10 M301 Bacteria 2011 - Cal State LA

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Transcript 10 M301 Bacteria 2011 - Cal State LA

What diseases are
caused by bacteria?
Overview of Bacterial
Infectious Diseases
 Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
 Ocular Infections
 Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract
Infections (URTI, LRTI)
 Infections of Central Nervous System
 Bacteremia and Sepsis
 Gastrointestinal (GI) Infections
 Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) and
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
Skin and Soft Tissue
 Staphylococcus aureus
 Streptococcus pyogenes
 Propionibacterium
Invasive Skin Disease:
 Characterized by pus production
 Pimples – infection of hair follicles
(folliculitis); if eyelash disease
called sty
 Furuncles (boils) – abscess
develops from pimple,
characterized by pus surrounded
by inflamed tissue
 Carbuncles - series of interconnected
furuncles with more extensive tissue
 Septicemia – from carbuncles, MO
spread to bloodstream
 May also cause impetigo in newborns
(see Streptococcus)
Skin Disease By Toxin:
 Scalded skin syndrome:
 produces a cytotoxin,
exfoliative or epidermolytic
 causes outer skin to peel
away in layers
 Toxic shock syndrome:
 exfoliation of skin may occur
 involving tampon use in
menstruating women
 due to toxic shock syndrome
toxin, type I
Invasive Skin Disease:
 Impetigo – pustules become crusted and rupture, very
contagious, easily spread from child to child in day care
 Wound infections – occasional infections following trauma,
usually due to contamination of wound
 Cellulitis – subcutaneous tissue, may be accompanied by
lymphangitis and abscess formation
Invasive Skin Disease:
 Nectotizing fasciitis – destruction of fiberous tissue
deep in skin including destruction of sheath tissue
that covers muscle (“flesh eating bacteria”)
 Myositis – invasion of muscle tissue resulting in
extensive muscle necrosis and overwhelming sepsis,
usually fatal
Skin Disease By Toxin:
 Rash seen in Scarlet fever due to
erythrogenic toxin
Skin Disease By Toxin:
 Erysipelas – diffuse, erythematous skin
disease due to exotoxin, most often on
face following pharyngitis
Ocular Infections
 Conjunctivitis
 Gonococcal opthalmia neonatorum
 Tracoma
 Infection of membranes cover eye and lining of eyelid
 By many different MOs
 Contagious conjunctivitis (pinkeye) Haemophilus aegyptius
 Gonococcal opthalmia neonatorum
 Neisseria gonorrhoeae
 Transmitted to newborns as baby moves through birth canal
 Prevented by giving all newborns eye drops containing antibiotics
at birth
Neisseria gonorrhea Causes Neonatal Blindness
Ophtalmia neonatorum caused by Neisseria gonorrheae
Source: Microbiology Perspectives, 1999
 Chlamydia trachomatis
 Transmitted by direct contact
 Single most common cause of blindness
in developing countries
Upper & Lower Respiratory
Tract Infections
Otitis Media
Whooping cough
 Sore throat
 Mainly by
pyogenes (classic
“Strep throat”)
 Transmitted by
respiratory secretions
 Symptoms include
inflammation of throat
and fever
 Leads to tonsilitis and
middle ear infections
 Corynebacterium
diphtheriae lysogenized
by phage encoding “tox”
 Starts with sore throat,
fever, followed by
general malaise and
swelling of neck
 Tough grayish membrane
form in throat, can cause
 Bacteria not invasive,
liberate exotoxin, death
may occur due to effect
on heart and kidneys
 D part of DPT vaccine
Otitis Media (middle ear
 Uncomfortable complication of common
cold or any infection of nose or throat
 More common in children because
auditory tube so small
 Most commonly:
 Streptococcus pneumoniae
 Haemophilus influenzae
 Streptococcus pyogenes
 Staphylococcus aureus
 Moraxella catarrhalis
Whooping Cough
 Bordetella pertussis
 Transmitted by respiratory secretions
 MO not invasive, attaches to respiratory epithelia
impeding action, causes build-up of mucous
 Disease occurs in 3 stages
 Catarrhal stage - symptoms similar to common cold
 Paroxysmal stage – characterized by prolonged sieges
of coughing as patient tries to get rid of mucous built
up; gasping of air occurs between coughs causing a
“whooping” sound, 1-6 weeks
 Convalescent stage – several months
 P part of DPT vaccine
 Mycobacterium tuberculosis and
Mycobacterium bovis can cause Tb, but M.
bovis rare in U.S.
