Information Theory and Security

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Transcript Information Theory and Security

Access Control Models: From the
real-world to trusted computing
Lecture Motivation
We have looked at protocols for distributing and establishing
keys used for authentication and confidentiality
But who should you give these keys to? Who should you trust?
What are the rules governing when to and not to give out
security credentials
In this lecture, we will look at the broad area of secure and
trusted systems
– We will focus on access control models
– These methods are often used to abstract the requirements for a
computer system
– But, they hold for general systems where security is a concern
(e.g. networks, computers, companies…)
Lecture Outline
Some generic discussion about security
Objects that require protection
Insights from the real-world
Access control to memory and generic objects
– Discretionary Methods: Directory Lists, Access Control
Lists, and the Access Control Matrix, Take-Grant Model
– Failures of DACs: Trojan Horses
– Dominance and information flow, Multilevel security and
– Bell-LaPadula and Biba’s Model
What is a trusted system? Trusted Computing Base
System-security vs. Message-security
In the cryptographic formulation of security, we were concerned
with the confidentiality, authenticity, integrity, and nonrepudiation of messages being exchanged
– This is a message-level view of security
A system-level view of security has slightly different issues that
need to be considered
– Confidentiality: Concealment of information or resources from
those without the right or privilege to observe this information
– Integrity: Trustworthiness of data (has an object been changed in
an unauthorized manner?)
– Availability: Is the system and its resources available for usage?
Confidentiality in Systems
Many of the motivations behind confidentiality comes from the
military’s notion of restricting access to information based on
clearance levels and need-to-know
Cryptography supports confidentiality: The scrambling of data
makes it incomprehensible.
– Cryptographic keys control access to the data, but the keys
themselves become an object that must be protected
System-dependent mechanisms can prevent processes from
illicitly accessing information
– Example: Owner, group, and public concepts in Unix’s r/w/x
definition of access control
– Often revealing what the configuration of a system is (e.g. use of a
Windows web server), is a desirable form of confidentiality
Integrity in Systems
Integrity includes:
– Data integrity (is the content unmodified?)
– Origin integrity (is the source of the data really what is claimed, aka.
Two classes of integrity mechanisms: Prevention and Detection
Prevention: Seek to block unauthorized attempts to change the data, or
attempts to change data in unauthorized ways
– A user should not be able to change data he is not authorized to change
– A user with privileges to work with or alter the data should not be
allowed to change data in ways not authorized by the system
– The first type is addressed through authentication and access control
– The second type is much harder and requires policies
Detection: Seek to report that data’s integrity has been violated
– Achieved by analyzing the system’s events (system logs), or analyze data
to see if required constraints are violated
Availability of Systems
Availability is concerned with system reliability
– The security side of the issue: An adversary may try to make a
resource or service unavailable
– Implications often take the form: Eve compromises a secondary
system and then denies service to the primary system… as a result
all requests of the first system get redirected to second system
– Hence, when used in concert with other methods, the effects can
be very devastating
Denial of service attacks are an example:
– Preventing the server from having the resources needed to perform
its function
– Prevent the destination from receiving messages
– Denial of service is not necessary deliberate
There are several threats that may seek to undermine confidentiality,
integrity, and availability:
– Disclosure Threats: Causing unauthorized access to information
– Deception Threats: Causing acceptance of false data
– Disruption Threats: Prevention of correct operation of a service
– Usurpation Threats: Unauthorized control of some service
– Snooping: Unauthorized interception of information (passive Disclosure)
– Modification/Alteration: Unauthorized change of information (active
Deception, Disruption, Usurpation)
– Masquerading/Spoofing: Impersonation of one entity by another
(Deception and Disruption)
– Repudiation of Origin: False denial that an entity sent or created data
– Denial of Receipt: A false denial that an entity received some information
or message (Deception)
– Delay: A temporary delay in the delivery of a service (Usurpation)
– Denial of Service: A long-term inhibition of service (Usurpation)
Overview Security Policies
Definition: A security policy is a statement of what is allowed and what is
not allowed to occur between entities in a system
Definition: A security mechanism is a method for enforcing a security policy
Policies may be expressed mathematically
– Allowed and disallowed states may be specified
– Rules may be formulated for which entity is allowed to do which action
These policies may seek to accomplish:
– Prevention
– Detection
– Recovery
This lecture will focus primarily on formal statements of security policies
– Specifically, we will focus on policies associated with access control and
information flow
Objects that Need Protection
Modern operating systems follow a multiprogramming model:
– Resources on a single computer system (extend this to a generic system)
could be shared and accessed by multiple users
– Key technologies: Scheduling, sharing, parallelism
– Monitors oversee each process/program’s execution
Challenge of the multiprogramming environment: Now there are more
entities to deal with… hard to keep every process/user happy when sharing
resources… Even harder if one user is malicious
Several objects that need protection:
– Memory
– File or data on an auxiliary storage device
– Executing program in memory
– Directory of files
– Hardware Devices
– Data structures and Tables in operating systems
– Passwords and user authentication mechanisms
– Protection mechanisms
Basic Strategies for Protection
There are a few basic mechanisms at work in the operating system that
provide protection:
– Physical separation: processes use different physical objects (different
printers for different levels of users)
– Temporal separation: Processes having different security requirements
are executed at different time
– Logical separation: Operating system constrains a program’s accesses so
that it can’t access objects outside its permitted domain
– Cryptographic separation: Processes conceal their data in such a way
that they are unintelligible to outside processes
– Share via access limitation: Operating system determines whether a user
can have access to an object
– Limit types of use of an object: Operating system determines what
operations a user might perform on an object
When thinking of access to an object, we should consider its granularity:
– Larger objects are easier to control, but sometimes pieces of large objects
don’t need protection.
