Ryan Smi - Mercer University

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Transcript Ryan Smi - Mercer University

Cure or Catastrophe:
Newcastle Disease Virus Cancer
Research and Mass Media Coverage
Ryan Smith
Professional Practices
EGR 108.007
Mercer University School Of Engineering
1. A brief History of Newcastle Disease
Virus (NDV)
2. Current clinical studies and research on
NDV and cancer
3. The effect of mass media reporting on
public perception
1. What is a virus: A micro organism
smaller than a bacteria that can
reproduce apart from a living cell
1. Can be made of either DNA (deoxyribonucleic
acid) or RNA ( ribonucleic acid)
For a better visual, click here
Newcastle Disease Virus
NDV is a type of avian (bird) retrovirus that
causes illness in a wide variety of birds,
but most notably in chickens.
The symptoms (in birds) includes
swelling in the respiratory tract (lungs),
brain, and/or gastrointestinal tract
NDV in Humans
NDV can infect people, but it is not very
virulent (toxic):
-mild flu-like symptoms
-conjunctivitis (red, runny eyes)
-laryngitis (hard to talk)
Mercer university School of Engineering EGR 108.007 By: Ryan Smith This box was placed here to prove that This document is the property of Mercer University and Ryan Smith
NDV is a retrovirus
• Retrovirus means that it uses RNA
• RNA is a short genetic sequence that cells
use to reproduce DNA (which is our
genetic material)
• RNA virus’s tend to be more deadly
• Use a RNA encoding to quickly turn cells
into factories
NDV facts and review
• NDV is an avian flu that can infect people, of which when
infecting humans it usually results in flu-like symptoms
• NDV replicates better in Human Tumor Cells than in
normal cells
• NDV has both lytic and non-lytic strains
• Lytic and non-lytic are two different methods of virus
reproduction, differences being that the lytic cycle
destroys the cell and releases the virus’ and the non-lytic
simply remains in the DNA of the infected cell and uses
the cell to make more infected cells
• NDV reproduces 10,000 times faster inhuman cancer
cells which has attracted scientists to investigate its
potential in cancer research
Lytic cycle and Non-lytic/Lysogenic cycle
Lysogenic Cycle
Current Research
• 3 different approaches to cancer treatment
are being looked at:
– Lytic strain of NDV- the infection of cancer
patients with a strain of NDV
– Oncolysate vaccine- using fragments of the
virus as an anticancer vaccine
– Whole cell vaccine- use of intact cancer cells
with a non-lytic strain of NDV as a “Whole cell
Current Research with NDV
The anticancer potential of NDV has been investigated in
clinical studies in the US, Germany, and Hungary
It was reported that they have seen some improvement
-Improved disease free survival
-Complete/partial tumor response
-NDV has in isolated studies shown the potential to
Melanoma, Renal, Breast, Ovarian, and many other
types of cancer.
Research Results
NDV-based anticancer therapy has been
reported to be of benefit in more than a
dozen clinical trials, but according to the
Physician Data Query Cancer Clinical
Complementary and the Alternative
Medicine Editorial Board, the results of
these studies should be considered
inconclusive because the study designs
were weak and the study reports were
Effect of mass media (television)
Most people today get their information from
television. However, the information on
television tends too be inaccurate, based more
on professional opinion and exaggerated hopes.
In an article by Fowler and Goldstein, they
concluded that a lot of airtime is spent on Health
stories and those stories are seen by about 165
million Americans. However, few of these stories
focused on Newcastle and some even had
incorrect and potentially harmful information.
Canadian Medical Association
Journal (CMAJ)
• An article published in CMAJ stated “The public
gets most of its information about genetics
research from the media.”
• Results found only 11% of the newspaper
articles were categorized as having moderately
to highly exaggerated claims and that 97% of the
newspaper articles and 98% of the scientific
journal articles discussed the likelihood of
benefits of the research.