 MO gain entrance by many portals of entry
with inhalation being most common
 Tubercle bacilli reach alveoli of lung are
ingested by macrophages
 Enzymes and cytokines release to start
inflammatory response to wall off MO
(tubercle formation), but inflammatory
response also causes lung damage
 After few weeks macrophages die, releasing
tubercle bacilli forming caseous center inside
 In healthy individuals, disease usually arrested at
this time and lesions become calcified; tubercle
bacilli remain dormant in lesion and serve as a basis
for later reactivation of disease
 When host defenses fail, mature tubercle form and
bacilli multiply
 Tubercle eventually ruptures, releasing bacilli that
disseminate throughout body
 This is progressive form of disease and symptoms
include weight loss, coughing with blood, and loss of
 Characterized by fever, difficult breathing,
and chest pain
 Many different MOs
 Streptococcus pneumoniae – usually occurs
following primary infection elsewhere
 Klebsiella pneumoniae – permanent lung damage
often occurs
 Mycoplasma pneumoniae – “walking pneumonia”
because individuals often do not know have
disease, also called atypical pneumonia because
cough not productive
 Legionellosis – Legionella pneumophilia,
transmitted by aerosols from contaminated
water into air condition system, more common
in older males
Infections of CNS
Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy)
Meningitis: Neisseria
 Meningitis many different
bacteria, most by:
 Neisseria meningitidis
 Starts as sore throat,
progresses to bacteremia,
then meningitis characterized
by severe headache, neck and
back pain, stiffness
 Endotoxin (Gram-negative
MO) causes extensive blood
vessel damage with petechiae
being hallmark symptom
 Vaccine against most common
encountered virulent types
 College students living in
dorms required/recommended
to be vaccinated
Meningitis: Other MOs
 Haemophilus influenzae – have type b capsule
 Common in children two months to four years
 Today Hib vaccine prevents most infections
 Streptococcus pneumoniae
 Occurs immunocompromised, very young, very old
 High mortality rate
 Vaccine to prevent pneumonia is for >30 capsular types
 E coli, type K1 and Streptococcus agalactiae –
 Two most common cause of this disease in newborns
 Mortality rate is high
 Clostridium tetani, neurotoxin tetanospasmin.
 Spores found in feces, soil, dust; enter body by penetrating
wound, germinate into vegetative cells, produce toxin
 Cramps and twitching of muscles around wound
 Headache and neck stiffness
 Followed by trismus (lockjaw) and more generalized
 Death, if occurs, results from respiratory failure
 Neurotoxin produced by Clostridium
 In the U.S., usually occurs following
ingestion of toxin in inadequately
processed home-canned food
 First symptoms include nausea, vomiting,
and diarrhea
 Followed by symmetric, descending
paralysis (eyes, throat, neck, trunk, and
then the limbs)
 Death is from respiratory failure
Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy):
 Mycobacterium
 Contagious but
requires prolonged,
fairly intimate
 Two major forms of
the disease
 Tuberculoid –
characterized by
lesions of skin that
have lost sensation
Hansen’s Disease:
 Characterized by disfiguring nodules that form
mainly on colder areas of body
 Death occurs from complications of other
bacterial infections
Bacteremia and Sepsis
Rheumatic fever
Relapsing fever
Lyme disease
Rocky mountain spotted fever
Septicemia: Lymphangitis
 Bacteria actively multiplying and/or
releasing toxins into blood
 One symptom is lymphangitis - red
streaks seen in skin radiating out
from initial site of infection
Subacute Bacterial
 Inflammation of endocardium, lining of
epithelial cells in heart and valves
 Subacute bacterial endocarditis
 Occurs individuals with abnormal heart valve
 Due usually to viridans group Streptococcus,
follows dental work or primary infection
 Clots form, may break off to impair function of
 Symptoms include fever, anemia, general
weakness, heart murmur
Acute Bacterial
 Individuals following a
primary infection
 Characterized by rapid
destruction of heart
Rheumatic Fever
 Autoimmune complication of
Streptococcus pyogenes pharyngitis
 May lead to heart damage, arthritis,
 Francisella tularensis
 Also called rabbit fever, usually
acquired by contact with infected
 Local inflammation may lead to
septicemia, pneumonia and abscesses
throughout the body
 Brucella species
 Also called undulent fever
 A fever spike commonly occurs in
 Most commonly transmitted by
unpasteurized milk
 Bacillus anthracis
