Transcript TAKS Review

TAKS Review
Objective 4
The student will demonstrate an understanding
of motion, forces, and energy.
Transformation of Energy
• Energy comes in what forms?
– Heat, chemical, mechanical, & electrical
• Creating electricity from geothermal,
wind, burning of fossil fuels,
hydroelectric, nuclear, etc. by
changing forms
• Law of Conservation of Energy—
energy is neither created nor
destroyed, it can change forms
Transformation of Energy
• Potential
– Stored energy based on position; energy
that can do work
• Kinetic
– Energy of motion; energy doing work
On the next slide, explain where
the ball has potential and kinetic
energy. Also, where is kinetic
energy the lowest and the highest?
Newton’s Laws
• 1st – objects in motion stay in motion
at a constant velocity and objects at
rest stay at rest unless another
forces acts on it
• 2nd – F=ma
• 3rd – for every action, there is an
equal but opposite reaction
Balanced vs. Unbalanced
• Balanced forces result in…
– Objects at rest staying at rest
– Objects in motion stay in motion at a
constant velocity
• Unbalanced forced result in…
– Resting objects caused to move
– Objects in motion change their speed
and/or direction
Motion Terms
• Force A push or pull on an object;
has a size and direction
• Motion Movement; change in an
object’s position over time
• Speed Distance traveled over time;
distance divided by time
• Acceleration
Change in speed over time;
change in velocity divided by
time to make change; + (speed
up) or – (slow down)
• A car has a mass of 900 kg. It
travels 600 m in the same direction
for 30 s at a constant speed. What
is its speed?
Speed = d/t = 600 m/30 s = 20 m/s
• What is its acceleration?
Acceleration is a change in speed;
since the car is traveling at a
“constant speed”, its acceleration
is zero.
• A rock is thrown from a bridge 15 m
above the river with a 2.5 N force.
It has a mass of 0.5 kg. What is the
acceleration of the rock?
F = ma
25 N = 0.5 kg x a
a = 25 N / 0.5 kg
a = 50 m/s2
1 N = 1 kgm/s2
• A Southwest airplane travels at a
rate of 7 km/min at a height of
18,000 m above the Earth’s surface.
How long will it take to travel from
Dallas to San Antonio which is 315 km
Speed = d / t
7 km/min = 315 km / t
t = 315 km / 7 km/min
t = 45 min
• Your classroom is 4 m by 6 m and
each desk is 1.5 m by 1 m. How much
work would you have to do to move a
desk 10 m if you apply a force of 20
Work = Fd (force x distance)
Work = 20 N x 10 m
Work = 200 N·m
Simple Machines
wheel & axle
More machines…
inclined plane
compression wave
transverse wave
Wave parts
More waves
• Number of waves that pass a given
point per unit of time is frequency
• In sound, frequency is related to
– High frequency = high pitch
– Low frequency = low pitch
Electromagnetic Waves
• Transverse waves that travel through
space; radiant energy
• The EM spectrum:
Ocean Waves
• Caused by wind
• Amplitude called “wave height”
• As waves approach the shore, wavelength
decreases and wave height increases until
it “breaks” as it nears the shoreline
Seismic Waves
Caused by earthquakes
Measured with seismographs
Move through the crust of the Earth
Primary (P), Secondary (S), and Surface
or Longitudinal (L) waves
• P-waves are fastest and move in
• L-waves are slowest and
move earth up and down
Wave demo…
P wave
S wave
Surface wave
Seismic Waves…
surface wave
Wave Review
Compression wave
Ocean wave
Transverse wave
Surface wave
• Energy is not created nor destroyed; it
is only converted from one form to
another; i.e., chemical  heat 
mechanical  electrical
• Potential energy is energy of position;
kinetic energy is energy of motion
• Forces affect motion and speed
• There are different types of waves
that travel through different media
»Any questions???