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Name: ___________________________________________
Hör verstehen: (______/10)
Mark whether you hear a “du”, an “ihr” or a “Sie” command.
Wer sagt das? Markiere „S“ für Schuler oder „L“ for Lehrer.
 Schuler  Lehrer
Grammatik: (________/6)
Ergänze mit „im“, „am“ oder „um“.
Write the following words as commands. Be aware that in some cases you will have to put some words into the accusative.
Schreib diese in die Befehlsform! (Write the sentences as a command!) (______/12)
Put the following words into complete German sentences using helping verbs! Conjugate the verb and watch word order.
Using the vocabulary listed, tell me two (2) things you “should” do at home and two (2) things that you “have to/must” do. You
must also tell me when you do them. In each of your statements you must tell me either on what day, at what time or in what
month you do “it”. You should have a total of four (4) sentences, each with a helping verb and a time element. (________/12)
Now tell your brother to do some of the chores! Give him 2 commands! You may not reuse any of the verbs! (______/4)
Grammatik: (________/6)
• Ergänze mit „im“, „am“ oder „um“.
7. Ich gehe in die Schule _____________ September.
8. Die Schule beginnt ____________ 1sten September
9. _________ Viertel nach sieben.
• Write the following words as commands. Be aware that in some cases you will
have to put some words into the accusative. (______/16)
10. (du) gehen/ nach Hause
11. (ihr) essen/ Pizza
12. (Sie) trinken/ Kaffee (m)
• Schreib diese in die Befehlsform! (Write the sentences as a command!)
(______/12) You should write this -> Write this!
13. Frau Hart, Sie sollen nicht schreien.
14. Peter, du sollst in deinem Stuhl sitzen.
15. Klasse, ihr sollt weinen.
• Conjugate any 2 of the following: müssen, können, dürfen, wollen
• Put the following words into complete German sentences using
helping verbs! Conjugate the verb and watch word order.
17.wir/ nach der Schule/ essen/ sollen
18.Thomas/ müssen/auf*räumen/ das Zimmer
19.Ich/ den Tisch/ können/ nicht/ decken
• Using the vocabulary listed, tell me two (2) things you “should” do
at home and two (2) things that you “have to/must” do. You must
also tell me when you do them. In each of your statements you
must tell me either on what day, at what time or in what month you
do “it”. You should have a total of four (4) sentences, each with a
helping verb and a time element. (________/12)
Bett decken/ staubsaugen/ den Hund füttern/ den Rasen mähen/
Abendessen kochen/ Hausaufgaben machen
Now tell your brother to do some of the chores! Give him 2
commands! You may not reuse any of the verbs! (______/4)