Teaching children to calculate mentally

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Maths Curriculum Day
March 2015
Aims of this morning
 To share your child’s maths learning both inside and outside
To give you an opportunity to learn with your children
To provide an opportunity to see some of the activities your
children experience
Would you like to play a game?
Why is maths so important?
Life skill – to be numerate, to be lateral and logical thinkers and to be
able to solve problems
So at The Horsell Village School
Children acquire skills, knowledge and understanding
Children apply strategies
Children use maths to solve problems and investigate
Children are challenged to think, persevere and take risks
How do we learn?
We receive information in different ways and then process
 Visual
We also most importantly get stuck, smile and keep going
Practical Equipment
The children throughout Reception, Year 1 and 2 have a learning
experience rich in practical resources. They learn actively.
This learning is complimented by recording using informal jottings,
writing, pictures, diagrams in their maths books. This recording is an
extension of their thinking and links with all their experiences using
resources and practical equipment.
A huge array of resources
Learning at The Horsell Village School...
All our planning incorporates the children acquiring and developing
skills, knowledge and understanding in an active and engaging way
within purposeful tasks and activities that link to topics.
A toolkit
We teach children a variety of strategies
The ability and confidence to select and use the most
• Reliable
• Accurate
• Efficient strategy for them
Mental facts
Knowing and being able to manipulate a multitude of number facts is
crucial. An understanding of number, their size, what they are made
of, where they come in the number system is so important.
This knowledge is needed when using strategies and when calculating
using all 4 operations
This knowledge creates confidence
Addition Strategies
Number lines
23 + 12 =
= 20 + 3 + 10 + 2
= 30 + 5
= 35
36 + 25
= 30 + 6 + 20 + 5
= 50 + 11
= 61
Subtraction Strategies
Number lines
35 - 12 =
= 35 - 10 - 2
= 25 - 2
= 23
Multiplication Strategies
2 x 5 What does this mean?
It actually means:
2 lots of 5
2 sets of 5
2 groups of 5
Which can be represented by an array . . . . .
. . . . .
Division Strategies
10 ÷ 5 What does this mean?
It actually means:
10 shared into 5 equal groups
Maths is like a wall
We need to have solid foundations in order to build. If there are any cracks,
crumbly bits or missing bricks children will stumble.
How you can help your child at home
Practising number facts – number bonds, doubles, halves,
multiplication facts
Place value – looking at numbers, how many hundreds, tens and units
are there?
Reading and writing numbers
Playing cards and other number games
Telling the time
Shopping using real money
Measuring – sewing, DIY
Sharing out treats
A chance to see
Please take this opportunity to go and see some of the maths activities
and resources in the classrooms, in the hall and outside too and do ask
Thank you for coming