Petr Potměšil

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Transcript Petr Potměšil

Celecoxib, etoricoxib: selective COX-2 inhibitors (p.o.)
(valdecoxib for parenteral use: ac. postoperat. pain )
Celecoxibe (Celebrex)
• Pharm. Form and dosage
cps. 100/200 mg: once/twice daily
• Indications
- osteoarthritis
- rheumatoid arthritis
- pain in dysmenorrhea
• Contraindications
- CAD, heart failure NYHA III or IV,
not controlled hypertension
Etoricoxibe (Arcoxia)
• Pharm. Form and dosage
Tbl. 30/60/90/120 mg: once daily
• Indications
- osteoarthritis
- rheumatoid arthritis
- ac. gout attack
• Contraindications
- CAD, heart failure NYHA III or IV,
not controlled hypertension
Petr Potměšil, Magdalena Šustková
Selected topics in
Non-specific inflammatory bowel diseases
no clearly discernible 1 aetiological cause of disease
2 most important of these diseases affecting the large bowel:
• Ulcerative colitis = idiopathic proctocolitis
confined to the large bowel (few centimetres of the terminal ileum
may be affected by ileitis)
• Crohn's disease = ileitis terminalis
microscopically affects the whole of the gastrointestinal tract (very
often ileitis or ileocolitis or manifestation in the large bowel)
chronic diseases: try to treat the acute symptoms then maintaining
remission and avoiding complications
Colitis ulcerosa and morbus crohn –
therapeutic options
• Antiinflammatory drugs
• Biological therapy
1/ mesalazin (Pentasa), active
ingredient from sulfasalazine
2/ glucocorticoids
antininflammatory and
immunosuppressive action
1/ inhibitors of TNF – alpha
• Immunosuppressive drugs
2/ inhibition of leucocyte migration
1/ azathioprin (Imuran tbl.+inj.)
2/ methotrexate (Trexane, Metoject)
• Probiotics
a) Infliximab (Remicade), chimeric monocl. antib.
b) Adalimumab (Humira), hum. monoclon. antib.
c) Not etanercept (Enbrel) !!
natalizumab (Tysabri): anti-integrine eff.
• Supplementation
- Vit. B12 inj. (contraind. in cancer)
Non-specific inflammatory bowel disease
A) Regimen approach
• Specific diet
effective, avoiding oranges, grain legumes
B) Influencing of pathophysiological processes
• Bowel antiinflammatory drugs: aminosalicylates
• Biological therapy, immunosuppressive drugs
• Corticosteroids:
• Hydrocortisone: rect. supposit.: local effects
• Prednison: perorally 30-60mg daily if more severe
C) Complications
• Antimicrobial drugs if infection (perianal festering compl.)
Treatment of festering complications with ATB
• Festering (putrefactive) complications:
1) active colitis ulcerosa
2) Crohn´s disease
• Ciprofloxacin: broad-spectrum chinoline ATB that blocks DNA gyrasis
• Metronidazole: well passing to CNS, bones etc., anaerobic pathogens +
against - aerobic /EFLORAN, ENTIZOL, METROZOL/
• Clarithromycin: broad-spectrum macrolide /KLACID, FROMILID/
• Rifaximine
• Co-trimoxazole
• the main anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat
ulcerative colitis
• sometimes remission or at least maintaining disease
with these drugs alone
• usually used in combination
• anti-inflammatory action in all these drugs - produced by
5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) = Mesalazine
• 5-ASA is produced from the other pro-drugs in the intestine
– absorbed in jejunum – specific drug formes for effect in large
– Local effect: COX inhibition, inhibition of lipooxygenase …?
free radicals inactivation ?
– p.o. 1-4g daily (2-3x daily 250-500mg); clysma, supp (ASACOL,
– acute problems therapy – maintenance therapy (1/2D) months,
years; (success within 4 weeks)
– Adv. Eff.: less than after sulfasalazine – nephrotoxicity,
interactions (↑toxicity p.o. antidiabetics, methotrexate), with
corticosteroids risk of GIT bleeding is increased
• Pro-drugs of mesalazine (5-ASA):
– 75% non-absorbable, in the large bowel bacterial degradation 5-ASA (+
– 500mg 2-4x daily till 1g 3-4x daily; maintenance d. 500mg 4xdaily
– More ADVE than mesalazine – headache, dyspeptic disorders, allergy,
reduced sperm count and damage of red / white blood cells haemolytic
anemia, hepatotoxicity etc. (patients on high dose of sulfasalazine
require folic supplementation to maintain normal blood cell count)
• Olsalazine and balsalazide (not registered in CZ)
AE: better tolerated, diarrhea – increased GITsecretion
Anatomical localization of effect of
• supp., enema/clysma, foam – when problem localised near
rectum, mostly individually produced/ magistraliter (např.
methyprednisolon inj. as enema)
• systemic hydrocortison, prednison (60mg – go down to 20mg/day),
• New synthetic derivates – local use – non-absorbable, less ADVE,
for longer-lasting use (also inhalatory antiasthmatics,
• budesonide /3xdaily, BUDENOFALK cps, controlled release, rectal foam, ENTOCORT
cps, enema/, faster metabolized, fewer side effects
Immunosuppressive drugs
• mostly azathioprin (1-3mg/kg/day, go down), 6merkaptopurine (1 mg/kg/day) - reduce NKcells of immune system – in longer-lasting highly
active inflammation (higher D of corticosteroids)
– haematogenesis control!
