Clause Types - Life Servant

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Transcript Clause Types - Life Servant

Clause Types
Independent & Dependent … and …
Let’s start with a simple sentence…
I bought a book.
This sentence has the three basic elements
required of either a simple sentence or a
Subject = I
Verb = bought
Object = a book
Now, let’s add another clause …
While my mother drank her coffee,
I bought a book.
Now we have a two clause sentence, but these clauses are
not the same.
The original clause I bought a book can stand on its
own as a simple sentence. It expresses a complete
thought by itself. Therefore, it is called an independent
Independent Clause (IC)
An independent clause is a
S + V / O bject
or C omplement
or A dverbial
unit that expresses a complete thought and could
stand on its own as a simple sentence.
Whether you find an independent clause by itself as a
simple sentence or joined with other clauses, you
will be able to identify it because it:
is a S+V/ unit that
expresses a complete thought
But what about the other clause?
While my mother drank her coffee,
I bought a book.
If we only consider the first clause,
while my
mother drank her coffee, we are left with a
question in our minds, “What happened while your
mother drank her coffee?!”
This clause can not stand on its own as a simple
sentence. It requires another clause to a complete its
meaning. Therefore, it is called an dependent clause.
Dependent Clause (DC)
A dependent clause is a
S + V / O bject
or C omplement
or A dverbial
unit that does not express a complete thought and
can not stand on its own as a simple sentence.
A dependent clause must always be connected to an
independent clause. You will be able to identify it
because it:
 is a S+V/ unit that
 does not express a complete thought on
its own
Dependent Clauses
There are
3 different types of dependent clauses.
• Noun Clause (NC)
• Adjective Clause (AdjC)
• Adverb Clause (AdvC)
Noun Clause (NC)
[S+V/] that acts like a noun
• Example: I think [you are sick].
Objects are nouns; this entire
clause acts like a singular noun,
so it is a noun clause.
• NCs usually follow verbs as objects or complements
•“Answers” the question “What?”
• Example:
• Q: What do you think?
• A: I think Spiderman is the best superhero.
Noun Clause (NC) -- continued
• NCs can begin with “that”
• “that” is a subordinating conjunction that
• joins it to an IC
• makes the clause it begins depend on the
IC to complete its meaning.
• “that” is often omitted by native speakers:
• Example:
is the
I Ithink
is the
Adjective Clause (AdjC)
[S+V/] that acts like an adjective
• Example: The story [that
am reading]
reading] is sad.
[that I am
This entire clause acts like an
adjective, so it is an adjective
• AdjCs follow nouns
• Often start with relative pronouns
• but the relative pronoun can be omitted
• if the clause has another noun to serve as
the subject
•EX: The story [I am reading]is sad.
Adverb Clause (AdvC)
[S+V/] that acts like an adverb
• Example: [After we drove to the mall] , we looked
for a bookstore.
This clause gives information
about how or why the action
happened, so it acts like an
• AdvCs always begin with a subordinating conjunction
• after
even though