Transcript Islam

Cults & False
• means 'submission to the will of Allah'.
• is the second largest religion in the world
with over 1 billion followers.
• recorded 1,591,000 Muslims in the UK in
• 10,000 in NI.
Declaration of Faith
• "I bear witness that there is no god but
(the One) God (Allah), and I bear
witness that Muhammad is God's
• Circumcision
• Followers of Islam are called
• Muslims believe that there is only
one god.
• The Arabic word for god is Allah.
• According to Muslims, Jesus, Moses
and Abraham are respected as
prophets of God.
• Final Prophet was Muhammad.
• Islam was revealed over 1400 years
ago in Mecca, Arabia.
• Muslims base their laws on their holy
book the Qur'an, and the Sunnah.
• Muslims believe the Sunnah is the
practical example of Prophet
• There are five basic Pillars of Islam.
• The declaration of faith, praying five
times a day, giving money to charity,
fasting and a pilgrimage to Mecca (at
least once).
Islam Family
• Sunni 80 Orthodox Follow Caliphs
• Shia 20 Follow line of Muhammad.
They are waiting for a second
• Sufti’s: mystics, spinners.
Sufi whirling/spinning.
form of physically active meditation.
customary dance.
part of the worship ceremony.
aim to reach the source of all perfection.
abandon desires, by listening to the music,
focusing on god.
• spinning in repetitive circles.
• symbolic imitation of planets in the Solar
System orbiting the sun.
• Clergy, by virtue of their superior
knowledge of the laws of God, are the
best qualified to rule the society of
believers who are preparing
themselves on earth to live eternally
in heaven.
• The concept provides the doctrinal
basis for theocratic government, an
experiment not attempted prior to
the Iranian Revolution in 1979.
• Syria is a majority Sunni country, but has
been governed under Assad by a Shia
• Muhammad claimed to receive a
revelation from the archangel Gabriel in
AD 610.
• Jihad means "to strive or struggle" (in the
way of god). Jihad, in its broadest sense, is
"exerting one's utmost power, efforts,
endeavours, or ability to attain religious
and moral perfection."
• Jihad, when used without any qualifier, is
understood in its military aspect.
• For most Twelve Shias, offensive jihad can
only be declared by a divinely appointed
leader of the Muslim community.
Sharia Law
• Sharia law is Islam's legal system. It is
derived from both the Koran, as the word
of God, the example of the life of the
prophet Muhammad, and the rulings of
• Sharia differs in one very important and
significant way to the legal traditions of
the Western world: it governs, or at least
informs, every aspect of the life of a
• Ninth month of the Islamic calendar.
• Muslims all over the world abstain from
eating, drinking, smoking; from dawn until
the sun sets.
• It is a time to cleanse the soul, focus
attention on god, and put into practice
• Ramadan is a time for Muslims to fast for the
sake of god and to put forward more prayer
than is customary.
• Prohibited foods include pork products,
blood and alcohol.
Muslim Faith
• One god Allah: no other relations.
• Muslims do not believe that human beings
are created in the image of Allah.
• Muslims believe that there is no intermediary
who will take any one nearer to Allah or
plead on anyone's behalf.
• Any individual can directly pray to Allah and
ask for anything he/she wants.
• 25 messengers/prophets of God including
Noah, Abraham, Ishmael Isaac, Moses, Jesus,
Day of Judgement
Comes at the end of the world.
Everyone gives an account of their life.
Good records=Heaven
Bad records=Hell
No original sin
• The Old Testament claims that Ishmael, son of
Abraham moved into the area we now call "Arabia.“
• The Arab peoples are the direct descendant of
• Muslims believe that the promised son of Abraham
in Genesis is actually Ishmael, not Isaac.
• Abraham travelled to Mecca with Ishmael and
worshipped the one true God at the Kabba, a stone
idol in Mecca.
• Ishmael definitely did not establish Islam
• He died over two thousand years before the religion
was founded by Muhammad.
Islam on Sin
“Surely good deeds take away evil deeds” (11:114).
Kabira (big sins)—murder, adultery, drunkenness, disobeying
parents, neglecting Ramadan or Friday prayers, gambling,
dancing, shaving the beard, forgetting the Koran after
reading it, usury… Forgiveness with repentance.
Saghira (little sins)—deceit, anger, lust. Forgiveness if greater
sins are avoided and good deeds are performed.
Shirk—association (of other gods with Allah). No forgiveness.
Salvation by own effort
Charity atones for sins
• Earn grace.
• Earn favour of Allah.
• Earn salvation.
• Earn paradise.
Islam: Salvation is earned through
the efforts of those who were preselected by Allah to inhabit a very
sensual paradise.
Christianity: Salvation is granted by
the grace of a loving God to those
who, through faith and repentance
and baptism accept that love.
Human approach
Islam has taken an adamant stance
against the very heart of the
Gospel message, including denial
of the deity of Christ, incarnation,
atonement, the crucifixion and the
question of God as Father, Son
and Spirit.