Who wants to be a Physiology Millionaire?

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Transcript Who wants to be a Physiology Millionaire?

• To use this template:
– for each slide write the correct answer on the
orange bar first
– choose which option (A,B,C or D) and make sure
you write the letter on the orange bar in place of
the question mark
– Now drag the orange bar on top of the correct
option so it sits exactly over the top - now when
you click through the onscreen animation, the
correct answer will appear to be illuminated
– View the next slide to see how it should look
Example of how it looks when
complete, click on-screen show
to view the animations
A - answer
B - correct answer
C - answer
D - answer
Who wants to
be a Student
Smarty Pants?
Hosted by
Mr. Curry
The Prizes
- $64,000
- $125,000
- $250,000
- $500,000
- $1,000,000
• “Phone a friend”
• Ask the audience
Siddhartha Gautama was a
royal prince of a northern
Indian kingdom who gave
up his worldly goods and he
is better known as
A - Asoka
B - Gandhi
C – the Buddha
D - Abraham
India’s golden age of learning
and culture was during the-
A – British colonial rule
B – The
the Gupta
Gupta Dynasty
C – the Mauryan Dynasty
D – The Harrappan Civilization
The lowest caste, who do
work Indians consider
unclean and nicknamed the
"untouchables" are the
A - Kshatrias
B – Piedmont MS Teachers
C - Brahmins
D - Pariahs
Major world religion which
grew from a mixture of
Aryan beliefs and those of
the Harappans and which
has the concepts of
reincarnation, Karma and
A - Hinduism
B - Buddhism
C - Judaism
D - Islam
Meaning “divine law,” it directs
Hindus to do the duty of their
A - Karma
B -– Dharma
C – Ten Commandments
D – Eight-Fold Path
The highest mountains in the
A - Himmalaya
B - Andes
C – The Rockies
D - Cascades
Capital city in both the Mauryan
and Gupta empires
A - Delhi
B - Bombay
C - Calcutta
D - Pataliputra
A Hindu deity, he is the
destroyer of the world
A - Vishnu
B - Siva
C - Krishna
D - Surya
He founded and was the first
emperor of the Mauryan dynasty
A - Asoka
B – Siddhartha Gautama
C –- Chandragupta
Chandragupta Maurya
D – Gunjin Kiri
The Aryan's great contribution
to Ancient India's agricultural
development was
A – iron plow
B - fertilizer
C – high yield rice grains
D - dirt
The first great Buddhist king in
India, he changed his life and
dedicated his life to peace and
justice after seeing the bloodshed
following a battle
A – Siddhartha Gautama
B – Chandragupta Maurya
C - Siva
D - Asoka
This system determines a
person’s job, social group, and
A - Karma
B - Caste
C – Birth Order
D – Education Level
The caste system may have
developed in order to
A – determine seating order
B – find actors for a play’s cast
C – to immobilize broken arms
D – keep control of the conquered
The Gupta Empire grew wealthy
A - conquest of their enemies
B – slave labor on their farms
C - trade
D – stock market investments