II_D_Perspectives of the oil shale ash using it in road construction

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Transcript II_D_Perspectives of the oil shale ash using it in road construction

Road construction in Estonia – perspectives
of oil shale ash use in road construction
Taavi Tõnts
Estonian Road Administration /
Road R&D Department leading engineer
History of the oil shale ash used in the road construction
Perspectives of the oil shale ash using it in road construction
I_A_History of the oil shale ash used in the road construction
• From latest 50y history Estonian RA has done
over 15 bigger development projects with the
partners with the oil shale ash (see the table at
• Some more latest studys:
Kohalike mineraalmaterjalide optimaalse kasutamise uuring Eesti
teedemajanduses, TTK 2010;
Partner in test project with Viru Keemia Grupp AS,
Energiatööstuse kõrvalproduktide kasutamiseks teedeehituses,
TTK 2012;
Kohalike mineraalmaterjalide optimaalse kasutamise uuring Eesti
teedemajanduses. Killustikaluse vastupidavuse võrdlus
kompleksstabiliseeritud alusega ,TKTK 2015;
Teadus- ja arendustöö „Aheraine killustiku omaduste
kaardistamine Eestis ning nõrga kivi vääristamise
teadusuuringud“, TTK 2015;
OSAMAT project together with Estonian Energy, 2016y.
I_B_OSAMAT opening meeting slides on 21.oct 2010y in
Environmental Ministry
I_C_Some overall Estonian Road statistics
II_A_Perspectives of the oil shale ash using it in road construction
Oils shale ash residues (stone and ash, declared as
materials) can be considered to use in:
1. Highways, roads (state, municipal or private);
2. Railroads;
3. Technological roads and fields (e.g. for ramming
4. State and private parking areas;
5. Also artificial (very high 20-30m) e.g. touristic
roads in Eastern Estonia can be considered etc,
beside of depositing the residues just in mountain
shape (possible to use up to 100% of residues);
6. Seaside soft harbour areas fillings etc.
II_B_Perspectives of the oil shale ash using it in road construction
OSAMAT project was useful for ERA. According to test sections results we know now
better that in mass-stabilization can be technically used also oil-shale ash binder or
composite with cement.
In the T-2 Tallinn-Tartu-Võru-Luhamaa highway corridor technical design we have let
designers to consider seriously also mass-stabilisation as one alternative in deeper
swamp area.
On medium and lower traffic level highways we are planning to allow to use weaker
stone inside complex stabilization (LA 40 strength i.e. residue limestone from oil shale
mining). Also oil-shale ash binder can be used if it will be declared as a product.
Thanks to scientific studies we have knowledge how to use technically more residues
left from energy production. Economical benefits will be explained project based ways if
isn't regulated detail in guidelines.
II_C_Perspectives of the oil shale ash using it in road construction
Võõbu-Mäo road section ongoing technical project on T-2 Tallinn-Tartu road - oil shale ash, together with
cement, binder is being seriously tested and considered in 2-5m peat swamp area (red sections on the chart
below, ca 4km).
II_D_Perspectives of the oil shale ash using it in road construction
Typical Estonian peat swamp longitudinal cross-section - water is staying close to surface (T-2 km67,2…67,6)
II_E_Perspectives of the oil shale ash using it in road construction
In the new T-2 road design 3 main
alternatives are being technically economically compared at the
1. Mass replacement
2. Geosyntetic solutions
3. Mass-stabilisation (with cement
and also with 2 different
composite binder (oil shale ash from
Auvere + cement mixture)
Thank you !
Taavi Tõnts
[email protected]
Road researches: here.