Transcript Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer
In a society obsessed with appearance the numbers of
people that have skin cancer has been on a rise for
In fact 1 out of 5 Americans will develop some form of
skin cancer.
What exactly is it?
Skin cancer usually arises from nonpigmented
epithelial cells within the deep layer of the epidermis or
from pigmented melanocytes.
Skin Cancer
A crucial risk factor for skin cancer is exposure
to UV radiation (sunlight), which damage DNA
They actually have developed a lotion can fix
damaged DNA before it develops into skin
Basal Cell Carcinoma
(aka) Cutaneous Carcinomas
Basal Cell carcinoma are
the most common form
of skin cancer.
This is skin cancer that
originates from epithelial
cells…also called
carcinoma or squamous
cell carcinoma
Basal Cell Carcinoma
(aka) Cutaneous Carcinomas
Often develops from a
hard, dry, scaly growth
with a reddish base.
May be flat or raised,
usually firmly adheres to
the skin
Typically slow growing.
People of all ages are
These cancers occur
most frequently in light
skinned people over
forty years of ages.
Seen in persons who are
regularly exposed to
sunlight, such as
farmers, sailors,
athletes, or sunbathers.
Squamous Cell Carcinomas
Skin cancer arising from the keratinocytes of the
stratum spinosum.
The lesion appears as a scaly reddened papula (small
rounded elevation)
Seen most often on the head, ears, and lower lips, and
It tends to grow rapidly and metastasize if not removed.
If caught early good chance of cure.
(Cutaneous Melanomas)
Cancer of melanocytes, is the
most dangerous skin cancer
because it is highly
mestastatic and resistant to
About 5% of all cancer
Increasing in the US
Can begin wherever there is
Most often
spontaneously….many from
pre-existing moles.
(Cutaneous Melanomas)
May affect people of all
Seemed to be caused by
short, intermittent
exposure to highintensity sunlight. Thus,
risk of melanoma,
increases in persons
who stay inside by
occasionally sustain
blistering sunburns.
(Cutaneous Melanomas)
Light skin people are more
Arising from normal skin often
looks like a mole.
If caught quickly can be
removed, but if it begins to
thicken and grow downward
into the skin, and invading
tissue much harder to surgical
Hair Loss
A normal person loses from 20-100 hairs a day
as part of the normal cycle.
A typical hair grows from 2-6 years, rest for 2-3
months, then falls out.
At any time 90% of hair is in its growth phase.
A follicle has only a limited numbers of cycles
in it.
Hair Loss
In the US about 57.5 million people have some
degree of baldness..35 million men, 20 million
Any type of hair loss or thinning is called
Pattern Baldness is called androgenic alopecia
and is an sex-influenced inherited trait…along
with direction of a cowlick, white forelock, hair
ears, elbows, nose tip or palms
Hair Loss
Causes of androgenic alopecia
– Emotional Stress
– Drugs
– Acutely high fever
– Surgery
– Ringworm
If the hair follicle is NOT damaged and the condition is
fixed hair growth will resume.
Hair Loss
Some baldness may be
contributed to age…a
change in hormone
balance may cause loss
of hair.
Alopecia Areata…a
condition in which the
body manufactures
antibodies that attack the
hair follicles.
Acne- acne vulgaris
Acne is not caused by
uncleanlisness, or eating
too much chocolate or
greasy food.
Several acne treatments
are available but usually
take months to work.
Acne- acne vulgaris
A disorder caused by the sabaceous glands.
Excess sebum and squamous epithelial cells
and bacteria clog the glands producing
blackheads and whitehead (comedones).
The clogged sebaceous gland provides an
attractive environment for anaerobic bacteria
that signals the immune system to trigger
inflammation. The inflamed, raised area is a
pimple (pustule).
Acne- acne vulgaris
Acne is the most common skin disorder.
80% of people sometime between the ages of
11-30 are affected.
Just before puberty the adrenal glands
increase production of androgens, which
stimulated increased secretion of sebum.