Transcript Slide 1

Figure of speech which an exaggeration is used for effect
Giving human traits/qualities to nonhuman objects
An expression that does not make sense on a literal level
A statement that seems self-contradictory but in reality expresses a
possible truth
A brief reference to a historical, literary, political, or biblical
figure event or object
This quarter is so long. October break will never come!
The varsity players were all encouraged to take a freshmen player
under their wing.
She did not realize that opportunity was knocking at her door.
Chocolate was her Achilles’ heel.”
Deep down, you're really shallow
A figure speech which is self-contradictory
A direct comparison of two things that are not alike (not using
like or as)
Rhetorical device in which someone is addressed who is not
When part of something is referred to as the whole
When a situation is deliberately made to seem less
Pretty awful
All hands on deck
This is gonna ruin my whole day." - After getting shot in
Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art"
(John Keats)
Life's a journey not a destination
And I just can't tell just what tomorrow brings.
(from the album A Little South Of Sanity
Flat, Round, Static, Dynamic
Word Choice
The attitude the writer takes towards a subject or
First, third, omniscient
Lead or main character in a work
Lead or main character in a work
Recurring symbol, words or objects through a work
Time and place
One’s own definition of a word
The broad idea, message or lesson conveyed by a work
“I am not short! I am vertically challenged!”
Romeo and Juliet is an example of a ____________
The shiny sweat and dripped and glistened off his
mammoth forehead as he struggled to raise the
gigantic weights off of the rack.
The society in Anthem