Transcript LibrA

By: Robert Sosik
The Word
Libra means
scales in Latin.
It is the only
which does
not represent a
living thing.
The balance is
the final
to be part of
the Zodiac.
Libra formed
the Claw of
Libra’s Brightest star is Zubeneschamali. Along with it is its partner Zubenelgenubi ( beta ).
Zubeneschamali is a hot "main sequence“ dwarf star. Both of these stars also represent the
northern and southern claws of Scorpio. Although Libra represents a scale it still is looked
upon today as claws. Unlike other stars Zubeneschamali appears green the to eye. Compared
to our sun, it is twice as hot and rotates one-hundred times faster.
Libra represents the autumnal equinox. (September 23.)
The Sun appears in the constellation Libra from October 31 to
November 22. In tropical astrology, the Sun is considered to be in
the sign Libra from September 23 to October 23, and in sidereal
astrology, from October 16 to November 15.) Excerpt from
In the constellation there is the star Gliese 581. This star system
contains 4 planets which are very interesting. One planet gliese 581c
is an earth like rocky world. Its temperature has been under
question as many astronomers say it is hospitable for life. Along
with gliese 581c another in the system is gliese 581e which also is a
earth-like planet being looked at. This system is under surveillance
because al though the temperature of planet could be suited for life,
like Venus the surface temperature maybe much hotter.
Gliese 581 c (pronounced /??li?z?/) or
Gl 581 c is an extrasolar planet orbiting
the red dwarf star Gliese 581.[2] With a
mass at least 5.36 times that of the
Earth, it is classified as a super-Earth, a
category which incorporates planets
exceeding the mass of Earth but smaller
than 10 Earth masses. ( Excerpt from