Managing People By

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Managing People
‘Management problems always turn out to be people
A. What qualities and skills should a good manager
have? Choose the six most important from the list
to be a good manager you neet to :
1. Lake people
2. Enjoy working with others
3. Give orders
4. Listen to others
5. Make suggestions
6. Judge people’s abilities
7. Plan ahead
8. Be good with nombers
9. Make good presentation
10.Be persuasive
B. If you are managing people from different cultures,
what other qualities and skills do you need?
Verbs and Prepotition
A. Verb and preposition combination are often
usefulfor describing skills and personal qualities.
Match the verbs 1 to 7 wit the preposition and
phrases a) to g)
A good manager should:
1. Respond
2. Listen
3. Deal
4. Bealive
5. Delegate
6. Communicate
7. invest
a) In their employees’
abilities .
b) To a deputy as often as
c) To employees’ concerns
d) With colleagues clearly.
e) With problems quickly.
f) In reguler training courses
for employees.
g) To all suggestion from
B. Which do you think are the three most important qualities
in exercise A?
C. Some verbs combine with more than one proposition .
For example : ‘He reports to the marketing Director .’(to a
person) ‘The sales Manager reported on last month’s sales
figures .’ (on a thing ) say whether the following combine with
some one or some thing .
Someone or something
1. a) Report to
b) Report on
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. a) Apologise for
b) Apologise to
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. a) Talk to
b) Talk about
4. a) Agrue with
b) Argue with
D. Complete these sentences with suitable prepositions from
Exercise C.
1. I agreed ...... Her that we need to change our
marketing strtegy.
2. I talk ....... My boss every Monday at our reguler
3. We argued ..... Next year’s budget for over an
4. He apologised ....... Losing his temper.
5. We talked ......... Our financial problems for a long
6. The finance director argued......... Our managing
director over .
7. I apologised ........paula for giving her the wrong
8. Can we agree ......... The date of our next meeting?
E. Write three question using some of the verb and
proposition combinations
above. Then work in pairs ask
each other the qoustions.
Processing across culture
A. Many US manegers are sent abroad to work; some find it
diffcult to addapt to local conditions. What do you think
figure is?
1.Approximately 1 in 7
2. Approximately 1 in 5
3. Approximately 1 in 3
Now read the article and check your answer.
Answer these question about the article.
1. Why has the number of people working abroad inthecreased ?
2. Who did the following –the German manager in England or the
American manager in france?
a) He made staff stay inside the building at
b) He gave staff targets.
c) He had meals with each member of staff.
d) He stopped staff drinking during working
e) He seemed to be watching his staff.
He worked harder than other staff .
International Manager
IN RECENT YEARS, many companies have
expanded globally. They have done this trough
mergers, joint ventures and co-operation with
foreign companies. Because of this globalisations
trend, many more
5 employees are working abroad in managerial
positions or as part of a multicultural team.
although it is common nowadays for staff to
work abroad ro gain experience, many people
have difficilty adapting to the new culture. The
failure rate in US
10 multinationals is estimated to be as high as
30% and it cosst US busines $3 billion a year.
two typical failures have been described in the
journal management today. The first example
concerns a german manager with IBM who took
up a position as
15 product manager in England. He found that at
most lunchtimes and especially on fridays, many
members of staff went to the pub. ‘I stopped that
right away, he says, now they are not allowed off
the premises. It didn’t make me very popular ar
the time but it is not
20 good for efficiency. There is no way we would
do that in germany. No way.
the second example is about an American
manager who come to france on a management
assignment. He was unable to win the rust of his
staff although he
25 tried all kinds of ways to do so. He set
clear goals. Worked longer hours than
everybody, partticipated
in all the projects, visited people’s office and
even took employees out to lunch one by one.
But nothing seemed to work. This was
because the staff believed
30 strongly that the management were trying
to exploit them.
the german manager’s mistake was that he
hadn’t foreseen the culltural differences. IBM
hed afirm rule.
the american maneger used the ways he
hes familiar with to gian the staff’
them,he seemed more interesed in gitting the
job done thanin devel 40 oping personal
realitionship .by walking around and visiting
everyone in their offices,parhaps he give the
impresson thet he hes’cheking up’on staff.
Hissmanagerial approach strengthened ther
feeling of exploitation.
whent managers work in foreign
countries,they may find it difficult to
understand the behaviour opf their
employees.moreover, they may fine thet the
techniques which worked at home are not effecve
in their new wirkplace
C. Match workd’s from each colomn to make common word
combination.for exeple,odapt to a new culture.then
chack your answers in they article
1. Adap to
2. Take up
3. Set
4. Apply
5. Develop
a) Rules
b) Relationships
c) Gols
d) a Position
e) a new culture
Language review
Reported speech
There are number of ways to report what people say.
We often use say, tell, and ask to report speech.
‘The new job is challenging.’ She said (that) the new job was
• We use tell with an object.
‘The new job is challenging.’ She told her boss (that) the new job
was challenging.
• We use ask (with or without an object) to report question.
‘When do you want to start?’ Her boss asked (her) when she
wanted to start.
We usually make the following changed in reported speech.
The verb goes back one tense.
* Nouns and pronouns may change
‘May new sales team is difficult to manage.’ He said (that) his new
sales team is difficult to manage.
When we report things that are either very recent or generally true,
we often use
the same tense as the speakers.
‘I want to see Pierre.’ Pierre, Susan has just phoned and says she
wants to see you.
‘Training is important.’ He said (that) training is important.
A. Complete these sentences with the correct form of say or tell.
He said that he was finding it difficult to manage people.
He ..... me that he was finding it difficult to manage people.
She ...... him to improve his perfomance.
She ...... they would never agree.
My boss ..... me not to pay the invoice.
He ..... that he worked for General Electric.
Use say, tell and ask to report this dialogue between two
For example: Philip told Amanda/said (that) he wanted to
motivate the manager more.
: I want to motivate our managers more.
Amanda: Are you delegating tle less important decisions?
: I think so. And I’m making more time to listen to their
Amanda: That’s good. Respondinf to their ideas is really important.
: is the department investing enough in training?
Amanda: Yes, It is. This year’s budget is bigger than last year’s.
Socialising and entertraining
A. Socialising is an important part of good management.
When socialising business in your country, how
important are the following?
being on time
the way people dress
how you adsress people (first names or family names?)
giving gifts
shaking hands/kissing/hungging/rowing.