Daily Warm Ups

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Spelling and Phonics
List 3-4 words with the suffix.
Root: ject = to throw
Underline the root, the write the
1. adjective2. conjecture3. dejected4. eject5. injected-
Grammar and Usage
Underline the verbs. Write the verb
1. I protected my books from
the rain.
2. We will meet my friend at
the movies.
3. Nora looks for her cat under
the bed every night.
4. I always guess the correct
number of jelly beans.
Which phrase does not describe
tropical places?
a. Containing rain-forest
b. Near polar regions
c. Having warm temperatures
d. Near the equator
* Antonym of tropical:
A __ __ __ __ C
Poetry 
“slithy = lithe and slimy.
Can you guess what the other
portmanteau words in the poem
Try to write your own
portmanteau words.
Lewis Carroll invented portmanteau
word from Alice in Wonderland. It is
a kind of suitcase.
From a “Jabberwocky” to Alice‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
Spelling (/ā/ /ă/ /ī/ /ĭ/)
Show syllables and accents.
1. Explain
2. Uncertain
3. Claims
4. Rascal
5. Unpack
6. Raisin
Writer's Secret
Find and rewrite a sentence
with a coordinating and
subordinate conjunction
(coord. conj: FANBOYS- for,
and, nor, but, yet, or, so AND
subord. conj.- introduce
clauses: after, although, as,
because, before, if, since,
though, unless, until, when,
whenever, where, wherever,
1. What is a projection map?
2. Does the Mercator projection more
accurately show the size, shape, or the
location of the continents on a map?
Commonly Confused Words
1. Shana would not let the morose
mood of the others (affect, effect) her
cheery disposition.
2. Greg was careful not to (advice,
advise) Peter about next year’s course
3. Later, I felt (bad, badly) about the
fact that I (appraised, apprised)
Jermaine of his surprise party.
4. Jenny (assayed, essayed) the value
of the Internet for research purposes in
her informative (assay, essay).
Spelling and Grammar
If a word ends with a silent e,
drop the e before adding a
suffix that begins with a vowel.
Write 3-4 words that follow
this rule.
Daily RevUps Week 7
Spelling and Phonics
List 3-4 words with the suffix.
Underline the root, the write
the definition.
1. interjection2. project3. projectile4. reject-
Spelling (/ā/ /ă/ /ī/ /ĭ/)
Grammar and Usage
Underline the verbs. Write the verb tense.
Show syllables and accents.
1. I ate breakfast early this morning.
2. I grabbed the last peanut butter
3. Gophers dig holes in our
4. We crawled under the picket
5. My dog once chewed through a
plastic ball.
1. Exact
2. Contain
3. Standard
4. Margin
5. Exclaim
6. Bargain
1. Do the land areas around the North
and South Poles appear smaller or
larger in size than they really are?
Add the words to the word web.
Writer's Secret
Commonly Confused Words
*Six members of the air squadron at
the air force 1.(base, bass) in
Colorado were on leave. They
decided to go backpacking. On the
way to their campsite, they became
aware of the 2.(base, bass) call of
wild animals. Jed, who sang 3.(base,
bass) in the at the 4.(base, bass), tried
* Antonyms of humid:
Grammar and Usage
Add an ‘ and an s to most singular nouns to
form a possessive. When the N ends with a s
or z sound, add an ‘ to form the possessive.
When a singular N is just 1 syllable, add an
‘s. Add the correct apostrophe.
1. Lucas cookie is sitting on his desk.
2. Lucas sister cookie is in her
2. Which continent appears much
wider than it really is compared to the
other continents?
Base (n)- the bottom of anything
Base (v)- to make or form a foundation for;
as fact; place
Bass (adj)- in music– low in pitch
Think of a short sentence that
you heard someone say to you
yesterday (7-10 words long).
Write it down so it fits onto 1
line. That’s the first line of
your poem. The rest of the
poem is how it made you feel
or what you said.
to imitate the animals, but his voice
was far too deep.
3. One cookie is in William
4. Another cookie is in Ross
5. Lucas mother legs are
Daily RevUps Week 7
Spelling and Phonics
List 3-4 words with the suffix.
Grammar and Usage
Write a sentence for each tense of the
verbs below.
Present: I mow the lawn every
week for my day.
Adjective, dejected, eject,
project, projectile, reject
1. Jon failed the English test
because he didn’t know that an
___ describes a noun.
2. He sometimes felt ___ when
he received a bad grade on a
3. However, when his father
asked him to work on a science
___, he cheered up.
Is a canopy in a rain forest near
the tops of the trees or near the
4. Working with his dad was not
an opportunity Jon wanted to
Take your first line from
yesterday and write it so that it
takes up 2 lines. The line should
‘break’ at the point where the
speaker might have paused. It
alters the way it sounds or reads.
