Transcript Ch-9_3431x

Chapter 9 – Virtual Memory (Pgs 357 - 409)
 Instructions need to be in memory to be
 Address space (bus size) is usually bigger than
physical space (memory size)
 Not all a program is needed at any point in
 Loading only what is needed speeds up
execution and permits more processes to be
in memory
Virtual Memory
 Separates logical memory (i.e., address space
seen by compiler/user) from the physical
memory (i.e., actual RAM on the
 Each process can be given its own
independent address space
 Sharing, forking, code reuse can all be
improved and supported more effectively
Demand Paging
 Load pages only as they are needed
 Pager – loads and stores pages from
secondary storage
 Swapper – loads and stores processes from
secondary storage
 Pages in memory are called "memory
resident" and are usually identified using the
"valid bit" in the page table
Page Faults
1. Determine if the reference is valid (i.e.,
check PCB to see if reference is part of
If invalid, abort, else begin paging
Find a free frame in physical memory
Schedule load from disk to frame
On completion, update page table
Restart instruction
Handling a Page Fault (9.6)
Concepts in Paging
 Pure Demand Paging – Pages are only
brought in when a page fault occurs
 Locality of Reference: a phenomenon
whereby programs tend to use small sets of
pages that tend to change slowly
 Instruction restarting – usually just repeating
current instruction in PC
 Sometimes difficult to predict page faults for
CISC hardware
Trap to operating system
Jmp to page fault handler
Save registers and state
Determine validity of address
Identify an available frame
Issue a disk read, block process in IO queue
Run scheduler, execute another process ...
After page load, Disk trap to operating system
Jmp to disk interrupt handler
Figure out the disk was handling a page fault
Update page table for process, unblock process, reset process so it can resume
at failed instruction
Run scheduler, execute some process
... Resume where we left off when we are scheduled to run ...
All this takes HOW LONG for ONE page fault?
What this means ...
 Interrupt handlers are often hand-coded
assembly for optimal performance
 Page fault times are horrible if there are a lot
of disk requests
 Disk activity is the major wait factor
 We can compute Effective Access Time
= ((1-p) * timemem) + (p * timefault)
where p is the % probability of a fault
 And if there is no empty frame ...
Copy on Write
 Pages only ever change if written to
 Pages that are not changed can be shared
 Thus, assume everything is shared, and only
copy if a write occurs to a page
 Makes for very fast forks
 Sometimes OS reserves frames so they are
available when needed for the copy
Page Replacement
 Eventually the number of active pages
exceeds the number of available frames
1. Swap the entire process and all its pages out
2. Swap out pages as needed to make space
for new pages
 Most systems try to page out read-only
pages because no write is needed (i.e., clean
vs. dirty pages)
 Requires updating of the processes page
table (which is why it is held by the kernel)
 While we can use random data, it is best to
use a "reference string" of page faults
developed from actual runtime data when
evaluating algorithms
 Goal is to minimise number of page
 Key factor is ratio of pages:frames
 Higher = more faults, lower = fewer faults
 Replace the first one loaded (which is also the
 Mediocre performance
 Belady's Anomaly: Increasing number of
frames INCREASES the fault rate!
 FIFO suffers from this anomaly for some
reference strings (example, page 374)
 We know that a replacement strategy is
optimal if it does the least work
 Page that is best to replace is the one that is
going to be needed for the longest period of
 Problem: Requires knowledge of when a page
will be needed
 Not really possible and mostly used as a
theoretical bound when measuring other
 Past history is the best indicator of future use
 Least likely to be used is the page that was
Least Recently Used (LRU)
 Some page tables have a reference bit that is
set whenever a page is referenced
 Good: enables us to delete pages not used very
 Bad: setting the reference bit on every memory
access is time consuming
 Reference bit allows us to approximate LRU
Reference Shifts
 Use 8 bits (or more) for the reference bits
 Use some regular clock interval
 Zero the reference bits when a page is loaded
 Set the high-order (leftmost) bit to 1 when
the page is referenced
 Every clock interval, shift the bits right by 1
 Treat as an integer, higher means more
recently used and more frequently used
Second Chance
 Algorithm is a variant of FIFO
 When a page is needed, take the first
 If reference bit set, clear it and move page to
back of the queue
 If not set, replace it
 Sometimes called the "clock" algorithm
 Can be easily implemented using a circular
 Can be enhanced by avoiding (if possible) pages
that are dirty
Other Options
 Reference counting – count references and
replace the least frequently used
 Issue – LFU can replace a new page that
hasn't had a chance to be used much yet
 P00ls of empty pages can be kept so a free
page is always available – permits CPU to
schedule the creation of more free pages for
times when its less busy or disk isn't in use
*** Next Class: 9.5+, Frame Allocation ***
Raw Disk
 It is possible to write directly to, or read
directly from, a disk block
 This technique is fast and avoids creating
directory entries, file system data, etc.
 Used by some databases and other
 Bypasses paging mechanism – disk savings
usually lost due to memory management
Frame Allocation
 Page faults require a frame during servicing
 Are all frames equal?
 Do we just apply some variant of LRU, or do we need to
ensure each user has their "fair share"?