– Maybe break objects into smaller objects (see Landwehr)
Access Control to Memory
Memory access protection is one of the most basic
functionalities of a multiprogramming OS
Memory protection is fairly simple because memory access
must go through certain points in the hardware
– Fence registers, Base/Bound registers
– Tagged architectures: Every word of machine memory has one or
more extra bits to identify access rights to that word (these bits are
set only by privileged OS operations)
– Segmentation: Programs and data are broken into segments. The
OS maintains a table of segment names and their true addresses.
The OS may check each request for memory access when it
conducts table lookup.
More general objects may be accessed from a broader variety of
entry points and there may be many levels of privileges:
– No central authority!
Insight from Real-world Security Models
Not all information is equally sensitive– some data will have more drastic
consequences if leaked than other.
– Military sensitivity levels: unclassified, confidential, secret, top secret
Generally, fewer people knowing a secret makes it easier to control
dissemination of that information
– Military notion of need-to-know: Classified information should not be
entrusted to an individual unless he has both the clearance level and the
need to know that information
– Compartments: Breaking information into specific topical areas
(compartments) and using that as a component in deciding access
– Security levels consist of sensitivity levels and the corresponding
– If information is designated to belong to multiple compartments, then the
individual must be cleared for all compartments before he can access the
Real-world Security Models, pg. 2
Documents may be viewed as a collection of sub-objects, some
of which are more sensitive than others.
– Hence, objects may be multilevel in their security context.
– Level of classification of an object or document is usually the
classification of its most sensitive information it contains.
Aggregation Problem: Often times the combination of two
pieces of data creates a new object that is more sensitive than
either of the pieces separately
Sanitization Problem: Documents may have sensitive
information removed in an effort to sanitize the document. It is a
challenge to determine when enough information has been
removed to densensitize a document.
Multilevel Security Models
We want models that represent a range of sensitivities and that
separate subjects from the objects they should not have access
The military has developed various models for securing
We will look at several models for multilevel security
– Object-by-Object Methods: Directory lists, Access control lists,
Access control matrix, Take-Grant Model
– Lattice model: A generalized model
– Bell-LaPadula Model
– Biba Model
Access Control to Objects
Some terminology:
– Protection system: The component of the system architecture
whose task is to protect and enforce security policies
– Object: An object is an entity that is to be protected (e.g. a file, or
a process)
– Subject: Set of active objects (such as processes and users) that
have interaction with other
– Rights: The rules and relationships allowed to exist between
subjects and objects
Directory-based Access Control (aka. Capability List): A list for
each subject which specifies which objects that subject can
access (and what rights)
Access Control List: A list for each object that specifies which
subjects can access it (and how).
Access Control Matrix
Access control matrix arose in both OS research and database research
File 1
File 2
Process 1
Process 2
Process 1
Read, Write, Own
Read, Write,
Execute, Own
Process 2
Read, Own
Read, Write,
Execute, Own
What does it mean for a process to read/write/execute another process?
– Read is to receive signals from, write is to send signals to, and execute is
to run as a subprocess
Formally, an access control matrix is a table in which each row represents a
subject and each column represents an object.
– Each entry in the table specifies the set of access rights for that subject to
that object
– In general access control matrices are sparse: most subjects do not have
access rights to most objects
– Every subject is also an object!!!
Access Control Matrix, pg. 2
All accesses to objects by subjects are mediated by an enforcement
mechanism that uses the access matrix
– This enforcement mechanism is the reference monitor.
