Transcript Probability

Counting Principle
• You don’t have to write everything if you
explain your number sentence in words.
o Ex. 4 shirts x 2 pants = 8 outfits
• The eighth grade graduation party is being
catered. The caterers offer 4 appetizers, 3
salads, and 2 main courses for each eighth
grade student to choose for dinner. If the
caterers would like 48 different combinations
of dinners, how many desserts should they
A. -2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 1
What is the P(sum of 4)?
What is the P(sum of 7)?
6/52 = 3/26
This is a study guide question.
• Sprayberry High School requires all staff
members to have a 3-character computer
password that contains 1 letter followed by 2
numbers. Find the number of possible
passwords/outcomes. (not probability)
___ ___ ___ ___
__ x ___ x ___ x ___ = ________