Sentence Structure

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Transcript Sentence Structure

• What’s the difference between a part of
speech and a part of a sentence?
Sentence Structure
Subject Complements
Objects and Nominatives
Located throughout the sentence
• Adjectives
• Adverbs
• Prepositional phrases/objects
Linking Verbs
Sentence Structure
• Examples:
• The man kicked. (S AV)
• The man is a coach. (S LV PN)
• The man kicked the ball. (S AV DO)
• The young man kicked the ball. (Adj/S AV DO)
• The young man angrily kicked the ball. (Adj/S Adv/AV DO)
• The young man angrily kicked the ball down the road. (Adj/S
Subject Structure
Subjects and Verbs
Subjects and Verbs – Locate the subject and verb in each
Label the verb as either action or linking
1. You can teach many animals to do tricks.
2. Dogs will roll over for a treat.
3. Cats can learn very simple tricks.
4. As a trainer, your job is simple but time consuming.
5. Treats make good rewards for a job well done.
6. Pats are a good reward, also.
7. Hard work is needed to teach a pet.
Subject Structure
Predicate Nominatives
Linking Verbs and Predicate Nominatives
• Linking verbs link the subject to a noun in
the predicate.
Linking Verb
Her pet is a puppy.
Her pet is a feisty puppy.
Her pet in the cage is a puppy.
Predicate Nom.
Subject Structure
Predicate Nominatives
Locate the Subject and predicate nominative in
each of the following sentences.
1. The blue whale is the largest animal on earth.
2. Shrimp-like krill are its diet.
3. White-patched flippers are the mark of minke
4. Young whales quickly become hearty eaters.
5. Jamie is an international expert on whales.
Sentence Structure
Direct Objects
The object (noun or pronoun) in the predicate that
receives the action of the verb
Answers the question Whom? or What? after the
action verb.
Ex. 1 The family planted flowers.
• Planted What?
• DO= flowers
Ex. 2 They planted a garden by the fence.
• Planted What?
• DO= garden
Sentence Structure
Direct Objects
Locate the Direct Object in each of the following
sentences if it contains one:
1. We saw a film about the Turkish wreck.
2. The ancient ship sank around 1400 B.C.
3. Divers worked at a depth of 140 – 170 feet.
4. This old shipwreck held great treasures.
5. Excavators found supplies and royal cargo.
6. Eventually some six tons of copper appeared.
7. The ship carried ivory and amber.
Sentence Structure
Prepositions and their Objects
• Preposition – A word that shows the relationship between
a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence.
• Object of the preposition – The noun or the pronoun that
follows the preposition.
Jose’ placed his bag under his desk.
The president of our class did a great job.
Prepositions will ALWAYS have an object. If there is no
object, then there is NO PREPOSITION.
Sentence Structure
Prepositions and their Objects
Locate the preposition and its object in each sentence.
Not all sentences will have prepositions.
1. The players went home when the game was over.
2. The players jumped over the fence on the home.
3. I thought the game was over, but it suddenly went
into overtime.
4. Denise jumped over the last hurdle and won the race.
Sentence Structure
Adjectives and Adverbs
Adjectives – Modifies a noun or pronoun
Predicate adjectives – Follows a linking verb and
modifies the subject of the sentence.
One nervous actor forgot Juliet’s last name.
The director is imaginative and bold.
Unless after a linking verb….adjectives are ALWAYS next to the
noun/pronoun and they can be removed from the sentence.
Sentence Structure
Adjectives and Adverbs
Adverbs – Modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs
Answer the questions…
How, When, Where, To What Extent
Athletes vigorously train for the Olympic Games.
A very large crowd watched the skiing event.
We had waited quite patiently for the race to begin.
Hint: Adverbs can go pretty much anywhere in the
Sentence Structure
Adjectives and Adverbs
Label each highlighted word as either an adjective or
Many fans cheer loudly during the baseball game.
The new player reacted very quickly to the foul ball.
The team players respectfully saluted the flying flag.
The outfield player squinted quite badly from the
harsh glare of the afternoon sun.