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Transcript rubymaxamy-and-cameron-nearly-finished-4

By Ruby , Max ,
Amy and Cameron
1.the sun
4.area 51
The sun
• The scientific name for the Sun is the Sun. Stars
are also categorized based on their temperature
and their size.
• Based on their temperature, they are classified
into O, B, A, F, G, K and M stars with the O stars
being the hottest with temperatures of about
50,000 K and the M stars being the coolest with
temperatures of about 3000 K
• Each group of stars are subdivided into 10 classes
• The first UFO sighting
happened in 1450 B.C
when Egyptians saw
brilliant circles of light
in the sky
• Surveys and reports an
average of 70,000 UFO
sightings are reported
every year worldwide.
• Per day average counts
up to 192 per day.
• A star is a spere of plasma staying up with its
its own gravity.
• The nearest star to earth is the sun also
known as the
• many other stars are visible to the naked eye
from earth during night time appearing as a
lot of luminous dots in the sky due to the huge
distance from earth
Area 51
area 51 is a place that no one is aloud in and is
top secret people say aliens live their if you go in
you get in trouble by the workers there was a
bus driver who went in and got his bus token off
• Most planets were formed between
4,500,000,000 and 5,000,000,000 years ago
however there is a planet that was formed
13,000,000 years ago and it is also a gas giant
it also orbits a red dwarf and the planet is hot
and because it is hot it is red however there
might be many other planets like this out in
the universe
Scientific facts about space
• Neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600
rotations per second.
• All of space is completely silent.
• There is an uncountable number of stars in
the known universe
• 99% of our solar system's mass is the sun.
• . The Apollo astronauts' footprints on the
moon will probably stay there for at least 100
million years.
Thank you for listening