food safety - Lindbergh Schools

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Transcript food safety - Lindbergh Schools

FOOD-BORNE ILLNESSA disease that is transmitted by food.
CONTAMINANTA substance that may be harmful that has accidentally gotten into food.
MICROORGANISMA living substance so small it can be seen only under a microscope.
Many contaminated foods DO NOT look or smell spoiled, but they can
still cause illness.
BACTERIAA single-celled or non-cellular microorganism. They live almost
everywhere. They are not all harmful; some types of harmless bacteria
are normally found in foods.
Food can become contaminated with harmful bacteria at any point
from farm to the table.
Steps to Food Safety
A. CLEANSanitation practices1. Wash hands for 20 seconds- soap and
warm water.
2. Keep long hair tied back – avoid
touching while working.
3. Wear clean clothes and a clean
apron when working around food.
4. If you have an open sore or cut on
your hand, put on gloves before
handling food.
5. *Designate the kitchen as a
nonsmoking area.
6. Cover coughs/sneezes with
disposable tissue. Wash hands
7. Wash dishes promptly, using hot water
and detergent.
• Glasses
• Flatware,
• Plates and bowls
• Pots and pans
• Greasy utensils
8. Dispose of garbage properly and
9. Never store sacks of onions or
potatoes, canned goods, etc. under
10. Wash dishcloths and sponges daily.
11. After handling raw meat, fish,
poultry, or eggs, wash hands thoroughly
before touching other foods.
12. Keep work area clean.
13. Use paper towels to wipe up juices
from raw meat and poultry.
14. Remove dirty utensils from your work
area before proceeding to the next
15. Wash the tops of cans before
opening them.
16. Thoroughly wash cutting boards,
counters, and utensils after each use.
B. SeparateSeparate cooked and ready-to-eat
foods from raw foods.
Cross-contamination- occurs when
harmful bacteria from one food are
transferred to another food.
1. Put raw poultry, meat, and seafood in
separate plastic bags before placing
them in your shopping cart.
2. Store raw poultry, meat, and seafood
in containers to keep them separate
from other foods in the refrigerator.
3. Do not taste and cook with the same
4. Use clean utensils and containers.
5. Never use a hand towel to wipe the
6. Keep pets and insects out of the
7. Never taste any food that looks or
smells questionable.
*When in doubt - throw it out.
8. Store non-perishables in tightly sealed
containers to keep them fresh and free
from insects and rodents.
C. CookRaw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs
can contain harmful bacteria.
1. Use a thermometer to check food
temperatures. Always keep hot
foods hot – above 140 degrees.
2. Internal temperatures• Steaks and roasts – 145 degrees
• Ground meat/hamburgers, meatloaf160 degrees
• Whole poultry – 180 degrees
•Breast pieces – 170 degrees
3. Stuff raw poultry, meat and fish just
before baking – should reach 165
4. Do not partially cook foods and then
set them aside or refrigerate them to
complete the cooking later.
5. Reheat leftovers to 165 degrees
6. Boil low-acid, home-canned foods for
10-20 minutes before tasting.
Dispose any bulging, leaking, or
otherwise damaged container of food.
7. Use only clean, fresh, unbroken eggs
for eggnog, custard, and other egg
8. Do not eat raw cookie dough or taste
partially cooked dishes containing
meat, poultry, fish, or eggs.
D. ChillChilling foods promptly after buying or
serving them will keep harmful bacteria
from multiplying.
1. Keep cold foods cold – below 40
2. Bacteria multiply fastest at
temperatures between 60 and 126
degrees.*Never allow food to sit out
more than two hours.
3. Refrigerate leftovers promptly. Eat or
freeze refrigerated leftovers within three
4. Use refrigerator thermometer to check
• Refrigerator 40 degrees or slightly
• Freezer- 40 degrees or slightly below.
5. Thaw food in the refrigerator or in the
microwave oven immediately before
cooking. - Do not thaw on the kitchen
counter or table.
6. Keep refrigerator and freezer clean.
7. Package refrigerator and frozen foods
properly. (Moisture and vapor proof)
8. Refrigerate custards, meringue, cream
pies, and foods filled with custard
mixtures when they have slightly cooled.
9. Use shallow containers for refrigerator
storage to help foods reach safe, cool,
temperatures faster.
10. Remove stuffing from poultry, meat,
and fish promptly after serving and
refrigerate it separately.
11. Do not refreeze foods unless they still
contain ice crystals.
12. Make the supermarket your last stop
on the way home.
Put perishable items in your shopping
cart last.