The Writing Skills Workshop -

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Grammar Skills
Prepared by
copyright © 2001
Parts of Speech
Nouns name persons, places, or things.
Verbs show action or existence.
Pronouns serve as noun substitutes.
Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns.
Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.
Conjunctions join words or groups of words.
Prepositions form phrases with nouns and pronouns.
Sentence Structure
Complete sentences have a subject and verb, and express a
complete thought.
Fragments are incomplete sentences.
Run-ons are complete thoughts joined together without
correct punctuation.
Comma splices are run-on sentences with a comma between
the complete thoughts.
Independent and Dependent Clauses
An independent clause is a group of words that express
a complete thought.
Coordinating conjunctions include and, but, or, nor, for.
A dependent clause is a group of words with a subject
and verb that doesn’t express a complete thought.
Subordinating conjunctions include after, although,
because, unless, when, while.
Types of Pronouns
Subjective ( I ) and objective ( me )
Compound ( myself )
Possessive ( my, mine )
Collective ( its, their )
Indefinite ( everyone, something )
Verbs -- Terms
Tense = time of the action
Agreement = subject and verb relate same number
Conditional = contrary to reality ( If I were . . . )
Adjectives and Adverbs -- Terms
Definite and Indefinite articles = the, a, an
Double negative = two negative words to express one
negative idea
Use the Apostrophe
With possessive nouns
add ’s to singular names
add ’ only to plural nouns ending in s
add ’s to plural nouns not ending in s
In contractions
add ’ where the letters are omitted
With plurals of numbers and words
add ’s
Use the Comma
Between the items in a series of three or more
Between two or more adjectives when and is omitted
but understood
Between two independent thought joined by and, but,
or, nor, for
After an introductory clause
To set off a parenthetical expression
To set off states, dates, and abbreviations with names
Other Punctuation Marks
Use the Semicolon
To join two complete thought not joined by and,
but, or, nor, for
Between the items in a series when the items
have internal commas
Use the Colon
After a complete thought when a single word, a
listing, or a second complete thought follows
Use the Dash
To set off an abrupt interruption with a sentence
To set off a parenthetical expression that contains
After a series that comes before a complete thought
Use the Hyphen
To spell certain words ( twenty-one )
To join two or more words as a compound adjective
To divide words at the end of a line
Common Sentence Faults
Fragments, run-ons, and comma splices
Dangling and misplaced modifiers
Non-parallel construction
Overuse of passive (indirect) verbs
Punctuation Basics
Sentence . Sentence
Sentence : word, phrase, series, sentence
Sentence ; sentence
Dependent clause , sentence
Series a, b, and c
Parenthetical, such as an example, phrase
or clause
English Verbs
Voice -- Use active voice.
Tense -- Use present and past tense.
Mood -- Use imperative and indicative mood.
Shorter, simple sentences
-- a word that links a noun or pronoun (the
object) to another part of the sentence
Many of the 72 English prepositions are
synonyms of each other: beneath, under,
below . . . .
SIMPLIFY by cutting prepositions.
English shows possession three ways:
possessive case
‘s , his, her, its . . .
of, for, by
system design
Learn proper punctuation for the apostrophe ‘.
Obsolete Rules
In modern usage you may
end a sentence with a preposition
begin a sentence with because
show possession for inanimate objects