Transcript Document

FFMP Text Data on AWIPS
Where @@@ is your WSR-88D ID
FFMP file archiving
• ABR file is archived to hard disk on AWIPS for
current GMT day and previous day only.
• /data/fxa/radar/k@@@/ffmp/yyyymmdd +
yyyymmdd.index for a GMT day
• Index file holds the time for each volume scan.
• Date file holds the ABR data for each stream
(integer*2 data with a record length equal to 2
times the number of FFMP watersheds).
FFMP Basin Attributes
• /data/fxa/radar/k@@@/ffmp/basinList.dat
• Radar bins are numbered consecutively
from 0 to 82799 starting with radial 0.5
degrees. Bin 0 = 0.5 degrees at 0.5 km, bin
230 = 1.5 degrees at 0.5km, etc.
• First line in file is number of basins (5609)
• Basin ID number in FFMP display is
position in this file basin id =0 (2nd line), 1
(3rd line), 2 (4th line), 3 (5th line), etc.
• Pfafstetter ID
• Latitude/longitude of basin centroid
• Name of creek
First line is number of basins
Second line is data for watershed id=0
1st element (number of bins assigned)
Bin number for each assigned bin follows,
if 3 bins assigned to this stream, 3 bin
numbers will be listed.
• Last element: area of bin summation (km2)
Number of counties on first line
Two letter state
County name
County Fips code
Number of streams assigned to this county
List of Basin Ids assigned to this county
County assigned by MDL lat/lon of centroid