Transcript KD Relay

KD Relay
• Compensator distance
relay that provides a
single zone of phase
protection for all three
• It provides tripping for
phase to phase, two phase
to ground and three phase
faults within the reach
setting and sensitivity
level of the relay
KD Relay Construction
Cylinder Unit:
• Main function is to
operate when the angle
between two signal
applied is within
certain range.
• Widely used as a
directional unit and in
impedance relays.
KD Relay Construction
Cylinder Unit:
• T=KI1I2SIN(Ø12-Ø)-KS
• Where K and Ø are
design constants.
• Different combinations
of input quantities can be
used for different
applications, system
voltages or currents or
network voltages.
KD Relay Construction
• Designated as T
• Current to Voltage air
gap transformer.
• Voltage side has a tap
which divides the
winding in two sections.
• The output voltage angle
can be changed by
connecting a resistor
across one of the voltage
winding sections
KD Relay Construction
KD Relay
KD Relay
KD Relay
KD Relay
C3C Capacitor
KD Relay
Impedance Circle
KD Relay
Impedance Curve
KD Relay
Equations needed for testing
Z Setting 
1 M
Relay Setting
•Impedance measured by 3 phase unit
Zr 
3  IL
IL 
3 Z Setting
Used to find required test current
•Impedance measured by 2 phase unit
Zr 
2 IL
IL 
2  Z Setting
Used to find required test current
Tests Required
• Main tests required are the compensator
check, maximum torque angle and the
impedance test for 3 phase unit and phase to
phase units.