Transcript ATP ppt

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
• “universal energy
• It’s why we eat.
• Structure
– Adenine, a N base
– Ribose, a 5 C sugar
– Chain of 3 phosphates
Video: Intro. to ATP
How does ATP work?
• A phosphate is
transferred to another
• iP transfer is enzyme
• Phosphorylated
molecule becomes
more reactive
How does ATP work?
• Make substrates more
• Make uphill, building
reactions a bit more
• Exergonic hydrolysis
of iP is coupled to
endergonic process.
Regeneration of ATP
• Amount of ATP in any cell at any moment is
surprisingly small
• Average bacteria cell, < 5 million, only enough to
sustain activity for a second or two.
• Human body has enough ATP “on hand” to last
about 20 seconds.
• ATP supplies must be continually replenished
(that’s why we eat, and breathe)!
• Video – How cyanide disrupts ATP synthesis
Cellular Respiration
• Process by which
cells extract energy
from food
• Literally it’s about
using bond energy
(electrons) to
regenerate ATP
• May be anaerobic or
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
• “universal energy
• It’s why we eat.
• Structure
– Adenine, a N base
– Ribose, a 5 C sugar
– Chain of 3 phosphates
Video: more details on