Quoted & Reported Speech - YP3-Research

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Noun Clause --Quoted & Reported Speech
Quoted Speech (Direct Speech )
Reported Speech (Indirect Speech)
Quoted Speech
Quoted Speech
Inside the quotation marks.
e.g. 1. She said,
“ My friend is a YUELI student.”
2. “My friend is a YUELI student,” she said.
3. “My friend,” she said , “ is a YUELI
student .”
Quoted Speech---Differences
“My friend is a YUELI student,” she said.
“My friend is a YUELI student,” said Yang.
Need comma
“My friend is a YUELI student,” she said.
No comma
“Where is my friend?” she asked.
Quoted Speech
Quoting more than one sentence
“My brother is a student,” she said. “He is attending
a university.”
Reported Speech
No quotation marks
Verb forms
“tell” VS “say”
Reported Speech
1. “I am watching TV.”
She said she was watching TV.
“I watched TV.”
She said she had watched TV.
No “…”
Reported Speech
e.g. No Change
1. should, might, ought to
“I should watch TV.”
She said she should watch TV.
2. A general truth
“The word is round.”
She said the word is round.
Reported Speech
e.g. No Change
3. Reporting Verb
“I watch TV every day.”
She says she watches TV every day.
She has said that she watches TV every day.
She will say that she watches TV every day.
Reported Speech
Tell VS Say Imperative
e.g. “Watch TV.”
She told me to watch TV.
He told me he would be late.
He said he would be late.
He said to me he
Noun Clauses & The Subjunctive
Subjunctive verb
simple form
present, past, future forms
singular & plural
Stress the importance or urgency
Noun Clauses & The Subjunctive
1.The teacher demands that we be on time.
2.I insist that he pay me the money.
3.I recommended that she not go to school.
4.It is important that they be told the truth.
Noun Clauses & The Subjunctive
I suggested that she see a doctor.
I suggested that she should see a doctor.
Common verbs
advise, ask, demand, insist, propose, recommend,
request, suggest ……
Noun Clauses & -ever words
-ever words
the idea of any
whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever,
whoever, whomever, however
Noun Clauses & -ever words
e.g. 1.You may dress however you please.
2. You may leave whenever you want.
AmE: rare & very formal
He makes friends easily with whomever he meets.
He makes friends easily with whoever he meets. (BrE)
Azar, B.S. (2002). Understanding and Using
English Grammar. 3rd Ed. NY: Pearson
Education, Longman. PP239-266
Noun clause
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