Transcript Pouvoir

Est-ce que je peux…?
Asking for something/offering
to help.
Can I…?
• Can is an example of a modal verb. A modal
verb is a verb that always has to be used with
another verb. All languages have modal verbs!
Can you think (the other verb!!!) of any other
modal verbs?
• How do we say Can I… in French?
• After this, you have to use the INFINITIVE
of the verb. What’s the infinitive?
Pouvoir – to be able to (can)
• This is a very important verb! It is
IRREGULAR. That means it doesn’t
follow any rules for making verbs. This
is how it is conjugated (changed
according to who you are talking about):
Je peux = I can
Tu peux = You can (1 person, informal)
Il/Elle/On peut = He /She/One can
Nous pouvons = We can
Vous pouvez = You can (1 person formal,
• Ils/Elles peuvent = They can
Asking questions
• There are 3 ways to ask a question in
• 1) Put “Est-ce que” on the front: Est-ce
que je peux…?
• 2) Swap around the verb and the subject:
Je peux becomes Peux-je…?
• 3) Raise the tone of your voice at the end:
Je peux avoir un sandwich?