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: G0134 – Grammar III
: 2005
: revisi 1
Pertemuan 24
Forming the Passive
Learning Outcomes
Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa
akan mampu :
• Menuliskan kalimat-kalimat pasif dengan
Outline Materi
• Passive Form
• Reasons for using the passive
• The agent
The Passive
• The passive is formed by using the verb to
be + past participle:
• Active: The police officer saw the robber at
the airport.
• Passive: The robber was seen at the
The Passive
When the passive is used ?
The passive is used quite often in
English, both in speech and writing.
• We use passive when:
1. We don’t know who or what did
something: My bicycle’s been stolen.
(Someone has stolen my bicycle)
2. The action is more important that who
did it: Income tax was introduced in
England in 1798.
The Passive
3. it is obvious who or what did something:
The thief’s been arrested.
• We can use by + person / thing to show
who does the action if this information is
important: The robber was seen by the
police officer. (=The police officer saw
the robber)/
The Passive
Verbs with two objects
Sometimes an active verb (e.g. give) has two
objects: A witness gave the police some
information or A witness gave some
information to the police.
• Either object can be the subject of a passive
1. The police were given some information by a
witness. Or
2. Some information was given to the police by a
The Passive
• We follow verbs such as cover with by, in or
with: Its body was covered by / in / with flies.
• In particular, we mention the agent when we add
information about it in the next part of the
sentence: The car had been driven by my
younger brother who didn’t have a driving
• We do not mention the agent when we want to
hide the information or we want to avoid taking
responsibility for an action: I’ve been told not to
say anything.