Transcript File

Focus on what’s important
Choose the right color scheme
Make it easy to scan your pages
Keep your page structured
Keep it simple
Make your site visually pleasing
Contact information must be clearly visible
Make sure your logo and name show up right away
Make the more important information stand out. This can be done
by using bigger and bolder headings
Remember to use white space when designing a website
Put the most important information on the first page of your website
i.e. the homepage
Make sure to make it catch the viewer’s eye
Don't center everything on your web pages
Don’t over do it with 20 different colors
Don't use background music on your web pages!
Don’t force people to download a new browser of a special plugin to see your site
Don’t make graphics look like buttons that don’t link to anything
Don’t bunch up the text
Don’t make all your text all or one of the following; bold, upper
case or italics
Don’t center everything on the page
Don’t repeat the same information on every page
Don’t fill your website with useless links and irrelevant text
Don’t say or link to the words “Click Here”
Automatic pop-up windows irritate and annoy your reader. Never
use them!