• methotrexate (folic acid antagonist) – in non
tolerated (i.m. - than p.o. 10-15mg weekly)
• in severe colitis – corticosterid-resistant – shorttime combination with ciclosporine A (17mg/kg/day – after 6-8weeks effect), recidives
Biotransformation of azathioprine
Indications for operation
Morbus Crohn
Colitis ulcerosa
Perforation, peritonitis
Massive bleeding
Pronounced stenosis
Fistula, abscess
Failure of conservative
Perforation, peritonitis
Proven precancerosis
Toxic megacolon
Pronounced stenosis
Long severe disease course
(surgery as prevention of
carcinoma development)
antispasmodic drugs –
smooth muscles
(of GIT, urinary tract)
SPASMOLYTICS: neurotropic
- atropine-like eff. – quarternary nitrogen structure hydrophilic – (N-butyl scopolamine)
N-butyl scopolamine, otilonii bromidum, fenpiverinium,
Use: used for smooth muscels contraction, especially in
tubular organs of the GIT - to prevent spasms of the
stomach, gall or urinary bladder, GIT dyskinesis
In combinations with analgetic drugs
Spasmolytics: musculotropic
musculotropic – direct effect in the muscle
papaverine, drotaverine, alverine, mebeverine, pitofenone,
pinaverine (GIT Ca channel blocker) etc.
Use: prevent spasms of the stomach, intestine or urinary
bladder, GIT dyskinesis..
Combinations with analgetic drugs
• A) Combinations of analgesics + spasmolytics
– Pitofenone + fenpiverine + metamizol = ALGIFEN,
• B) Analgetic drugs with spasmolytic effects – metamizol
/NOVALGIN/, pethidin /DOLSIN/
USE: symptomatic painful spasms of GIT or urinary tract
(bladder, kidney colics), spastic migraine, dysmenorrhea,
instrumental checkup
Probiotics, prebiotics
• Prebiotics nonabsorbable oligosacharides supporting normal
intestinal microflora (e.g. bifidobacteria) – mannan, inulin, lactulosis
• Probiotics – alive bacteria
Lactobac. delbruecki, Acidophilus casei, Enteroc. faecium other bifidobacteria
– competition with pathogenes
– production of substances that inhibit pathogenes
(lactic acid, peroxide)
– intestine immunity support
Prevention – carcinomas, allergy, traveler´s diarrhea
• Meteorisms – daily production of 1-2 l of gas;
disturbancies – increassed production, limited
absorption in inflammation, venostasis….
• Treatment - reduction of surface tension activity of
liquides in the GIT tube
• Deflatulents:
– Simeticon – activated dimeticon (silicon oil
dispersion) – non-absorbable
– bowel eubiotics - prebiotics and probiotics
Bowel eubiotics
• A) probiotics: alive non-pathogenic bacteria or
• B) prebiotics: oligofructans – support growth of
physiological microflora
• C) symbiotics: mixture of alive nonpathogenic
bacteria or candida and growth substrates)
Bowel eubiotics
• Escherichia coli – well sensitive on ATB
• Lactobacillus acidophilus
• Lactobacilli acidophili metabolits
(concentrate of metabolic products, no alive
• Saccharomyces boulardii siccatus (alive
probiotic candida supports natural
Other possible indications of drugs that are used for
therapy of colitis ulcerosa/ m. Crohn
• Antiinflammatory drugs
1) mesalazin (Pentasa), active ingredient
from sulfasalazine
only indication
for colitis ulcerosa + m. Crohn
• Immunosuppressive drugs
1) azathioprin
- transplantation, severe RA, SLE
- autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- polyarteritis nodosa
- autoimmune chronic act. hepatitis
2) methotrexate: cytostat. + immunosuppr.
2) glucocorticoids
antiinflammatory + immunosuppressive a) oncology
astma – inhal. systems, if severe p.o.
ac. lymfobl. leucaemia, osteosarcoma
dermatology - eczema
b) rheumatology
rheumatology, ophthalmology
severe active rheumat. + psoriat. artritis
Other indications of biological drugs used for
therapy of colitis ulcerosa/ m. Crohn
A/ inhibitors of TNF - alpha
1/ Infliximab: contraindicated in pregnancy + breastfeeding,
severe infection (sepsis, TBC), heart failure, hypersensitivity
- rheumatoid artritis
- psoriatic artritis and psoriasis, ancylosing spondylitis
2/ Adalimumab: contraindicated in pregnancy + breastfeeding,
severe infection (sepsis, TBC), heart failure, hypersensitivity
- rheumatoid artritis, polyarticular juvenile idiopathic artritis
- psoriatic artritis and psoriasis, ancylosing spondylitis
B/ inhib. of leucocyte migration: natalizumab - multiple sclerosis
Intestine infection, diarrhea: possible ther. options
• Cloroxine (ENDIARON)
bacteriostatic, g+, g-, against Candidas (in dysmicrobia following ATB use)
No resistance
No absorption – local effect, low toxicity, usually well tolerated
+ oxyphenone – spasmolytic; + further combinations with peripheral „opioids“ (loperamide,
• Possible risk of neurotoxicity in longterm therapy, appl. for max. 7-10 days
• Rifaximine (NORMIX)
nonabsorbable ATB – inhib. of RNA-synthesis; children from 2 years,
bactericidal eff., g+, g-, risk of resistance
• Nifuroxazide (ERCEFURYL)
nonabsorbable, bacteriostatic chemotherapeutic for ac. infection diarrhea
• Co-trimoxazol = sulfamethoxazol+trimethoprim: from 6 yrs (BISEPTOL)
Antibiotics for ACUTE CHOLECYSITITS and
Ac. cholecystitis
Ac. cholangitis
• Cotrimoxazole
• Chloramfenikol
• Tetracycline