Transcript unix basics

What Is UNIX?
UNIX is an operating system (OS)
Multiuser – computer system used by more
than one person at the same time
Multithreaded – multiple simultaneous use
of the same program
Multitasking – handles more than one job
(task) per person at the same time
The kernel of UNIX is the hub of the operating system: it
allocates time and memory to programs and handles the
filestore and communications in response to system calls.
As an illustration of the way that the shell and the kernel work
together, suppose a user types rm myfile (which has the effect
of removing the file myfile). The shell searches the filestore for
the file containing the program rm, and then requests the
kernel, through system calls, to execute the program rm on
myfile. When the process rm myfile has finished running, the
shell then returns the UNIX prompt % to the user, indicating
that it is waiting for further commands.
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
Outlines standard locations for files and
Gives software developers a consistent
context regardless of the distribution
Helps users of one system work on
Linux directories defined by FHS
FHS: Linux directories
Directory Structure
Some useful commands
cd - change directories (built into
wc - word, line, character, and byte
echo - echo characters back (print)
passwd - change password
sort - sort lines of a text file
ls - lists the contents of your current
Some useful commands
cp - copy a file(s)
ps - status of processes (what’s running)
pwd - Prints the current directory.
kill [-sig] %job
Send signal sig to the specified job. sig can be
either numeric or symbolic. kill -l lists all available
signals. By default, sig is SIGTERM (15).
read name - Reads one line from standard
input and assigns it to the variable name.
Some useful commands
grep - It searches files for specified
words or patterns.
$ grep -i science science.txt
wc - does a word count
Last but one of most important
command is MAN
Finding files
locate command
Fastest method to search for files
A shortcut to the slocate (or secure
locate) command
find command
Used to find files using various criteria
Searches the directory tree recursively,
starting from a certain directory, for files
that meet criteria
which command and PATH variable
which command
Used to locate files within directories
listed in the PATH variable
PATH variable
Stores list of directories searched when
commands are executed without an
absolute or relative pathname
The structure of a mode
Interpreting permissions
A shell is a command interpreter.
The shell acts as an interface between the
user and the kernel.
You can put commands in a file and execute
them all at once.
The script itself is just a series of commands.
Comments begin with a hash (#) and
continue to the end of the line (the first line is
The first line of any script must begin with #!,
followed by the name of the interpreter.
When Unix tries to execute the script, it sees
the first two characters (#!) and knows that it
is a script.
It then reads the rest of the line to find out
which program is to execute the script.
Running a script
chmod +x {script_name}
Variables do not need to be declared.
There is only one type of variable
VAR=value Set value to variable
$VAR or ${VAR} Use the value of the
echo This looks $COLORish
echo This seems ${COLOR}ish
Special variables
Command-line arguments
$1 refers to the first command-line argument (after
the name of the script), $2 refers to the second one,
and so forth, up to $9.
If you have more than nine command-line
arguments, you can use the shift command:
this discards the first command-line
argument, and bumps the remaining ones up
by one position: $2 becomes $1, $8 becomes
$7, and so forth.
Special variables (contd.)
The variable $0 (zero) contains the name of
the script
$* (star) and $@ (at) Each of these
expands to a string containing all of the
command-line arguments, as if you had used
$1 $2 $3...
inside “double quotes”: $* behaves in the
normal way, whereas $@ creates a separate
double-quoted string
$# contains the number of command-line
arguments that were given.
Other special variables
$? gives the exit status of the last command
that was executed.
$- lists all of the options with which sh was
$$ holds the PID of the current process.
$! holds the PID of the last command that
was executed in the background
$IFS (Input Field Separator) determines how
sh splits strings into words.
Single quotes : anything inside them (except a single quote) is
A backslash inside single quotes also loses its special meaning
Double quotes : preserve spaces and most special characters.
However, variables and backquoted expressions are expanded
and replaced with their value.
Backquotes : the expression is evaluated as a command
A backslash (“\'') removes any special meaning from the
character that follows.
The backslash is itself special, so to escape it, just double it: \\.
Flow control
if [ $myname = root ]; then
echo "Welcome to FooSoft 3.0"
echo "You must be root to run this script"
exit 1
While & For
while condition; do
for i in foo bar baz "do be do"; do
echo "$i"
I/O redirection
“< filename”  Connect standard input to
the file filename. This allows you to have a
command read from the file.
“> filename” Connect standard output to
the file filename. This allows you to save the
output of a command to a file. If the file does
not exist, it is created. If it does exist, it is
emptied before anything happens.
I/O redirection (contd.)
“>> filename” Connects standard
output to the file filename. Unlike >,
however, the output of the command is
appended to filename.
“command1 | command2”  Creates a
pipeline: the standard output of
command1 is connected to the standard
input of command2.
When a group of commands occurs
several times in a script, it is useful to
define a function.
name () {
Useful utilities
basename : basename pathname
prints the last component of pathname.
basename /foo/bar/baz prints baz
dirname : dirname pathname prints all
but the last component of pathname,
that is the directory part: pathname
dirname /foo/bar/baz prints /foo/bar
/bin/[ is another name for /bin/test.
It evaluates its arguments as a boolean
expression, and exits with an exit code
of 0 if it is true, or 1 if it is false
[ (contd.)
-e filename
-d filename
True if the numbers n1 and n2 are equal.
n1 -ne n2
True if the strings s1 and s2 are not identical.
n1 -eq n2
True if the strings s1 and s2 are identical.
s1 != s2
True if filename exists and is readable.
s1 = s2
True if filename exists and is a directory.
-r filename
True if filename exists.
True if the numbers n1 and n2 are not equal.
expr1 -a expr2
True if both expressions, expr1 and expr2 are true.
SED (Strem EDitor)
What is Sed ?
A “non-interactive” text editor that is
called from the unix command line.
Input text flows through the program, is
modified, and is directed to standard
SED (contd.)
sed -e '/^#/d’
sed -e 's/foo/bar/g'
Regular Expressions
Sed uses regular expressions to match patterns in the input text, and then
perform operations on those patterns.
matches the beginning of the line
matches the end of the line
Matches any single character
Escapes any metacharacter that follows, including itself.
Match arbitrarily many occurences of (character)
Match 0 or 1 instance of (character)
Match 1 or more instances of (character)
Match any character enclosed in [ ] (in this instance, a b c d e or f)
Match any character NOT enclosed in [ ]
Match m-n repetitions of (character)
Match m or more repetitions of (character)
Match n or less (possibly 0) repetitions of (character)
Match exactly n repetitions of (character)
range of occurrences, n and m are integers
Group operator.
Matches expression1 or expression 2.
groups regular expressions
Regular Expressions (character
The following character classes are short-hand for matching special
Printable characters (includes white space)
Alphabetic characters
Space and tab characters
Control characters
Numeric characters
Printable and visible (non-space) characters
Lowercase characters
Alphanumeric characters
Punctuation characters
Whitespace characters
Uppercase characters
Hexadecimal digits
Awk (and its derivatives, nawk and
gawk) is a full-fledged scripting
Inside sh scripts, it is generally used for
its ability to split input lines into fields
and print one or more fields.
AWK (contd.)
actions performed
before first input line
actions performed after
last input line
AWK (contd.)
awk -F : '{print $1, $3 }' /etc/passwd
 The -F : option says that the input
records are separated by colons. By
default, awk uses whitespace as the
field separator.
 Sum up column 2 and print the total
{total += $2} END { print
AWK Example
Print fields in reverse order one per line
for (i=NF; i>=1; i--)
print $i;