Unit 1- Microbiology A. Timeline 1. Look for important occurrences

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Transcript Unit 1- Microbiology A. Timeline 1. Look for important occurrences

Unit 1- Microbiology
A. Timeline
1. Look for important occurrences
a. plagues
b. advent of the microscope
c. Pasteurella pestis- Bubonic plague
d. Vaccinations- Jenner & Smallpox
2. Biogenesis vs. Abiogenesis
a. Living things can come from nonliving things
b. Aristotle (600 BC) & van Helmont (1600’s)
c. NO ONE discounted Aristotle!
d. Remember Redi and his maggots?
e. Needham- response to Redi using the microscope
f. Spallanzanni- fixed Needham’s mistake
=BUT, eliminated “living factor”
g. Who solved the problem?
-Louis Pasteur!
3. Bacteria are shown to move through the air
4. Principles applied to health and infections
a. Surgery & childbirth
b. Concept of sterilization- heat @ 165 F. for 15 min.
5. Pasteur studies fermentation:
C H O =>C H OH + CO
(ethyl alcohol)
6. Microbes get classified:
-Bacillus (rod)
-Coccus (round)
-Spirillum (spiral)
Bacterial examples:
E. coli
7. New discoveries become smaller and chemically specific
8. Bacteria were found to be giving off toxins
a. poison
b. followed by antitoxins in 1840
9. Chemical means of “coloring
bacteriaa. Gram stain
b. We’ll do this!
10. Discovery of VIRUSES at the
turn of the century
-(even though we could not
see them)
11. Discovery of the body’s immune system
a. antibodies
b. histamines- led to the discovery of….?
12. Discovery of antibiotics
a. By….?
b. method of discovery-
13. Viruses finally seen in the 1940s after the
discovery of the_________________.