Performance requires that a process be given some
minimum number of frames
Hardware is a factor – What is the maximum number of
frames that an instruction could possibly need to access?
(This value makes a good minimum)
Indirect addressing also adds to the page minimum (mostly
an obsolete idea now)
Also – stack & heap of process, OS tables, scheduler code,
interrupt handlers etc. must be considered
 Equal Allocation: f frames are divided equally
among u users (f/u per user)
 Proportional Allocation: Allocate memory in
proportion to the size of the process
 I.e., if p2 is twice the size of p1, p2 gets 2/3 of
memory and p1 gets 1/3 of memory
p/S * f
where S = total pages for all pi
Allocation con't
OS needs some pages to operate efficiently
Process should always have its minimum
Pool of free frames is useful
Have not considered priority in any way
Useful to consider scheduling – if a process
isn't going to run, does it need much
 IO bound processes do a lot of waiting, good
candidates for less memory
Global vs. Local Allocation
 Global Allocation: All frames are viable
candidates and must be considered for
replacement when a new page is loaded
 Local Allocation: Only the frames allocated to
the process are considered for replacement
NUMA just messes everything up ...
 > Good: being able to add additional memory on
new memory cards
 > Bad: cards are slower than the memory on the
motherboard and should not be paged as often
 When a process spends more time being paged
than it does being executed
 Occurs when page fault rate gets too high
 Local replacement can prevent processes from
causing each other to thrash
 Locality: A set of pages that are used together
 A process can be viewed as a set of sequential
localities that tend to overlap
Locality Example (Fig 9.19)
Working Set
 The set of pages accessed in some time
Can adjust the time period to produce smaller
or (somewhat) larger working sets
Captures a process' current locality
Can be used to prevent thrashing
Do not start (or swap out) a process when
some process(s) do not have sufficient frames
for their working set
Working Set Size
 = number of total frames needed if the
interval is greater than the life of the program
 = 1 if the interval contains only one
instruction with not memory reference
 Generally try to use an interval that captures
the locality of most processes
Fault Rate
 Alternatively, we can ignore the working set
 Simply use the Page Fault Rate to avoid
 Goal is to keep the fault rate below some limit
 Very simple to calculate and keep track of
 Generally a good approach, but like all
approaches, fails in some rare situations
Memory Mapping
 Loading of a file into memory to minimise disk
 Uses the standard paging system to do the
 Can cause synchronisation issues between inmemory version and on-disk version until the file
is closed
 uses the mmap (or mmap2) system call
 often used as a technique for memory sharing
 supports concurrent file access by multiple
 Some IO devices have their buffers also mapped
into main memory
 Writes to this location are then duplicated to the
actual IO device
 Used for Disks, Monitors/Video
 Also used for hardware ports such as mouse,
game controllers, USB
 If device uses a status/controller register for
communication, it is programmed IO (PIO)
 If devices uses interrupts for communication it is
interrupt driven
Kernel Memory
 The OS often works with non-paged data
 Some data is very small (e.g., a semaphore)
and doesn't need a page
 Some data is very large (i.e., a disk block) and
must be on contiguous frames so its address
space is continuous
"Buddy System"
 Round all data sizes up to a power of 2
 Easier to deal with memory blocks if they are
32 bytes, 64 bytes, 128 bytes etc.
 Large blocks easily split to form two smaller
 Smaller adjacent blocks combined to form
one larger one
 Works well and is a very commonly used
technique in all kinds of system programming
Slab Allocation
 Keep a "slab" of memory for each specific kernel
data structure (e.g., semaphore, PCB, Page
Manage the slap almost as if it was paged, with
pages the same size as the data structure
Has some issues if more pages are needed, as
they won't be contiguous (which is necessary)
Has been generalised and can be used for some
user-mode requests
This is how most modern OSs now function
 Tries to avoid page faults by anticipating
future faults
 Wastes time if unneeded page brought into
 Is often faster to read two sequential disk
blocks than to issue two independent disk
reads (so we can save time)
Page Size
 Strongly dictated by CPU architecture
 Also influenced by:
 Bus Width/Size
 Disk block size
 System use characteristics (e.g., process and file
 Amount of physical memory available
 Time to service a page fault
TLB Reach
 The amount of memory accessible from the
 Should be greater than the working set size
 Can be influenced by page size
 TLB size may be configurable, depending
upon the hardware
Page Locking
 Sometimes a page should be locked into
memory so that its not paged out, e.g.,
 Disk buffer after an IO request issued
 The OS itself (i.e., scheduler, mmu - interrupt
handlers, frame table)
 Solution is to put a "lock bit" into the frame
table for each frame
Programming Concerns
Let the compiler optimise!
 Most situations that result in poor performance
can be detected and avoided by the compiler
(e.g., memory access in loops)
 Also note:
Pointers and malloc will can be used very badly and
can really harm performance
2. Objects almost always harm performance (as does
method over-riding) – there is a reason no web
browser, OS, compiler, VM, server ... is OO
To Do:
 Do Lab 5
 Read Chapter 9 (pgs 357-409; this and next
 Continue working on Assignment 2