Transcript Document

El pretérito
Spanish II (9-12)
El pretérito
• Is one of the past tenses.
• Tells what happened.
• Is a completed action.
I called my sister last night.
She talked on the phone.
The phone rang at 12:30 PM.
To find the stem of the verb,
remove the -ar, -er, or -ir.
• trabajar – trabaj
(to work)
• escirbir - escrib
(to write)
correr – corr
(to run)
-ar verb endings
Now you conjugate an –ar verb:
tomar el sol (to sunbathe)
yo ________
tú ________
usted, (él, ella) ________
nosotros ____________
vosotros ___________
ustedes, (ellos, ellas)
Now check your answers•
yo tomé el sol
tú tomaste el sol
usted,(él, ella) tomó el sol
nosotros tomamos el sol
vosotros tomasteis el sol
ustedes (ellos, ellas) tomaron el sol
-er and -ir verb endings
Now you conjugate these verbscomprender – to learn
yo __________
tú __________
usted, él, ella ________
nosotros __________
vosotros ___________
usted, ellos, ellas ________
escribir - to write
yo _______
tú ________
usted, él, ella ________
nosotros _________
vosotros __________
usted, ellos, ellas _________
Here are the answers
yo comprendí
tú comprendiste
usted,él,ella comprendió
nosotros comprendimos
vosotros comprendisteis
yo escribí
tú escribiste
usted,él,ella escribió
nosotros escribimos
vosotros escribisteis
ustedes,ellos, ellas
1. The yo and usted
forms have accents.
2. The nosotros forms of
–ar and –ir verbs are
the same as the present
tense form.
3. –Er verbs and –Ir
verbs in the preterite
use the same endings.
Now conjugate these and
translate to English.
yo (cantar)
tú (comer)
nosotros (vivir)
usted (trabajar)
ellos (beber)
él (asistir)
Ana (nadar)
los chicos (correr)
yo (recibir)
ella (comprender)
ustedes (escuchar)
tú (estudiar)
If you have mastered the
conjugation of regular
verbs in the preterite, you
are now able to talk about
things you did or what
happened. (That is, if you
use regular verbs.)
Yo bailé. I danced
Él escribió una carta. He wrote a
Halloween verbs
• AR Verbs (5)
• ER/IR verbs (7)
Halloween Story
• Using your vocab– create a 7 sentence
Halloween story
– Scary story OR
– Description of your last Halloween
– Work in PAIRS 