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The Iliad
How it all began. . .
Wedding banquet on Mt. Olympus
Eris, goddess of discord
Golden apple
Argument between Aphrodite, Hera, Athena
Zeus chooses Paris, Prince of Troy, as judge
The bribes. . .
• Hera offers to make Paris ruler of all Europe
and Asia
• Athena promises to give Troy victory over
all the Greeks
• Aphrodite offers him the most beautiful
woman in the world
Paris chooses Aphrodite, who gives him the most
beautiful woman in the world, Helen
Menelaus, King of Sparta and husband to Helen,
calls upon his brother, Agamemnon, to help him get
Helen back. Together they call upon all their Greek
allies to help them wage war against Troy.
Ironically, two of the
greatest heroes of
Greece try to avoid
going to Troy at all.
Map of Ancient Greece
The Greeks meet at Aulis before sailing for Troy.
Artemis' anger.
Unfavorable winds.
Demand of sacrifice.
Agamemnon agrees.
The Trojan War
For 9 years, the war has been indecisive. Homer begins
The Iliad in the 10th year of the war.
The Quarrel. . .
• Chryses (Apollo's priest) wants Chryseis
back and offers a substantial ransom
• Agamemnon refuses to give her up.
• Apollo send rain of arrows over Greek
• Men force Agamemnon to relinquish
Chryseis, so Agamemnon takes Achilles'
war prize, Briseis.
An angry Achilles withdraws himself and his men
from the fight. . .
And so it begins.