Jordan -

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Transcript Jordan -

The Hashemite Kingdom
Of Jordan
Noor Smadi ,
Duaa Ekram –Haya -Garam
First Secondary Class (A).
To talk about the system of government
In Jordan using appropnate vocabulary.
2) To talk about the system of government
In Jordan through answering the comprehension
3) To use the definite article (the) correctly.
4) To use the frequency adverbs correctly .
Jordan is governed by a parliament and a
Constitutional hereditary monarch . Under the
Constitution the King is the Head of the State
and is vested with wide powers which he
exercises through three state authorities :
the Legislative, the Executive and the Judicial.
Constitution : system of governmentMonarchy : related to king.
Parliament: The place where the
deputies discuss matters .
Executive: carrying out decisions, lawsDecrees , etc.
Judicial: of or by a court of justice. -Legislative: low – making.
1-What does the parliament consists of?
Answer 1
2-Who appoints the members of the
Senate ?
3-What is the function of the Judicial
Power ?
4-What does the constitution guarantees?
1-The parliament consists of
tow Houses : the senate( or
the Upper House) and the
House of Deputies (or the
Lower House )
2-Members of the Senate are
appointed by the King
3-Its essential function is to
administer justice to all citizens by
deciding on disputes submitted to
4-The Constitution which
includes the Bill of Rights ,
guarantees equal rights to all
citizens imposes equal
opportunities in education and
Article Usage
The definite article “the” is used for all (1
noun classes and presupposes previous
mention of the noun .
e.g The cabinet … controls the government.
2) The indefinite article “a”_”an” is used for
singular countable nouns that have not
been previously mentioned.
e.g Jordan is governed by parliament and a
constitutional hereditary monarchy.
3) The “zero” article is used with plural
countable noun and with uncountable nouns.
e.g The appointment of Ministers .
4) The definite article “The” is used when the
noun is post modified by an of – phrase .
e.g. He likes the mountain of Mo’ab .
The history of the Arabs is interesting .(post –
Frequency adverbs
When we describe systems we often need
frequency adverbs.
e.g The opposition often votes against the
The position of frequency adverbs must be
After the verb “to be” whether it is a main (1
verb or an auxiliary:
e.g. He is always late.
2) After other auxiliaries:
e.g. we had never seen him before .
3) Before simple present and simple past
e.g. Heads of State sometimes appoint the
Prime Minister.