Transcript Fibonacci

Problem Solving and Thinking in
Engineering Programming
H. James de St. Germain
Understand the Problem
• The Fibonacci Series is of interest and
excitement to Mathematicians and
• The Series is:
– 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,…
• To calculate a Fibonacci Number simply
add the two previous numbers together.
• We always start with zero and one (0 and 1)
What is the Requirements
• High Level English Description (or
Pseudocode Version 1)
– Calculate and Display the first ‘X’ Fibonacci
Really Understand the Problem
Start with 0 and 1 (by definition)
Start of sequence is:
Add these two together: 1
Expanded sequence is:
Add last two numbers together
– 1+1 = 2
• Expanded sequence is:
• Add last two numbers together
– 1+2 = 3
• Expanded sequence is:
Do it by Hand!
0  add the first number
1  to the second number
1  to get the next number
Now What?
Do it by Hand!
1  now add this number
1  to this number
2  to get the next number
Now What?
Do it by Hand!
1  now add this number
2  to this number
3  to get the next number
Now What?
Do it by Hand!
2  now add this number
3  to this number
5  to get the next number
Now What?
Do it by Hand!
3  now add this number
5  to this number
8  to get the next number
Now What?
What does the Program
need to know at Each step?
3  now add this number
5  to this number
8  to get the next number
the previous number
the number before that
the current number
What happens at each step?
Pseudocode Version 2:
1. set the first number to 0
2. set the second number to 1
3. Add previous two numbers together to get current
4. repeat step 3 until done
– Are the “last two numbers” always the same?
Transform Repeat to While
1. Add previous two numbers together to get
current number
2. repeat step 1 until done
1. while not done
– Add previous two numbers together to get
current number
What informatino do we need to
“know” or “compute” at Each Step?
• 2nd Previous Number
• Previous Number
• Current Number
• We need VARIABLES to store each of
Create Variables for our Program
second_previous = 0;
previous = 1;
current_number = ????
current_number = second_previous + …
What happens at each step?
1. Add previous and 2nd previous numbers
to get the current Fibonacci number
2. Then update our “previous” variables to
contain the “new” previous numbers
– Question: Is the ordering of these two steps
– Is the ordering of the two operations in step
2 important?
Which of these produces the
correct values in our variables?
• Now is it:
– current = second_previous + previous;
– previous = current;
– second_previous = previous;
• Or is it:
– current = second_previous + previous;
– second_previous = previous;
– previous = current;
Lets Confirm our Understanding:
previous = 1, second_previous=1;
• Case 1:
– current = second_previous + previous;
– % current is assigned the value 2
– previous = current;
– % previous is assigned the value 2
– second_previous = previous;
– % second_previous is assigned the value 2
Lets Confirm our Understanding:
previous = 1, second_previous=1;
Case 2:
– current = second_previous + previous;
– % current is assigned the value 2
– second_previous = previous;
– % 2nd previous is assigned the value 1
– previous = current;
– % previuos is assigned the value 2
Pseudocode ( 3rd Version)
1. print “0,1”:
2. set the first two values to 0 and 1
3. While we haven’t reached our goal
1. add these values to get the next (or current)
2. print the current value:
3. update the previous two values
Onward to Code
fprintf(“0, 1, “);
second_previous = 0
previous = 1
current = previous + second_previous;
fprintf(“%d, ”, current);
Sample Code
second_previous = 0
previous = 1
current = previous + second_previous;
fprintf(“%d, ”, current);
second_previous = previous;
previous = current;
current = previous + second_previous;
fprintf(“%d, ”, current);
Sample Code
second_previous = 0
previous = 1
current = previous + second_previous;
fprintf(“%d, ”, current);
second_previous = previous;
previous = current;
current = previous + second_previous;
fprintf(“%d, ”, current);
second_previous = previous;
previous = current;
current = previous + second_previous;
fprintf(“%d, ”, current);
Sample Code
second_previous = 0
previous = 1
current = previous + second_previous;
fprintf(“%d, ”, current);
second_previous = previous;
previous = current;
current = previous + second_previous;
fprintf(“%d, ”, current);
second_previous = previous;
previous = current;
current = previous + second_previous;
fprintf(“%d, ”, current);
second_previous = previous;
previous = current;
current = previous + second_previous;
fprintf(“%d, ”, current);
second_previous = previous;
previous = current;
current = previous + second_previous;
fprintf(“%d, ”, current);
second_previous = previous;
previous = current;
current = previous + second_previous;
fprintf(“%d, ”, current);
second_previous = previous;
previous = current;
current = previous + second_previous;
fprintf(“%d, ”, current);
Seems like the same old same old,
over and over and over
• This implies that we want a loop!
