Transcript Utah

In the past it was plate tectonics that sculpted the majestic land around us and it will
be plate tectonics in the future that will continue to mold and rework the land like it
is playdough.
So how can we as humans learn to appreciate this magnificent power; yet, be fearful
enough to stay safe?
Volcano - a vent (opening) at the
Earth's crust through which
magma (molten rock) and
associated gases erupt.
Magma - molten rock beneath the
surface of the Earth.
Lava - magma that has reached
the surface
Cedar Hill, is a shield volcano, and is located north
of Great Salt Lake. It bears a resemblance to several
Hawaiian shield volcanoes and is approximately
1,150,000 years old.
Hazards in Utah
Utah Earthquake Scenarios
Early Warning Detection
Utah Flyby