Introduction to Computing - Bryn Mawr Computer Science

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Transcript Introduction to Computing - Bryn Mawr Computer Science

Introduction to
CMSC 120: Visualizing Information
What is Computing?
To determine by calculating
 To use a computer
What is a Computer?
A device that accepts information (data),
processes it according to specific instructions,
and provides the results as new information
*A computer: a person who works with numbers
First Computers
Pen and Paper
Number Systems
Mechanical Age (1450-1840)
Slide Rule
Early 1600s
An analog computer
Blaise Pascal (1642) Pascaline
A gear driven adding machine
Analog: represents data by measurement of
a continuous physical variable
Mechanical Age (1450-1840)
Stepped Reckoner
Gottfried Wilhelm
von Leibniz (1670s)
Add, subtract,
multiply, divide
Mechanical Age (1450-1840)
Punch Card
Joseph Jacquard (1810)
Weaving instructions for looms stored in cards with
holes punched in them
Mechanical Age (1450-1840)
The Difference Engine (1822)
 Charles Babbage
The Analytical Engine
Followed program in punched cards
Store information in memory unit
Make decisions
Analytical Engine Anecdote
Babbage’s collaborator was Ada, Countess of
Lovelace, daughter of Lord Bryon
Sponsored, tested, publicized device
“First Programmer”
Stated that the engine would never “originate
– A machine, no matter how powerful, could think
Electro-mechanical Age (1840 – 1940)
Electronic Tabulating Machine
Population: 63 million; 6 weeks
Founding product of International
Business Machines (IBM)
Hermann Hollerith (end
19th century)
Created to tabulate US
Used electricity
Information punched into
Metal pins open and
closed electrical circuits
Electro-mechanical Age (1840 – 1940)
IBM + Harvard under
leadership of Howard
Aiken (1930s)
Storage: Mechanical
relay telephone
Input: Punch Cards
No decision making
51 feet in length
5 tons
750, 000 parts
Mark I
What is the difference
between a calculator and
a computer?
The First Computer Bug
Grace Hopper (1909 –
One of first programmers
of Mark I
Developed first compiler
Electronic Age (1840 – Today)
Electronic Numerical Integration and Calculator (ENIAC)
John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert (finished 1946)
Initially secret military project begun during WWII
University of Pennsylvania
Electronic Age (1840 – Today)
Occupied 1500 square
Weighed 30 tons
Used vacuum tubes
– >17,000
Able to make decisions:
first true computer
Programming involved
wiring and switch flipping
Electronic Age (1840 – Today)
Stored Program Computer
Processing Model:
John von Neumann
Storing computer
instructions in a central
processing unit (CPU)
– No longer necessary to flip
switches or rewire
 Large Corporations,
Input data
Store data while being processed Government
Process data according to specific instructions
Output the results in the form of new data
Electronic Innovations
Vacuum tubes
– Large and expensive
– UNIVAC: 35 tons
– 1000 calculations per second
Transistor: semiconductor used as an amplifier or
electronically controlled switch
Reduced size
10,000 claculations per second
IBM model 650 (1960s)
Magnetic tape replaced punched cards
Electronic Innovations
Integrated Circuits
– Replacement of transistors with integrated circuits or chips
– Silicon blocks with logic circuits etched onto surface
– Millions of calculations per second
– IBM System 360 was one of the first computers to use
integrative circuits
– Hospitals and Universities could now own computers
Modern Computers
1951 – 1958: Vacuum tubes (First Generation)
1959 – 1964: Transistors (Second Gen)
1965 – 1970: Integrated Circuits (Third Gen)
1970 + : Large Scale Chips and Microprocessors
(Fourth Gen)
Modern Computers
Microprocessor: a CPU an a single chip
– Designed in 1970 by Marcian Hoff (Intel Corporation)
Microcomputer: a desktop size computer
– ALTAIR (1975)
– Apple (Stephen Wozniak and Steven Jobs; 1977)
The State of Modern Computing
From the BBC
Computing power
doubles every 18-24
(Computer Architecture)
Input Devices
 Memory
 Central Processing Unit
 Output Devices
Read Only Memory (ROM)
– Most basic operating instructions
– Permanent
Random Access Memory (RAM)
– Main memory
– Data and instructions are temporarily stored
– Temporary memory locations within the CPU
Auxiliary Memory
Directs all activities of the computer
 All information flows through the CPU
 “Brain”
– Only executes tasks according to instructions
it has been given
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
– Adds
– Compares
Computer programs
Interface between computer and user
– Disk Operating System (DOS)
– MS-DOS, Windows, Linux, UNIX
Graphical User Interface (GUI)