Feudalism - Manchester Local School District

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Middle Ages
 1100 years – from the collapse of the
Roman Empire to the beginning of modern
 4th – 14th Century
 Two dominant institutions
– Feudalism
– Roman Catholic Church
 The operating principle is similar to that
of the military chain-of-command
 A king owned all the land, which was
then split up and given to great nobles
in fiefs (a feudal estate).
 In return the noble pledged loyalty
(fealty) to the king.
 In turn each noble divided the fief
giving power to lesser nobles known
as vasals and so forth.
 Serfs (peasants) were at the bottom of
the social ladder and were bound to the
 Serfs were bought and sold with the
land totally dependent on the lord of
the fief.
 Lord
 Vassal
 Merchants
Chivalric Code of Honor
 A knight first swore supreme allegiance to
God – defending the Christian faith.
 He affirmed his loyalty to his liege lord.
 Uphold laws of the realm
 Bring honor through courage and fair battle
 Protect the weak/helpless –widows,
orphans, serfs, and all in distress.
 Legendary Tales – neither pure history
nor pure fact, but a narrative that
includes both elements.
 Not one correct story
 Usually several versions
 Reasons for legends
–Celebrate folk/national heroes
–Pass on cultural values
Legend Requirements
 Extraordinary events are commonplace
– A hand holding a sword/appears in water
– Spells and enchantments
– Knights dueling for hours
Legend Requirements (b)
 Heroes and villains are clearly defined
–King Arthur = hero/ a model
–Sir Mordred = displays the dark side
of human nature
Requirements ©
 Episodic Action
– Focuses on different characters at different
– When a knight sets out on a journey a new
episode begins
Requirements (d)
 The hero starts a journey
– A quest – search for something
 The stories often become intertwined
– The plots usually overlap
– A new story starts before the last ends.
Sir Thomas Malory(1400 – 1471)
 Little is known about him except for his
prison record.
– Breaking and entering
– Plundering
– Extortion
 Malory was involved in the conflicts of his
time specifically the War of Roses between
the House of Lancaster (red rose) and the
House of York (white rose).
 Sir Thomas Malory teaches virtue and honor
by showing the difference between good
and bad.
 Good does not equal perfect, all characters
have some kind of human weaknesses.
Le Morte d’ Arthur
 Was written while he was in prison. He
finished his work in 1469 – 1470, shortly
before he died. It was one of the first to be
published on William Caxton’s newly
invented printing press.
 However, medieval tales often reveal
some realistic aspects of life in the Middle
– Life was crude, barbaric, and even cruel.
– Fair play is often forgotten in the struggle for
– Loyalty to the liege lord was put aside in favor
of gainful plots.
– Knightly protection was often reserved for
women of class.
The Church
 The church was also organized along feudal
 The Pope was the head of the church more
powerful than a king or emperor
 On the lowest rung of hierarchy was the
parish priest – most often poor and
12 -13th Century
 Breakdown of the feudal system
– Guilds – trade unions of a sort, which took
control of all trades and crafts
– Workers began as an apprentice with a master
craftsman and after seven years were able to
open their own business and earn money
Middle Age Strife
Battles among royalty
Religious Wars
Border Wars
Wars of royal
Bandits and outlaws
Street fighting
Crusades and Invasions
 England by the Anglo-Saxons = 5th & 6th C.
 William of Normandy = 1066
 Invasion of Spain by the African Moors =
 Counter invasions of the Moslem East by
Christian powers to the Holy Land
 Seven Crusades in all – 1096 – 1270
 Pros –
– Longings for luxuries such as silk, spices,
perfumes, jewelry, baths
 Cons –
– Brought misery, plague and death
The Black Plague – Disaster strikes
between 1100 to 1352
1000 38 mill.
1100 48 mill.
1200 59 mill.
1300 70 mill.
1347 75 mill.
1352 50 mill.
25 mill. People died in just under five years
Horse racing
Tournaments – melee`, jousting,
swordfighting, stone throwing, hammer
 Church sponsored plays such as the miracle
 Comedy was added and changed the plays
to morality plays
Additional Entertainment
Street fairs – Medieval fairs
Bear baiting
Hanging of malefactors
Burning of “witches”
Literature of the Period
– Songs and stories that sprang from the people
– Literature of the nobility or the literature of
Authors of the Late Middle Ages
 Geoffrey Chaucer – Canterbury Tales
 Giovanni Boccaccio –Decameron
 Dante –The Divine Comedy
Age of Transition – vast changes
and momentous events ushered in
the modern world.
 The discovery and exploration of a new
 The Protestant Reformation
 The Revival of learning
 The Growth of nationalism
 The rise of a merchant (middle) class