205-10.2 Introduction to Theosophy

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Transcript 205-10.2 Introduction to Theosophy

Introduction to Theosophy
Theos= gods, the divine
Sophia= wisdom, knowledge
• Theosophy = Divine Wisdom
• At a general level, Theosophy is not merely
the embracing of Indian religions, but a
mixture of Platonic/Neo-Platonic philosophy
with Hindu and Buddhist theories of karma
and re-incarnation.
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave as an
allegory for Theosophy
Plato’s Republic Book VII
Neo-Platonism and the Taxonomy of
• Ammonius Saccas (160 A.D. – 242 A.D.): considered the
founder of Neo-Platonism and taught in Alexandria, Egypt
where Greek and eastern cultures freely mixed. 19th Century
Theosophy considers him to be the first theosophist.
• Plotinus (205 A.D. – 270 A.D.): student of Saccas and the
first formalizer of Neo-Platonism. Developed and ontological
cosmology of Being that inspires Theosophy.
Plotinus’ Process of Emanation (from The Enneads)
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
(August 12, 1831 – May 8, 1891)
19th Century Spiritualism
• Belief in God (usually the Christian God) but
claim that the souls of deceased can be
• Mediumistic practices
Blavatsky comes to America
• 1873 – arrives in New York; investigates Spiritualism
• 1874 – Meets Henry Steel Olcott
• 1875 – Co-founded the Theosophical Society in New
York City
• 1877 – first major work: Isis Unvieled (2 Volumes)
Henry Steel Olcott
Three Theosophical Objects
• 1) To form the nucleus of a Universal Brotherhood of
Humanity without distinction of race, colour, or creed
• 2) To promote the study of Aryan and other Scriptures, of the
World’s Religion and sciences, and to vindicate the
importance of old Asiatic literature, namely of the
Brahmanical, Buddhist, and Zoroastrian philosophies
• 3) To investigate the hidden mysteries of Nature under every
aspect possible, and the psychic and spiritual powers latent in
man especially
• February, 1879: Olcott and Blavatsky move to India and
eventually settle in Madras, to set up the world
headquarters for the Theosophical Society
• October, 1879: First publication of The Theosophist magazine
• 1880: Olcott and Blavatsky travel to Sri Lanka and become the
first European-Americans to officially convert to
Blavatsky acclaimed last works:
The Secret
The Key to
Voice of
On May 8th, 1891, Blavatsky dies
Theory of the Human Person
1)Atma- the impersonal divine principle
2) Buddhi – also called the spiritual Ego or individual aspect of
3)Manas – the Mind a) higher spiritual/rational aspect b) lower
practical aspect
4) Kama – the volitional principle i.e. will and desire a.k.a “the
animal soul”
5) Prana – Life force; motive energy
6) Linga Sharira – the astral body, or invisible body double;
blueprint or model of physical body
7) Sthula Sharira – the physical body
•Karmic reward after separation
•Fulfill unrequited desires and ideal
scenarios from the life just lived
•Remain here for 1000-1500 years
• Principle of universal justice-ultimate law of
the universe
• Action = cause and effect
• Ensures re-incarnation
• We cannot know what it is per se, only how it
• Personal karma, National karma, World karma
Cosmological Overview
• The Absolute or Unknowable primal life force seeking
• The entire universe is alive and self contained as one entity.
Separate beings are merely parts of the whole
• Unlike Neo-Platonism even inert matter is alive
• Cyclical universe that moves in an upward spiral pattern
(called the cosmic Round)-each Round is a further evolution
Root Races
1) Polarians: non-physical
2) Hyperboreans: non-physical
3) Lemurians
4) Atlanteans
Sub-races: 1) Romahls
5) Aryans
2) Tlavatlis
6) ???
3) Toltecs
7) ???
4) First Turanians
5) Original Semites
6) Akkadians
7) Mongolians
Aryan Sub-Races
1) Hindus
2) Sumerians
3) Egyptians
4) Hellenes
6) Nova Men
7) ???
William Butler Yeats (18651939) – Irish poet, mystic,
political activist
Thomas Paine (1737-1809)
– honorary Theosophist
• Mahatmas
• Emma Cutting
• Society for Psychical Research