– Some operations allow for modification of the matrix (e.g. owner might
be allowed to grant permission to another user to read a file)
– Owner has complete discretion to change the access rules of an object it
owns (discretionary access control)
The access control matrix is a generic way of specifying rules, and is not
beholden to any specific access rules
– It is therefore very flexible and suitable to a broad variety of scenarios
– However, it is difficult to prove assertions about the protection provided
by systems following an access control matrix without looking at the
specific meanings of subjects, objects, and rules
– Not suitable for specialized requirements, like the military access control
Take-Grant Models
Take-Grant Models represent a
system using a directed graph
Take Operation:
r, g
Nodes in the graph are either
subjects or objects
An arc directed from node A to
node B indicates that the
subject/object A has some access
rights to subject or object B.
Access rights are: read (r), write
(w), take (t), grant (g)
Grant Operation:
Take implies that node A can take
node B’s access rights to any other
Grant implies that node B can be
given any access right A possesses
r, g
r, w
r, w
Take-Grant Models, pg. 2
Create Rule: A subject A can
create a new graph G1 from
an old graph G0 by adding a
vertex B and an edge from A
to B with rights set X.
Remove Rule: Let A and B
be distinct vertices. Suppose
there is an edge with rights
X. Rules Y may be removed
from X to produce X\Y. If
X\Y is empty, the edge is
Create Operation:
Delete Operation:
Take-Grant Models, pg. 3
Since the graph only includes arcs corresponding to non-empty entries in the
access control matrix, the model provides a compact representation
Question of Take-Grant Models: Can an initial protection graph and rules be
manipulated to produce a particular access right for A to access C with?
1. A creates V with {t,g}
3. B grants to V the X to C
2. B takes g to V from A
4. A takes X to C from V
Problems with Discretionary Access Control
Discretionary access controls are inadequate for enforcing information flow
– They provide no constraint on copying information from one object to
Example: Consider Alice, Bob, and Eve. Alice has a file X that she wants
Bob to read, but not Eve.
– Alice authorizes Bob via the following Access Control Matrix
File X
File Y
– Bob can subvert Alice’s discretion by copying X into Y. Bob has write
privileges, and Eve has read privileges for Y.
– This case is a simplistic version of what can be much more
pathological… The Trojan Horse…
DAC and Trojan Horses
What if Bob isn’t bad… Eve could still
read X by convincing Bob to use a
program carrying a Trojan Horse (Troy)
File X
Consider the new access control matrix:
– Eve has created Troy and given it to
Bob, who has execute privileges
– Troy inherits Bob’s read privileges
to X, and write privileges to a file Y
(perhaps public)
– Eve has read privileges to file Y
Trojan Horses perform normal
“claimed” operations, but also
participates in subversive activities
Prog. Troy
File Y
Prog. Troy
Impose Mandatory Access
Controls (MAC… yes, another
MAC!) that cannot be bypassed.
Dominance and Information Flow
There are two basic ways to look at the notion of security privileges:
Dominance and Information Flow.
For all essential purposes, they are the same, and its just a matter of semantics.
Let’s start with dominance:
– Each piece of information is ranked at a particular sensitivity level (e.g.
unclassified, confidential, secret, top secret)
– The ranks form a hierarchy, information at one level is less sensitive than
information at a higher level.
– Hence, higher level information dominates lower level information
Formally, we define a dominance relation
 on the set of objects and subjects
s  o  (rank s  rank o )  comp s  comp o 
We say that o dominates s (or s is dominated by o) if s  o.
Dominance and Information Flow, pg. 2
Now let us look at information flow:
– Every object is given a security class (or a security label):
Information flowing from objects implies information flowing
between the corresponding security classes
– We define a can-flow relationship A  B to specify that
information is allowed to flow from entities in security class A
to entities in security class B
– We also define a class-combining operator A  B  C
to specify that objects that contain information from security
classes A and B should be labeled with security class C
– Implicitly, there is the notion of cannot-flow
 B
Lattice Model of Access Security
The dominance or can-flow relationship defines a partial ordering
relationship by which we may specify a lattice (with Denning’s
First, the dominance relationship is transitive and antisymmetric
– Transitive: If a  b and b  c , then a  c
– Antisymmetric: If a  b and b  a then a  b .
A lattice is a set of elements organized by a partial ordering that
satisfies the least upper bound (supremum) and greatest lower
bound properties (infimum)
Supremum: Every pair of elements possesses a least upper bound
Infimum: Every pair of elements possesses a greatest lower bound
In addition to supremum and infimum between two objects, we
need the entire set of security classes to have a supremum and
infimum (i.e. single low point and single high point)
Examples of Information Flow and Lattices
High-Low Policy: Two
security classes (high and
Bounded Isolated Classes: A
set of classes Aj. Between any
two security classes define the
composition A j  A k  H.
Every class has the low class
as its infimum.
Subset Lattice: Categories A,
B, C may be combined to form
compartments. List of all
subsets forms a lattice
Mandatory Access Control (MAC) Models
Mandatory Access Control (MAC): When a system mechanism controls
access to an object and an individual user cannot alter that access, the control
is mandatory access control.