 Mainly disease of grazing
 Through variety of portal
of entry in humans (skin,
respiratory, GI tract)
 If through skin
characteristic malignant
pustules at site of entry
 May progress to
septicemia and death
 Death usually due to
toxin produced by
 Yersinia pestis
 Endemic in mountains in
Southern California
 Two forms of disease –
bubonic plaque and pneumonic
 Bubonic plague transmitted by
rat fleas
 MO gets into bloodstream,
makes its way to regional
lymph nodes which become
painful and enlarged (called
 Mortality rate in untreated
cases is high
 MO gets into lungs cause
pneumonic plague, transmitted
from person to person via
droplet infection, higher
mortality rate than bubonic
plague (close to 100%)
Plague: Bubonic/
Relapsing Fever
Borrelia species
Transmitted by ticks and lice
High fever, jaundice, and rose colored spots
Relapses occur because MO undergoes
antigenic variation, each relapse less severe
than preceding one
Lyme Disease
 Borrelia burgdorferi
 Transmitted by ticks
 Starts with characteristic rash at bite site,
Erythema Chronicum Migrans (ECM), followed
by flu-like symptoms
 Years later, neurological and heart problems,
arthritis may occur, probably due to an
immune reaction to remaining MOs
 Rickettsia prowazekii (epidemic) and
Rickettsia typhi (endemic)
 High, prolonged fever, stupor and small
red spots
 Transmitted by human lice (epidemic)
and rat flea (endemic)
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
 Rickettsia
 Transmitted by
 Symptoms include
high fever,
headache, rash
over entire body
GI Tract Infections
 Dental caries
 Dysentery
 Gastroenteritis
GI Tract Disease
 Dental caries – bacteria
(Streptococcus mutans) ferment
sugar releasing acid that destroys
enamel and dentin
 Dysentery - severe diarrhea with
blood and/or pus
 Gastroenteritis - inflammation of
stomach and intestinal mucosa
 Salmonella species, including Salmonella typhi
which causes typhoid fever
 Shigella species
 Vibrio parahaemolyticus
 Campylobacter jejuni
 Certain strains of E. coli
 MO attaches, invades, and multiplies.
 A delay in symptoms as MO multiplies
 Symptoms include fever, diarrhea (dysentery
may occur), nausea, and possibly vomiting
Staphylococcus aureus
Vibrio cholera
Certain strains of E. coli
Ingestion of preformed toxin, or toxin
produced by MO which not invasive but
multiplies at intestinal mucosa while
liberating toxin
 Symptoms DO NOT include fever, but may
include abdominal cramps, watery diarrhea,
nausea and vomiting
Nongonococcal urethritis
 Most common cause is E. coli
 Other G(-) enterics as well as G(+)
bacteria may also cause infection
 Inflammation of urinary bladder
 Dysuria (difficult or painful
urination) and pyuria (WBCs in urine)
 Neisseria gonorrhoeae
 Usually transmitted by
direct sexual contact
 Commonly have concomitant
Chlamydia trachomatis
 Asymptomatic infections:
 Males= 10%, Females= 2075%
 Carriers and transmit
disease to others
 Uncomplicated infections in
 Acute urethritis, profuse
purulent discharge
filled with GC; untreated
may spread to
cause prostitis and
 Uncomplicated infections in females:
 Vaginal discharge, burning or
frequency of urination and
menstrual abnormalities
 Complicated infections more
frequently in women:
 Spread from cervix into
fallopian tube
 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
- endometritis, salpingitis,
 Occurs in 10-20% of infected
 Symptoms include lower
abdominal pain, abnormal vaginal
and cervical discharge,
and uterine tenderness
 Can result in ectopic pregnancy
and infertility.
 Nongonococcal urethritis – Chlamydia
trachomatis with symptoms as above
Syphilis: Primary
 Treponema pallidum transmitted by direct sexual contact
 Untreated disease occurs in several stages
 Primary stage – penetration of skin or mucous membrane,
characteristic painless hard chancre develops at site of entry
 Chancre highly contagious and filled with MOs
 MO enters lymphatics and disseminated
 Chancre heals without treatment in few weeks due to local
immunity, but MO has already disseminated
Syphilis: Secondary
 4-8 weeks after primary
 Lesions (filled with MOs)
throughout body
including skin, mucous
membranes, organs, eyes
 Most lesions on skin and
mucous membranes
 May also have loss of
hair, mild fever, malaise
 Also heals without
treatment and patient
may either
spontaneously get well or
develop latent infection
Syphilis: Tertiary
 This stage characterized by granulomatous
lesions (gummas) of skin, internal organs, CNS,
bones, eyes, and cardiovascular system
 By body’s hyperimmune reaction to remaining