Transcript Hz.Abu Bakr

The first companion of
Prophet Muhammad
Hz Abu Bakr’s family
• He was born 2 years after The Elephant incident to:
• Uthman Ibn Amr (Abu Kuhafa) and
• Salma Bint Sahr (Ummu’l Khayr), she was called “Mother of blessings”
• He married 4 times and had 6 children:
• Katila Bint Abduluzza ( mother of Asma)
• Ummu Ruman Bint Amir,( mother of Aisha and Abdurahman), she accepted Islam before marriage
and passed away in the sixth year of the migration
• Asma Bint Umays (mother of Muhammad). She was among first women who embraced Islam
• Habiba Bint Harija – (mother of Ummu Kulthum who was born after the death of Abu Bakr)
His other names and titles
• Abdullah bin Uthman, Abdu’l Kaaba , Ateeq, and Abu Bakr but the most
appropriate name that matched Abu Bakr was the title of Siddiq, meaning
“the truthful one” which he got after the Miraj incident.
• Heading towards the communion
• He was known as the best friend of Muhammad (pbuh); even someone
described him as the twin brother of the Prophet (pbuh).
The profit of a lifetime
• Abu Bakr was a great successful businessman and was known for his intelligence in
trading. He became rich however after embracing Islam, he used all his wealth in the
way of Allah. He saved the slaves from nonbelievers and helped the poor by spending all
his money just for the sake of Allah. This is a good example of this:
• Abu Bakr’s father, Abu Kuhafa had noticed the unusual behavior of his son. He could not
give any meaning to it, so he decided to caution him.
• -“My dear son, I have no objection to the emancipation of the slaves you purchase.
However, should not you choose the strong ones so that they could defend you against
possible dangers that may come from the idol worshippers?”
• - “My beloved father! Without doubt, I am not doing this to gain a benefit but to earn
the endorsement of God!”
The holy migration and the spirit of
• Abu Bakr attempted to migrate to Abyssina before but for
some reasons he turned back on the way. He was going to be
the only company of Prophet (pbuh) in the Hijrat. On the way
to Medina, they faced many difficulties, for example
nonbelievers tried to track them and his daughter Asma was
beaten. On the other hand, Abu Bakr faced many miraculous
incidents too, such as the ones that happened when they were
leaving Makkah and hiding in the cave in Mountain Thawr.
His Attributes
• Abu Bakr was very sensitive on all issues about the Qur’an, the Prophet
(pbuh) and the hadiths. He tried to follow all the sayings of Muhammad
(pbuh). The Prophet (pbuh) mentioned that the people who do such
duties in a talk:
• A noble messenger of God asked his companions several questions about
fasting, giving charity, gong to funeral prayer, feeding of a starving person.
Abu Bakr was the only one who was following all these duties. Prophet
(pbuh)– Whoever performs these deeds in a day will be forgiven of his
sins and paradise will be due for him.”
The philanthropist
• One day the Prophet (pbuh) was having a conversation with his Ashab. Abu Bakr
was sitting in the corner listening to the divine words flowing from the Prophet’s
(pbuh) mouth. He was wearing an old garment, the collar of which was attached
with thorn. Abu Bakr, the prominent wealthy businessman of Mecca, was now
living in poverty. He could not even find proper clothes to wear. However, he
was not in this situation due to a lack of means. He had sacrificed everything he
had for Prophet’s (pbuh) cause. This was a quality that had a special place by the
side of God. Upon this, Angel Gabriel appeared: “Tell Abu Bakr that God sends
him His greetings! God
• has a question for him, “As a poor man, is Abu Bakr happy with his Lord?”
Road to Caliphate
• After Prophet’s (pbuh) death there was confusion about the next leader of
Islam. Companions were unsure about the candidates. Omar ibn Khattab solved
this problem by declaring Abu Bkar as the caliph and all companions agreed on
• Abu Bakr and his armies achieved to protect the society and solved the
problems like false Prophet hood.
• Another Abu Bakr’s significant achievement was preserving the holy Qur’an into
a book format. He had such a great concern regarding the martyring of Hafizes
(people who memorized the Quran) that he consulted Umar about preserving
the Qur’an in a book format. Abu Bakr achieved this with Umar’s support.
Hz. Ali (r.ah)
• “May God have mercy on you, oh Abu Bakr! You were the
leading figure of Islam, the most perfect example of faith, a
person who feared God the most and carried the heaviest load
out of all human beings. In the following the Prophet (pbuh),
no one could show more sincerity than you and no one could
be more sensitive towards their friends.”
Hz. Omer (r.ah)
• Abu Bakr had left behind a camel for milking, a servant, and a
cup used for milking for his beneficiaries. Upon this;
• “May God have mercy on you, oh Abu Bakr! You did not leave a
word for those who come after you. Now I am the person
taking on the responsibility of this duty.”
• Haylamaz, Resit. Abu Bakr: The Pinnacle of
truthfulness. New Jersey: Tughra Books, 2013.