• Remember: A Loop lets the computer do
things over and over again so we don’t
have to!
• What loop to use?
– For loop or While loop?
– Give a valid reason to use either!
While Loop
• while ( current < some large number)
– Use a while loop because we want all
Fibonacci numbers less than some number
FOR loop
• for ith_fib_number = 3:1000
– Use a for loop because we want the first 1000
Fibonacci numbers
Pseudocode (4th version)
Very Close to Code
• Set second_previous to 0
• Set previous to 1
• Starting with 3, go until ‘X’ (by ones)
– Current value is set to second_previous +
– Print current value
– Set second_previous to previous
– Set previous to current
second_previous = 0;
previous = 1;
fprintf(‘%d %d ‘, second_previous, previous);
for I = 3:total_fib_numbers
current = second_previous + previous;
fprintf(‘%d ‘, current);
second_previous = previous;
previous = current;
end % the for loop
• Is the variable I used in the loop?
– Nope! Its just a place holder.
for I = 3:total_fib_numbers
current = second_previous + previous;
fprintf(‘%d ‘, current);
second_previous = previous;
previous = current;
end % the for loop
• Are we calculating anything?
– Sort of, but when the program is over, does
the computer have anything it can use?
• Nope
• How would we write code to save these
– What data type?
Saving the values
• What would we do if we needed to save
the values instead of simply printing them
to the screen?
• Answer:
– Use an Array
– Note: now the variable I is important
New Code with Array
% Pre-allocate (save buckets for)
% enough space for all the numbers
fib_numbers = zeros(1,total_fib_numbers);
% Set up the first two fib numbers from memory
% (your memory)
fib_numbers(1) = 0;
fib_numbers(2) = 1;
New Code with Array
for i = 3:total_fib_numbers
fib_numbers(i) = fib_numbers(i-1) + …
end % for
% where did the previous and
% 2nd previous variables go?
What is wrong with this code?
fib_numbers = fib_numbers(i-1) + …
fib_numbers(i) = fib_numbers(i-1) + …
Notice the Update of the Array uses the “(i)” next to
the array variable
Let me Repeat!
• NEVER use:
array = 5 + 6;
• ALWAYS use:
array( position ) = 5 + 6;
You must always “index” into an array!
• How would we turn this code into a
– What are the inputs?
– What are the outputs?
Draw a Black Box
• You have 1 minutes to draw a black box
for this function
Function as Black Box
Fibonacci as Black Box
Array of
Compute the first “count” fibonacci
Comment Your Function
• You have 1 minute to write a brief
comment that would go at the top of your
.m file for the Fibonacci function
Function Comment
% array_of_fib_numbers = compute_fib(…
% Author: H. James de St. Germain
% Date: Fall 2007
% This function produces an array of the
% first “how many” Fibonacci Numbers
Function Design Pattern
• You have one minute to write the function
design pattern for this function
Function Design Pattern
function result_array = compute_fib( how_many )
result_array(1) = 0;
end %function
Function Code
• From your memory and your notes write
out the code for this function.
• … you have 1 minute….
• Pseudocode:
– set up first two values in array
– loop updating the “current” value based on the
previous two values
Function Code
function result_array = compute_fib( count )
result_array(1) = 0;
result_array(2) = 1;
for counter = 3 : count
result_array(counter) = …
result_array(counter-1) + …
end %for loop
end % function
How many…
semicolons (;s) in the function? Where?
function result_array = compute_fib( count )
result_array(1) = 0;
result_array(2) = 1;
for counter = 3 : count
result_array(counter) = …
result_array(counter-1) + …
end %for loop
end % function
How many…
fprintfs and input statements?
function result_array = compute_fib( count )
result_array(1) = 0;
result_array(2) = 1;
for counter = 3 : count
result_array(counter) = …
result_array(counter-1) + …
end % for loop
end % function
• use fprintf in a function
– unless told that the function “communicates”
with the user of the program
• use input in a function
– unless told that the function “recieves” input
from the user of the program
How many…
variables? (parameters, return variables, local
function result_array = compute_fib( count )
result_array(1) = 0;
result_array(2) = 1;
for counter = 3 : count
result_array(counter) = …
result_array(counter-1) + …
end % for loop
end % function
End Fibonacci
– Questions?