Transcript Document

ATIA / ITI / Forum
Interoperability Working Group
Mission and Goals
Chris Hofstader
Short Term Goals (1 of 2)
• Identify the areas where Assistive Technology
applications and Electronic Information
Technology applications need to provide a
standard means of communication where by
applications and assistive technology
applications will be able to interoperate.
• Create a set of functional descriptions which
describe this communication.
• Determine any changes needed to existing
operating systems to accommodate the full set of
communication needs.
Short Term Goals (2 of 2)
• Work with the existing operating systems owners
to affect any needed changes.
• Work with application developers to understand
and use the accessibility communication vehicles
in their applications, both EIT and AT.
• Forward any issues brought before the Working
Group that fall outside the area of traditional
software to the appropriate group working on
those issues.
e.g. Web issues will be referred to the W3C/WAI.
Medium/Long Term Goal
Once the short term goals are reached medium or
long term goals can be addressed.
Possible Accessibility API that would be adopted by all
Process (1 of 2)
1. Proposal will be reviewed and agreed to by ATIA
and ITI (done).
2. Working Group will be established and members
confirmed (done).
3. A public meeting will be held to obtain the initial
set of issues, requirements (done).
4. Monthly 2 hour teleconferences will be
Expect most of the work will occur outside of the
teleconferences via e-mail.
5. Working Group meetings will convene via
Process (2 of 2)
6. Face to face Working Group meetings will be
Proposed for ATIA conference in Orlando in January.
TBD in July 2003.
7. Agreement will be by consensus.
8. Quarterly public feedback will be sought.
9. Final report will be posted for public review.
10. Begin the process again for Medium and Long
Term Goals.
Work Plan
Deliverables - Set of functional descriptions
needed between AT/ EIT
• Software applications
• Set of needed changes to the present existing
• Desired schedule for implementing those
• Final Report
• To be determined based on public input of
requirements and issues
Obtain Issues, Concerns and
Requirements (1 of 2)
• Determine which are applicable and which we can
address. Those that are already being addressed
by other organization will be sent to those
organizations for resolution. e.g. V2, Linux
Standards, W3C/WAI.
• Consulting support helps us to not make
decisions in a vacuum, and not to address areas
already covered by other efforts.
Obtain Issues, Concerns and
Requirements (2 of 2)
• Identify functional requirements needed by AT
Identify functional requirements of EIT Evaluate
the present operating systems for that support in
MAC OS, Linux, Windows Determine any changes
needed to each of those systems, if any.
• Describe desired schedule to implementation of
those changes.
• Provide a final report that can be used by AT and
EIT vendors to maximize interoperability.
Future Events
• 1/18/03 - Working Group meetings face to
face proposed for ATIA conference in
Orlando in January
• 7/15/03 - Working Group meetings face to
face TBD if necessary
• 9/30/04 - Public posting of the final report
• 10/07/04 - Begin the process again for
Medium and Long Term Goals