In MAC, typically requires a central authority
– E.g. the operating system enforces the control by checking information
associated with both the subject and the object to determine whether the
subject should access the object
MAC is suitable for military scenarios:
– An individual data owner does not decide who has top-secret clearance.
– The data owner cannot change the classification of an object from top
secret to a lower level.
– On military systems, the reference monitor must enforce that objects
from one security level cannot be copied into objects of another level, or
into a different compartment!
Example MAC model: Bell-LaPadula
Bell-LaPadula Model
The Bell-LaPadula model describes the allowable flows of information in a
secure system, and is a formalization of the military security policy.
One motivation: Allow for concurrent computation on data at two different
security levels
– One machine should be able to be used for top-secret and confidential
data at the same time
– Programs processing top-secret data would be prevented from leaking
top-secret data to confidential data, and confidential users would be
prevented from accessing top-secret data.
The key idea in BLP is to augment DAC with MAC to enforce information
flow policies
– In addition to an access control matrix, BLP also includes the military
security levels
– Each subject has a clearance, and each object has a classification
– Authorization in the DAC is not sufficient, a subject must also be
authorized in the MAC
Bell-LaPadula Model, pg. 2
Formally, BLP involves a set of subjects S and a set of objects O.
– Each subject s and object o have fixed security classes l(s) and
– Tranquility Principle: Subjects and objects cannot change their
security levels once they have been instantiated.
There are two principles that characterize the secure flow of
Simple-Security Property: A subject s may have read access to an
object o if and only if l (o)  l (s) .
*-Property: A subject s can write to object o iff
Read access implies a flow from object to subject
l (s)  l (o)
lo  ls
Write access implies a flow from subject to object ls  lo
Bell-LaPadula Model, pg. 3
The *-property is not applied to
Humans are trusted not to leak
Programs are assumed
untrustworthy… could be Trojan
The *-property prohibits a program
running at the secret level from
writing to unclassified documents
Sometimes *-property is modified to
require l(s)=l(o) in order to prevent
“write-up” problems
BLP and Trojan Horses
Return to the Trojan Horse problem:
– Alice and Bob are secret level users, Eve is an unclassified user
– Alice and Bob can have both secret and unclassified subjects (programs)
– Eve can only have unclassified subjects
– Alice creates secret file X
– Simple security prevents Eve from reading X directly
– Bob can either have a secret (S-Troy) or an unclassified (U-Troy) TrojanHorse carrying program
– S-Troy: Bob running S-Troy will create Y, which will be a secret file. Eve’s
unclassified subjects will not be able to read Y.
– U-Troy: Bob running U-Troy won’t be able to read X, and so won’t be able
to copy it into Y.
Thus BLP prevents flow between security classes
One problem remains: Covert Channels… but that’s for another lecture…
From BLP to Biba
BLP was concerned with confidentiality– keeping data inaccessible to those
without proper access privileges
The Biba model is the integrity counterpart to BLP
– Low-integrity information should not be allowed to flow to high-integrity
– High-integrity is placed at the top of the lattice and low integrity at the
bottom. Information flows from top to bottom (opposite direction of BLP).
Biba’s model principles
Simple-Integrity Property: Subject s can read object o iff (s)  (o)
Integrity *-Property: Subject s can write object o only if (o)  (s)
In this sense, Biba is the dual of BLP and there is very little difference between
Biba and BLP:
– Both are concerned with information flow in a lattice of security classes
Trusted (Operating) System Design
Operating systems control the interaction between subjects and
objects, and mechanisms to enforce this control should be
planned for at the design phase of the system
Some design principles:
– Least Privilege: Each user and program should operate with the
fewest privileges possible (minimizes damage from inadvertent or
malicious misuse)
– Open Design: The protection mechanisms should be publicly
known so as to provide public scrutiny
– Multiple Levels of Protection: Access to objects should depend on
more than one condition (e.g. password and token)
– Minimize Shared Resources: Shared resources provide (covert)
means for information flow.
Trusted (Operating) System Design, pg. 2
Unlike a typical OS, a Trusted OS involves each object being protected by an
access control mechanism
– Users must pass through an access control layer to use the OS
– Another access control layer separates the OS from using program libraries
A trusted OS includes:
– User identification and authentication
– MAC and DAC
– Object reuse protection: When subjects finish using objects, the resources
may be released for use by other subjects. Must be careful! Sanitize the
– Audit mechanisms: Maintain a log of events that have transpired. Efficient
use of audit resources is a major problem!
– Intrusion detection: Detection mechanisms that allow for the identification
of security violations or infiltrations
Trusted Computing Base (TCB): everything in the trusted operating system
that enforces a security policy