CMAJ Conclusion
• The majority of newspaper articles
accurately conveyed the results of and
reflect the claims made in scientific journal
Medical News for the Public To Use? What’s
on Local TV News by Pribble, Goldstein,
Fowler, Greenberg, Noel and Howler
• According to this article local television is the major
source of information for most Americans and media
reporting has increased significantly during the past 10
• Regularly reaches 165 million people
• 2795 Broadcasts, 1799 health stories aired were
reviewed in this article
• They concluded that local TV devotes a lot of airtime to
health stories yet few focus newscasts on useful
information and some stories with factually incorrect
information and potentially dangerous advice were aired.
Do the print media “hype” genetic research? A
comparison of newspaper stories and peerreviewed research papers by Bubela and Caulfield
• According to this article the public gets most of
its information about genetics research from the
media. They looked at whether or not the media
representations may involve exaggerations
called “Geno-hype”.
• They found that the majority of articles
accurately conveyed the results of and reflect
the claims made in the articles reviewed.
Mass Media and Medicine:
Challenges and Opportunities
Journal of American Medical Association
• According to this article while
misrepresentations of medical information by
mass media can have negative
consequences, the use of mass media to
educate the public about medicine has an
enormous potential to do good.
NDV is an exciting area of research with great
potential to impact cancer research, treatment
and recovery. Many studies although weak and
not well controlled show some potential to be of
Mass media that includes magazines, television,
radio stations and newspapers can have an
enormous impact-both positive and negative on
an individuals health and life. It is crucial that the
reporting of health news be factual and that
reporting errors be eliminated.
Works cited
National Cancer Institute (2008). Newcastle Disease Virus (PDQ®). March 18, 2008 from
Information was gathered here so that a cancer patient could get the pro’s
and con’s about Newcastle treatment
National Cancer Institute (2008). Newcastle Disease Virus (PDQ®). March 18, 2008
The information here is for doctors too read and get a more indepth
understanding about what the Newcastle treatment really is
Csatary, L. K., & Eckhardt, S., & Bukosza, I., & Czegledi, F., & Fenyvesi, C., & Gergely,
P., & Bodey, B., & Csatary, C. M. (1993). Attenuated veterinary virus vaccine for the
treatment of cancer. 17(6), 619-27.
This study was conducted during the beginnings of the Newcastle study. It is
informative only if you wanted too see how far they have come
Works cited
Nakaya, T., & Cros, J., & Park, M., & Nakaya, Y., & Zheng, H., & Sagrera, A., &
Villar, E., & García-Sastre, A., & Palese, P. (2001). Recombinant Newcastle
Disease Virus as a Vaccine Vector. Journal of Virology. 75(23), 11868–
This article is a study on the effects of NDV
Park, A. (2006, January 1). How to make a better vaccine. Time, Error, can not
find correct information from cite
This article is how the opinion of the media can be taken into account
Janke, M., & Peeters, B., & de Leeuw, O., & Moorman, R., & Arnold, A.,
& Fournier, P., & Schirrmacher, V. (2007). Recombinant Newcastle disease
virus (NDV) with inserted gene coding for GM-CSF as a new vector for
cancer immunogene therapy. Nature, 14, 1639–1649
Another study of NDV
Works Cites (continued)
Young, J. S., (2002, February 13) Mass Media and Medicine: Challenges and Opportunities. JAMA. 287
(6), 772.
This article is about how the media tends to overexagerate medical findings and how medical
commercials can be misleading
Wilson, K., & Code, K., & Dornan, C., & Ahmad, N., & Hébert, A., & Graham, I. (2004, January 5). The
reporting of the theoretical health risks by the media: Canadian newspaper reporting of potential
blood transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. BMC Public Health. 4 (1), 1471-2458.
This article was about how the media tries to convey information to the public and also what
they include.
Also it gives suggestions on how to improve the accuracy of the information
Vastag, B. (2003, February 12) Openness in Biomedical Research Collides With Heightened Security
Concerns. JAMA. 289 (6), 686-690
The security risks of presenting all medical findings to the media.
Pribble, J. M., &Doldstein, K. M., & Fowler, E. F., & Greenberg, M. J., & Noel, S. K., & Howell, J. D.
(2006, March) Medical News for the Public to Use? What’s on Local TV News. Trends from the
field. (12) 170-176
It evaluates health topics and reports charectoristics of health stories in local television news
across the US