
1. Correlation of Science and Mathematics
Mathematics is probably the sole language of science and
therefore a real understanding of science is impossible without adequate
knowledge of mathematics, algebraic equations, graph, geometry, calculus,
simple statistics are some of the useful tools of science. Even simple
measurements of area and space require the knowledge of mathematics.
Eg: Knowledge of trigonometrical ratios is very helpful in
mechanics and light.
2. Correlation of Science and Biology
The study of natural sciences such as Zoology, Botany and
Physiology owe to physics and chemistry to explain some common
Eg: Absorption and evaporation of water, assimilation of
food taken from the soil and atmosphere are explained by physics and
3. Correlation Of Science And Language
The pupils of science often have to write essays on scientific topics on
inventions and life history of scientists and notes on their laboratory
experiments. They could be encouraged to write in distinct lucid
language. Science and language teachers have equal responsibilities in
developing clear and accurate expressions. Science books on natural
history and biography are valuable contributions to literature and
provide excellent reading material.
4. Cor relation Of Science And Geog raphy
Physical geography is based on scientific principles so it can be
correlated with physical sciences. Facts of climates and seasons
depend on the elementary notions of scientific principles.
Instruments like barometer, rain gauge, sun dial, magnetic
needle, used by geographer are common to science also.
5. Correlation of Science and Histor y
It is useful to mention events in the world history which coincide with
important scientific discoveries. Certain important discoveries and inventions
to place in the reign of certain famous kings who patronized the scientists.
Eg: Archimedes and the king of Syracuse. Archimedes found a
solution to a problem when the king asked him to examine the
purity of his crown. Archimedes got the royal patronage in his
search for scientific truth.
6. Correlation of Science and Geolog y
Points common for both are different types of are mentioned below.
eg: 1. Different type rocks, minerals contained in it.
2. Weathering, metallurgy.
3. Meteorology – Scientific study of the exact
measurements of weather.
4. Water and Petroleum analysis.
7. Correlation of Science and
D r aw i n g
Science offers a vast scope for activities connected with art
and craft.
Eg: 1. Model making, Painting, Drawing can be encouraged in the
course of teaching science.
2. Drawing of charts diagrams, and pictures related to science.
8. Correlation of Science with Music and
In science a student get the knowledge f resonance, vibrating systems
in strings and their columns and musical scales which is quite useful
to him to undergo a study of music. In music the student comes
across various types of instruments and equipments which are based
on the principles of science.
Eg: Polishing articles of wood and metal, soldering can be
encouraged among the pupils.
Correlation of science with life and environment
Education is only a means to an end. All the subjects
are taught to fit children into life and held them
understand and appreciate it. Hence it is not the
isolated knowledge of different subjects but the
synthesized form that would be really useful to them.
By correlation, the relation between different subjects is
better brought about than when the subjects are
separately studied. By the use of correlation the pupil is
able to organize the different pieces of knowledge in a
well ordered system.
Theoretical base of teaching and pedagogical analysis
– Dr. T. K. Mathew and Dr. T. M. Mollykutty