Transcript mem4

Dynamic allocation and deallocation of memory:
Operating System
large memory
Process memory
OS memory
large memory
Process memory
Chapter 4, Slide 1
• Memory management is a simple “accounting” of what process
owns what part(s) of the memory.
• Memory allocation is making an entry in the “accounting book”
that this segment is given to this process for keeps.
• Memory deallocation is an entry that this segment is not needed
by this process and hence “free”.
• The operating system process manager usually keeps track of
allocated blocks in a data structure called binary heap (in which
each node is labeled by a label that is smaller than labels of all its
descendants). Its purpose is to facilitate fast and efficient searching
for a suitable free block.
• This heap is sometimes referred to as system heap or free store.
Chapter 4, Slide 2
• The process memory manager usually keeps a dynamic list of free
• One of the implications is that every time your program requests
more memory, the process memory manager has to search through the
list to find a suitable segment; if none is found, more memory must be
requested from the operating system memory manager that must
search the system heap for a suitable block and when delivered to the
process memory manager, a suitable segment must be carved out from
the freshly allocated block.
• The time delay cannot be determined. Thus, if a program does a
significant number of allocations and deallocations, the unpredictable
delays caused by these may affect the program's performance.
• These issues must be considered for real-time software systems and
for all programs where performance is essential. We will look at these
issues when we discuss the concept of allocation from arena.
Chapter 4, Slide 3
The memory manager in C programs is engaged through various
interfaces (standard functions):
#include <stdlib.h>
void *malloc(size_t size);
The size of the allocated segment is at least size, the contents are
#include <stdlib.h>
void *calloc(size_t nelem,size_t elsize);
The size of the allocated segment is at least nelem*elsize, the
contents are cleared!
#include <stdlib.h>
void *realloc(void* ptr,size_t size);
Chapter 4, Slide 4
If the reallocated segment can be extended, it is done so, otherwise a
new segment is created, the contentrs of the old segment are copied to
the new one, and the old segment is deallocated.
Careless use of realloc() often leads to dangling pointers!
extending node c:
Chapter 4, Slide 5
Extension was possible, all is fine!
Chapter 4, Slide 6
Extension was not possible, reallocation was necessayr, right child of
node a is dangling!
Chapter 4, Slide 7
#include <stdlib.h>
void free(void* ptr);
End of slides for chapter 4
Chapter 4, Slide 8