Finish the new poem. How do
the tone and feel of the poem
change? Is it very different?
Spelling (/ā/ /ă/ /ī/ /ĭ/)
Show syllables and accents.
1. Chamber
2. Obtain
3. Raid
4. Vain
5. attain
Writer's Secret
Find and rewrite 2-3 sentences
with coord. and subord.
Spelling and Grammar
Add a suffix to these words.
1. Hurry (make a past tense
2. Lady (make it plural)
3. Beauty (change it to an adj)
4. Happy (change it to a N)
1. Which continent includes the
coordinates of 45°N latitude, 115°E
2. Estimate the coordinates for the
southern tip of Africa.
Commonly Confused Words
Base (adj)- serving or forming as a base;
Bass (n)- a kind of fish
The next day, they went fishing for
1.(base, bass). When they reached the
2.(base, bass) of the river, they
noticed storm clouds forming, but
they ignored the warning because the
temptation to catch a large 3.(base,
bass) was too strong. Suddenly,
Jerome let out a roar and uttered
some 4.(base, bass) remarks-- he had
just been stung by a hornet. Then
lightening struck and the men
decided to return to 5.(base, bass) to
escape further trouble.
Daily RevUps Week 7
Spelling and Phonics
List 3-4 words with the suffix.
Root: flu = to flow
Underline the root and write the
1. affluent2. fluctuate3. fluid4. fluent5. flume-
Grammar and Usage
Write a sentence for each tense
of the verbs below.
Future: I will climb the tallest
oak tree tomorrow.
Spelling (/ā/ /ă/ /ī/ /ĭ/)
Show syllables and accents.
1. Entertain
2. Staff
3. Explained
4. Attained
5. entertainer
1.Name all the labeled land and
water areas that the equator
Which part of a tree is its
a. The bark
b. The branches
c. The leaves
d. The roots
Writer's Secret
Commonly Confused Words
Find a passage and sort 3-4
different sentences with coord.
and subord. conjunctions.
* Describe the foliage of a
healthy plant:
Use the same line you started
your poems with from the past 2
days. This time, write it on at
least 2 lines, or more, and try to
make the breaks in places that
aren’t natural. Finish the poem.
Maybe the poem is all ‘chopped’
2. The equator and the prime
meridian meet in which ocean?
Which continent is closest to this
Because (conj)- for the reason that
Since (conj)- in view of the fact that
1. I was tardy today (because,
since) I missed the bus.
2. Julia decided to see the doctor
(because, since) she had health
3. Sam’s poodle shies away from
other dogs (because, since) she was
bitten when she was a puppy.
Spelling and Grammar
Add a suffix and fix the spelling.
1. Prefer:
2. Forget
3. Refer
4. Admit
Daily RevUps Week 7
Spelling and Phonics
Add the suffix –ible or –able to each
1. compare
2. Reverse
3. Honor
4. Imagine
5. Sense
6. profit
Underline the root and write the
1. flush2. influx3. Mellifluous
4. superfluous-
Grammar and Usage
Write a sentence for each tense
of the verbs below.
1. Present:
Past: We moved into this house
five years ago.
What does the word buttresses
mean in the following sentence?
We noticed sturdy buttresses
growing between the roots and
the trunks of some rain forest
Simile = comparison with ‘as or
like’. Fill in the blanks.
1. The shirt was as soft as ____
2. I wanted to yell at him like
3. She danced as if ____
4. The coat felt like _____
5. The noise got on my nerves
like _____
Spelling (/ā/ /ă/ /ī/ /ĭ/)
Show syllables and accents.
1. Unpacked
2. Container
3. Raisins
4. Rascals
5. raided
1. Which state of the USA includes
the coordinates 20°N latitude, 158°W
Writer‘s Secret
Commonly Confused Words
1. I have enjoyed sailing ever
(because, since) I took a lesson at the
local yacht club.
2. Maurice didn’t pass the test
(because, since) he didn’t study.
3. (Because, Since) we had already
purchased the tickets, we decided to
take time for dinner before the
4. (Because, Since) he joined the
hockey team, my brother has been
doing nothing but skating backward.
Write your own sentence(s)
using coord. and subord.
Spelling and Grammar
An appositive renames or
explains a N/pronoun and
are usually set off by
Write 3-4 sentences with
appositives. Highlight the
appositive, underline the
word or words they describe.
Circle the commas.
2. Which country includes that
coordinates 20°N latitude, 105°W
Daily RevUps Week 7
• Research more about a
tropical rain forest.
Create a list that has a
question about a rain
forest and then give
answer the question. You
may use words: tropical,
humid, canopy, foliage,
• Locate a Mercator and
Robinson map
displaying Australia and
Greenland. Which
projection shows the
size of both continents
more accurately?
Daily RevUps Week 7