Transcript Slide 1

• Have a seat with your lab group and get out
your papers that you completed in class
• Today’s Schedule
• 1. Review Yesterday’s Assignment
• 2. Review for Ch. 7 Test
• Explain what the theory of plate tectonics is,
how it works, and how it is responsible for
shaping the landforms on Earth’s surface.
• 15 MC
• 8 Short Answer
• 1 Essay
Inside the Earth
What does the inside of Earth look like?
How are the layers arranged?
By density
What happens to the temperature
and pressure as you travel into
the center of Earth?
• Both Increase
Inside the Earth
• How do we know so much about Earth’s Interior?
• Seismic waves from earthquakes
• Seismic waves travel at different speeds and
directions as they pass through the different
layers of Earth.
Restless Continents
True or False: The continents are always moving?
What is this called?
Continental drift
Who created the theory of continental drift?
Alfred Wegener
Restless Continents
What discovery helped prove Wegener’s theory?
Mid-ocean ridges
How did we discover mid-ocean ridges?
Better Technology/sonar
Restless Continents
• What process happens at mid-ocean ridges to
help move Earth’s plates?
• Sea-floor Spreading
The Theory of Plate Tectonics
• The theory that Earth’s lithosphere are divided
_______ that move around on top of the ______.
• Plates, asthenosphere
The Theory of Plate Tectonics
What is the main cause of plate movement?
Convection currents
How do convection currents work?
Core heats up molten rock making it less dense.
The molten rock rises up towards the crust,
where it cools down. As it cools it gets more
dense and begins to sink back down through the
mantle. This cycle will repeat over time, gradually
moving Earth’s plates.
• Flash Presentation
The Theory of Plate Tectonics
Two plates moving away from each other = ______
Divergent boundary
Two oceanic plates are spreading apart =________
Mid-ocean Ridge/Sea-floor spreading
Two continental plates diverging =________
Rift Valley
The Theory of Plate Tectonics
Two plates colliding with each other = _______
Convergent Boundary
Two continental plates colliding = ________
Oceanic plate and Continental plate colliding=_____
Trenches, mountains, and volcanoes
The Theory of Plate Tectonics
• At convergent boundary between a continental
plate and an oceanic plate what process will
• Subduction
• Why?
• The oceanic plate is more dense, so it goes under
the continental plate.
The Theory of Plate Tectonics
• What type of boundary forms when two
plates slip or slide past each other?
• Transform Boundary
• What disaster can be associated with
transform boundaries?
• Earthquakes