Transcript Slide 1

Overview of EFSA’s
work on opinions
and guidance
Luc Mohimont
Pesticides Unit
Crop Protection European Regulatory
Conference, March 2015
EFSA today
Content of the presentation
 Environmental risk assessment
Aquatic ecotoxicology
Terrestrial ecotoxicology
Fate and behavior
 Human risk assessment
Residue definition for risk assessment
Dermal absorption
Cumulative risk assessment
EFSA today
Aquatic ecotoxicology
 Guidance on tiered risk assessment for aquatic organisms
in edge-of-field surface waters adopted in 2013 and noted
by the PAFF
 Opinion on the effect assessment for pesticides on
sediment organisms in edge-of-field surface waters to be
adopted by December 2015
 Opinion on the state of mechanistic effect modelling
approaches for regulatory risk assessment of pesticides for
aquatic organisms to be adopted by December 2017
EFSA today
Terrestrial ecotoxicology
 2 Opinions adopted in 2014 on the state of science
regarding the risk assessment of non target terrestrial
plant and non target arthropods
 2 Opinions to be prepared on the state of science
regarding the risk assessment of in-soil organisms
(December 2015) and amphibians and reptiles
(September 2016)
 Consultation of Risk Managers on Specific Protection Goals
(Starting 2015)
 Preparation of sectorial EFSA guidance documents in each
of the 4 areas (Within 2 years after agreement of the
respective SPGs).
EFSA today
Terrestrial ecotoxicology
Public Consultations:
 In-soil organisms opinion (4th quarter 2015)
 Amphibians and reptiles opinion (4th quarter 2015)
 4 draft sectorial EFSA guidance documents (2017-2018)
 Topical ECHA scientific workshop on soil risk assessment to
be held in Helsinki in cooperation with EFSA (October
EFSA today
Terrestrial ecotoxicology
 EFSA guidance on the risk assessment on bees (Apis
mellifera, Bombus spp. and solitary bees): Approved in
2013, updated and complemented with a calculator tool in
2014, but so far not noted by the PAFF
 Statement to be delivered by the PPR Panel by June 2015
on the suitability of the BEEHAVE model for a potential use
in the context of the Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009
EFSA today
Fate and behavior
 EFSA guidance on the emissions from protected crops
approved in 2014 and noted by the PAFF
 EFSA guidance on the evaluation of laboratory and field
dissipation studies to obtain soil DegT50 values approved
in 2014 and noted by the PAFF
EFSA today
Fate and behavior
 EFSA guidance for predicting environmental concentrations
in soil:
 Approval in June 2015 for annual crops
 Approval in 2017 for permanent crops and crops
grown on ridges, including public consultation
 PERSAM software tool supporting the derivation of
PECs for spray applications on annual crops for
conventional and reduced tillage available on the
JRC website
EFSA today
Human Risk Assessment
 External Scientific report on systematic reviews of
epidemiological studies linking pesticide exposure to
human health outcome carried out by the University of
Ioannina Medical School in Greece (2013)
 Stakeholder workshop on pesticide epidemiology, Paris,
February 2015
EFSA today
Human Risk Assessment
 Opinion of the PPR Panel investigating experimental
toxicological properties of plant protection products having
a potential link to Parkinson’s disease and childhood
leukaemia (by June 2016)
 Opinion of the PPR Panel on the follow-up of the findings of
the External Scientific report ‘Literature review on
epidemiological studies linking exposure to pesticides and
health effects’ (By march 2017)
 Public consultations on the 2 draft opinions
 Scientific conference end 2017
EFSA today
Human Risk Assessment
Pesticide residues
 Guidance of the PPR Panel on the establishment of the
residue definition for dietary risk assessment (to be
adopted by December 2015)
Public consultation in summer 2015
Outsourced compilation of database on genotoxicity
end points
Possible training activities to MSs
EFSA today
Human Risk Assessment
Dermal absorption
 EU Commission request to assess new studies on dermal
absorption and, if appropriate, to revise the guidance
document on dermal absorption
 Data collected by industry and public institutions
 EFSA scientific report on the quality assessment of
the data and compilation of a comprehensive data
set by February 2016
 Preparation of a new (EFSA) guidance on dermal
absorption by May 2017, including public
EFSA today
Human Risk Assessment
Cumulative Risk Assessment: Implementation
 2015-2016: Framework Partnership Agreement between
EFSA and RIVM covering several specific actions:
Improvement of the MCRA tool (scalability to large
Cumulative Exposure Assessments with MCRA for 2
acute effects on the nervous system and 2 chronic
effects on the thyroid system. Scientific reports by
mid 2016
EFSA today
Human Risk Assessment
Cumulative Risk Assessment: Implementation
 EFSA internal programme
2015-2016: Cumulative Exposure Assessments with
SAS for 2 acute effects on the nervous system and
2 chronic effects on the thyroid system. Scientific
Reports by mid 2016
2017: EFSA Scientific Reports on the Cumulative
Risk Assessment for the effects on the nervous
system and the thyroid
2016-2018: EFSA Scientific Reports on CAGs for
specific effects on the nervous system, the liver, the
eyes, the adrenals, the reproduction and the
EFSA today
Future Mandates
Expected Mandates
 Review of the Birds and Mammals GD
 RA of isomers
 FOCUS SW repair action
Possible future mandates
 Microorganisms
 MedRice
 Toxicological reference values for non dietary exposure
 Cumulative Risk Assessment for non dietary exposure
EFSA today
Thank you for your attention