Transcript Command

It is very important to be polite when
traveling to other countries.
When addressing people, you may
need to suggest that they do
something, but it needs to sound
There is an easy way to do this in
Spanish: you use a formal command.
The Usted/ formal command is formed by:
taking the YO form of the verb,
dropping the O,
and adding the opposite ending in the present-tense,
third person singular:
For –AR verbs, drop the O and add E.
Ex: Hablar  Hablo 
For –ER / -IR verbs, drop the O and add A. Ex: Comer 
Como 
Señor Chavez, por favor entre el museo.
Mr. Chavez, please enter the museum.
To make these negative, just add “no” before
the command
No coma el pastel.
Do not eat the cake.
The Ustedes Command (plural) is formed by:
taking the YO form of the verb,
dropping the O,
and adding the opposite ending in the present-tense,
third person plural:
For –AR verbs, drop the O and add EN.
Ex: Hablar  Hablo 
For –ER / -IR verbs, drop the O and add AN.
Ex: Comer  Como 
Usted Command
Ustedes Command
Usted Command
Ustedes Command
1. (You formal) Work to live.
2. (All of you) Set the table.
3. (You formal) Have a good day.
4. (All of you) Do your homework.
5.Come back! (Usted,
6. Don’t fall asleep!
7. Have a snack. (usted)
8. Feed the cats! (ustedes, dar de comer a)
9. Bring a friend! (ustedes)
10. Don’t write letters. (usted)
11. Help our friend! (usted)
12. Go out with me. (usted)
That also applies here. If you are switching a verb that ends in
car, gar, zar, then :
Gar -> gue
Car -> que
Zar -> ce.
Almorzar = almuercen (all of you, have lunch)
All of you, take out the trash (sacar la basura) =
Saquen la basura
Look for the book (usted or ustedes) =
Busque / busquen el libro
Play the piano (usted or ustedes) =
Toque/ toquen el piano
I ought to study.
They should listen.
You ought to do your homework.
We should not wear more makeup.
He should use deodorant.
* Commands with Double Object Pronouns
* Form the Usted or Ustedes command as usual.
* For positive Usted/Ustedes commands, attach the IOP first,
then the DOP.
* Accent on the FOURTH to last syllable
* Example:
* Pedro va a recomendar las enchiladas a nosotros.
* Command: Pedro, recommend the enchiladas to us!
* Las enchiladas DOP = Las
* A nosotros IOP = Nos
* Recomiendo -> Recomiende
* Command + IOP plus DOP = Recomiendenoslas = accent
on 4th to last:
* Recomiéndenoslas = Recommend us them!
* Example:
* Pedro va a traer el menú a Susana.
* Command: Pedro, bring her the menu!
* El menú DOP =will become “lo.”
* A Susana IOP = would be LE, but since you will have a le
lo that’s NOT okay! Will become SE.
* Bring in YO form = Traigo, opp. Ending = Traiga.
* Traiga + (IOP)SE + (DOP) LO = Traigaselo, accent on 4th to
last =
* Tráigaselo.
* All of you, give the letter to my sisters!
* Command: Dar = den
* La carta DOP = _La__
* A mis hermanas IOP = __les becomes se____
* ____Dénsela______
* No 4th to last syllable, so you have to put it as far as it
can go!
* Tell me the truth (la verdad).
* Command = ___diga_____
* IOP and DOP = ___me and la_______
* __Dígamela_____
* Negative with Double Object Pronouns
* Form the Usted or Ustedes command as usual.
* For negative Usted/Ustedes commands, put
the NO first, then the IOP, then the DOP, THEN
the command.
* No accent needed!
* Don’t serve us the potatoes, don’t serve us them.
* Yo form of server = sirvo, drop the O, make it an A.
* Nos and Las will be your IOP and DOP
* ¡No nos las sirva!
* Don’t read him the story (el cuento).
* Leer -> lea
* Le and lo will be your IOP and DOP, but Le has
to become _______.
* ¡No se lo lea!
* Don’t buy her the chocolate.
* Command = __compre_
* IOP and DOP = le becomes se, lo
* Final answer = ¡No se lo compre!
* All of you, don’t teach the students the word.
* Command = ___enseñen__
* IOP and DOP= __les becomes se, la palabra = la_____
* Final answer = __No se la enseñen_____
* Don’t show the dog the food!
* Command = _muestre_____
* IOP and DOP = _se and la_____
* __¡ No se la muestre!______