Transcript shrek[1]

Bingo Game
By Angela Gallacher
[email protected]
Bingo Rules: You must get two bingo’s
to win this game (ex: two lines across;
one across, one down; one diagonal one
down). The first 3 bingo winners receive
a homework pass. Remember to be on
your best behavior and no yelling out
until you have bingo.
Pick any 25 of the answers below and place in
any empty box on your sheet. These numbers
represent answers to the problems. You may use
each answer only once. Enter answers into your
Qwizdoms to see if you got it correct! It will take
any 2 BINGO’s to win!
Bingo Answers
a, b, c, d, a, b, c, d, a, b, c, d, e, a, ,b, c, d, e,
60°, 52°, a, b, c, d, e, 90°, 180°, 62°, 70°,
115°, 125°, a, b, c, d, e, a, b, d, e, c, 90°,
180°, 113°,112°, 45°, a, b, c, d, e, 50°,
501.92cm3, 401.92cm3, 170m2, 160m2,
80°, 116°, a, b, c, d, e, 78.5cm, 15.7 cm,
31.4, 180°, 90°, 150°, 60°, a, b, c, d, e, 95°
An angle whose measure is between 90 and 180
degrees is called an ___________ angle.
a) Obtuse
c) Acute
b) Right
d) Straight
Name the platonic Solids
a) Cube
c) Octahedron
b) Tetrahedron
d) Dodecahedron
e) Icosahedron
The complement of 30° angle has a measure
of _______.
Find the measure of the
A triangle with three acute angles and 3 congruent sides
would be an _________ Triangle.
a) Scalene
c) right
b) Isosceles
d) equilateral
What triangle has 3 acute angles and 2 congruent sides?
a) Scalene
c) equilateral
b) Isosceles
d) obtuse
Name the platonic Solids
a) Cube
c) Octahedron
b) Tetrahedron
d) Dodecahedron
e) Icosahedron
A circle’s perimeter is its __________?
a) Circumference
b) Radius
c) Diameter
Two angles are complementary if the sum of
their measures is _______.
Two angles are supplementary if the sum of
their measures is ___________.
Name the platonic Solids
a) Cube
c) Octahedron
b) Tetrahedron
d) Dodecahedron
e) Icosahedron
The distance across a circle is twice the length of its radius.
That distance is the circle’s ___________.
a) radius
c) diameter
b) Chord
d) circumference
The supplement of a 65° angle has a
measure of _________.
Name the platonic Solids
a) Cube
c) Octahedron
b) Tetrahedron
d) Dodecahedron
e) Icosahedron
Rays, segments, or lines that form right angles are _________
a) Congruent
c) perpendicular
b) Parallel
d) intersecting
Find volume of the rectangular
Find the volume of the
cylinder. (πr2h)
A _______ is a collection of
point in a straight path
that extends in two
directions without end.
b) Line
c) Line Segment d) Plane
How many degrees does a right angle
Find the measure of the angle that is
supplementary to the angle having the
measure of 67°.
Name the platonic Solids
a) Cube
c) Octahedron
b) Tetrahedron
d) Dodecahedron
e) Icosahedron
Find the missing angle.
What is the area of the circle? (πr2)
How many degrees does a straight line
A supplementary angle to 30 degrees
would be _______ degrees.
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