Transcript Geometry

Found in Sports
By Kevin Birdwhistell and Braxton Hill
Example No.1: Circle
Circle: A plane curve everywhere equidistant
from a given fixed point, the center.
The circle is found at the very center of the
court on the half-court line.
Ex. 2: Rectangle
A rectangle is a four-sided polygon (a flat shape with
straight sides) where every angle is a right angle
The whole field is a rectangle.
Including the yard lines and the
end zone.
Ex.3: Semicircle
A half of a circle as divided by a
The top of the key is a
Ex.4: Parallel Lines
Side by side lines having the
same distance continuously
between them
Each yard line of a
football field is
parallel to another.
Ex.5: Square
A plane figure with four equal straight sides
and four right angles.
The target on the
center of the
backboard is a
Ex.6: Point
A particular spot, place,
or position in an area
The bases on a
baseball field are
Ex.7: Sphere
a round solid figure, or its surface, with every
point on its surface equidistant from its center.
A basketball is a sphere.
Ex.8: Concentric Circle
Denoting circles, arcs, or other shapes that share
the same center, the larger often completely
surrounding the smaller
The target in archery is a
concentric circle
Ex.9: Cylinder
The arrows body is a thin
solid geometric figure
with straight parallel
sides and a circular or
oval section.
Ex.10: Octagon
A plane figure with eight
straight sides and eight
In UFC the ring is an
Ex.11: Pentagon
A plane figure with five
straight sides and five angles.
The black spots on a
soccer ball are
Ex.12: Cone
A solid or hollow object that tapers
from a circular or roughly circular
base to a point.
In many agility sports
conditioning they use
cones as an obstacle.
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