jugo de piña

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Transcript jugo de piña

Se prohibe usar teléfonos celulares en
la clase
• These are "impersonal expressions". In other
words, we don't really have anyone specific in mind
when we say "They say..." or "One" or " You". We
mean people in general. This is what we mean by
• Spanish has a slightly different format for
expressing this Impersonal voice. Spanish adds the
pronoun se in front of verbs to make general
statements. Impersonal voice using se will use a
singular verb since the se can be replaced by uno
How does one say "icecream" ¿Cómo se dice "helado" en
in Italian?
You say (one says) "gelato".
Se dice "gelato".
How do you spell "Valencia"?
¿Cómo se escribe "Valencia"?
Impersonal expressions don’t really have any specific person in
mind when they make general statements or questions about
what “they,” “one,” or “you,” do, but rather people in general.
That is what makes it impersonal. There is no subject nor is
there an outside agent acting on an object. You will use
impersonal expressions to find out how things are done
according to custom, rule, or general consensus. They are
helpful for asking for directions, how to say things properly,
what the rules are in a specific place, making general
statements, and so on.
You often see the impersonal se in signs,
advertisements, and directions.
These are statements in which the person
performing the action is not expressed or
Relaciona la oración con el símbolo:1. Se
prohíbe montar bicicleta, 2. se prohíbe jugar
deportes, 3.se prohíbe mascotas, 4.se
prohibe doblar a la derecha . Escribe en tu
cuaderno la respuesta
Note that the third person singular verb form is used with singular
nouns and the third person plural form is used with plural nouns:
Vamos a completar la actividad
del impersonal “se”
Impersonal se
¿Cómo se dice….?
Aquí en la clase se estudia
passive se
¿Dónde se vende pollo?
Se busca un mesero
joven y bilingüe
The Passive Voice in Spanish is normally formed
by using se + the third person singular or plural
conjugation of a verb, similar to what we did
with the Impersonal se. In Spanish there is not
a subject - identified or not!
2.¿Dónde se vende la carne?
La carnicería
El kiosko
¿Dónde se vende (sell) la piña?
La frutería
La heladería
3.¿Dónde se venden los pescados?
La verdulería
La pescadería
4.¿Dónde se venden los muebles?
La mueblería
El mercado
Passive Se
Generally, we use the passive voice to indicate what happened to the
object without saying who or what carried out the action. The object is
acted upon by an outside agent, which is not to be specified. You will only
use transitive verbs (verbs that require a direct object) in passive se
constructions and you will also mostly use non-living nouns and pronouns
as the object. It is not common to refer to people using the passive se.
Se comió la torta. (The cake was eaten.)
Se escribe el libro en español. (The book is written in Spanish.)
Se habla español aquí. (Spanish is spoken here.)
Se alquilan kayaks aquí. (Kayaks are rented here.)
Se venden carros usados hoy. (Used cars are being sold today.)
Se habla español en Uruguay. (They speak Spanish in
¿Cómo se va al teatro? (How does one get to the
Se escribe “pastel” p-a-s-t-e-l. (You spell “pastel” p-as-t-e-l.)
¿Cómo se dice “table” en español? (How do you say
“table” in Spanish?)
Se dice que va a llover. (They say it is going to rain.)
Tortilla de patatas
• 3 o 4 papas grande
• 1 tasa de aceite de oliva
• 6 o 7 huevos grandes
• Sal y pimienta al gusto
• Un pedazo de pimiento
• Una cucharita de leche
Let’s go over the key
instructions in Spanish
with se + verb (in the
present tense in third
person singular or
plural.) Notice that the
English instructions are
given as imperatives
while the in Spanish
the instructions use
the impersonal/passive
se construction.
A. Se cortan las patatas
muy finas
B. Se fríen las patatas
C. Se sacan
D. Se escurren
E. Se baten los huevos.
F. Se mezclan las patatas
y la cebolla con el
G. Se da la vuelta a la
H. ¡Se come!
A. Cut the potatoes
B. Fry the potatoes
C. Take them out
D. Drain them.
E. Beat the eggs
F. Mix the potatoes
and onions with the
G. Flip the tortilla
H. Let´s eat it!
Salsa de guacamole
Receta de salsa guacamole
• Ingredientes:
• 3 aguacates maduros
• 1 tomate
• ½ cebolla dorada
• limón
• 1 diente de ajo
• sal y pimienta (opcional)
Se sacan tres aguacates
B. se pelan;
C. se les saca las semillas;
D. se pican los aguacates y se
ponen en un plato hondo;
E. se amasan con un tenedor;
F. se pica un tomate y se agrega
al plato de los aguacates;
G. se pica media cebolla y se
agrega a la mezcla;
H. se pone un poco de jugo de
limón y ajo picado;
I. se sirve el guacamole con
J. ¡Buen provecho!
A. Take Three avocados .
B. Peel the avocados
C. Take out the seed
D. Chop and put it into a
E. mash with a fork
F. Tomato is chopped and
added to the avocado
G. Chop half an onion and
add to the mixture
H. Put a little lemon juice and
chopped garlic
I. Guacamole served with
J. Bon Appetite!
Tarea :
1. Para el lunes :Haz un afiche pequeño con tres reglas
muy creativas para la clase de español o para la
escuela Myer Park con el impersonal “se” haz
2. Para el lunes :Escribe una historia en pretérito con
los siguientes verbos : Traer, ir, ser, estar , querer,
gustar, servir, pedir,preferir en preterito. Usa
vocabulario de la unidad II y conectores( primero ,y,
pero, tambien, ademas, luego, finalmente)
3. En grupo para el miércoles escribe una receta simple
usando pasivo “se”. indica los ingredientes y el
procedimiento.Haz dibujos